Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 127: The Root Of Hatred

Everyone but Thor is caught, including Wanda herself.

Originally, she would not be able to hit her own magic, but the mental attack she broke out after losing control was blocked by Thor's spiritual barrier, and then suffered a backlash.

Baron Strucker was very unlucky. Originally, if he let Wanda and Quicksilver block him and run away by himself, he still had a high probability of escaping.

But he is pinning his hopes on two superpowers and a group of miscellaneous soldiers with Qi Rita weapons to come back.

When he found out that the two brothers and sisters couldn't handle Thor and wanted to run away, it was too late. Wanda's scream was an indiscriminate attack. As an ordinary person, he would only lose consciousness longer than the Avengers.

After catching Stark casually, Stark flew to meet Thor with a proud face...

Thor looked at Wanda trembling in his arms and sighed.

Poor baby, I'm afraid I will recall the memory of losing a loved one again.

"Don't worry, it's over." Thor rubbed her head.

Wanda, who is proficient in spiritual magic, has a keen perception. She feels that Thor has no malice towards her, and her emotions calm down. She looked up at Thor with a complex expression, and suddenly blushed.

"Hey, Stark, I got it. Wow, Thor, you have a new love?" Stark's voice sounded not far away.

Wanda, who was calm just now, suddenly became tense again.

That red figure, to her, was a demon from hell, which immediately brought back memories.

With a scream, Wanda waved her hand subconsciously, Stark was still in doubt, only feeling his world spinning, and he fell to the ground in an instant.

"Warning! Warning! High energy reaction, unknown people are attacking you!"

The alarm information of J.A.R.V.I.S filled the display screen in an instant.

"Okay, let him go first, we'll talk about things later, I'll let him give you an explanation.

Thor patted Wanda, Wanda hummed obediently, the red energy around Stark dissipated, and then he regained his freedom.

Strange, why are you so obedient all of a sudden?

Thor didn't have time to think about it, and Stark complained: "Hey, hey, are you too serious about sex and friends? It's obvious that she did something to me, and you want me to explain it?"

Stark's face suddenly turned black, as if the bottom of the pot, the legendary man with the opposite sex and no humanity refers to this guy, right?

Thor said unhappily: "Their parents died on a missile manufactured by Stark Industries, do you think you need to explain?"

Stark's eyes narrowed suddenly: "What you said is true?"

"definitely true! You bloody handed executioner, warmonger!"

Quicksilver, who had woken up at some point, stood up and cursed at Stark.

"Impossible, I closed the weapon department long ago. Moreover, the weapons of Stark Industries were only sold to the US military." Stark's statement is reasonable, under normal circumstances

His high-tech weapons can only be sold to the military.

As a patriotic military entrepreneur in his own family, Laomei can allow you to sell equipment at a high price, but it is absolutely impossible to tolerate you selling weapons to others casually.

Thor reminds: "Obadiah."

Stark was shocked, and immediately confirmed with J.A.R.V.I.S, and got a positive answer. His face was so gloomy that water dripped out. According to J.A.R.V.I.S, Obadiah belonged to the type of selling for money back then, and secretly sold weapons to many organizations, including the terrorist organization that blew up Wanda's house.

0...seeking flowers...

"I'm sorry, I apologize for your tragedy." Stark apologized solemnly.

Although it's not the weapons he sells, they are from Stark Industries after all. Moreover, if he hadn't been drunk all the time, he wouldn't have failed to discover Obadiah who was stealing and selling arms.


Although he is usually very proud, but this time his apology is very sincere.

Wanda fell silent, not knowing what to do.

"What's the use of your apology? Apologizing and my parents will live?" Quicksilver snarled with tears in his eyes.

Thor interrupted suddenly: "In the Middle Ages, the one who killed the sword was always the one who wielded the sword, not the blacksmith. Moreover, the one who sold the arms was a traitor to Stark Industries, and was killed by Stark himself a few years ago. And those terrorists, after Stark became Iron Man, have all been cleaned up."

"Don't choose the wrong person for revenge, let alone the wrong partner. It is the terrorists who caused your family's misfortune, and HYDRA is the source of most of the chaos."

"You are the lucky ones in the experiment. Maybe you don't know that there are at least a thousand people who participated in the experiment, because some of them are already corpses."

Thor carried them to the basement, and let the brother and sister see the end of the experiment failure.

"Ouch——" Under the bloody scene, Wanda couldn't help throwing up on the spot.


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