Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 135 Wanda: I Can't Do It!

A simple violent blow is actually not terrible. These days, it is not a big deal to be sent flying hundreds of meters and collapsing a few buildings.

Problem Corvus Glaive's back was pressed against the floor, and he was like a fish on a chopping board who couldn't undo the force. This punch that was enough to destroy the battleship was taken by his head.

The floor couldn't bear the huge force, and was punched out of the hole by the back of the head. Corvus Glaive's mind was spinning, and he passed away almost dizzy.

"No—" Seeing that the energy in Carol's hand was concentrated and he was about to punch harder, Proxima Midnight yelled and threw the sharp gun in his hand regardless of safety.

The sharp gun split into three black rays and shot towards Carol.

Legend has it that this shot killed most creatures instantly.

But Captain Marvel obviously didn't belong to this majority. The rays bombarded her, but didn't break through her defense, just blasted her out.

Corvus Glaive staggered to his feet, seeing a scene that made him tear up.

ten seconds ago

"Compared to your old lover, you should care about yourself first 927!" Thor sneered, and the holy spear Gungnir pierced the large alloy dragged by Ebony Maw Psychokinesis

Stab at Proxima Midnight without weapons.

Proxima Midnight only had time to stagger the vital point slightly, and the spear of eternity pierced into the body, penetrating the luteal bone.

The screams came, and Ebony Maw quickly controlled the alloy block to retract, and hit Proxima Midnight's chest heavily, pushing her back.

The luteus was pierced, coupled with a heavy blow to the chest, Proxima Midnight fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

It wasn't that Ebony Maw cheated on her, and he knew that if he had been half a second late, Thor would have provoked her, and it would be bad luck.

In just a few rounds, the four generals of Hei Yao, who were majestic just now, were killed and the other seriously injured.

Black Dwarf's body was still hanging on his chain blade. When his body died, his soul also disappeared. It is not a magician with strong mental power to a certain extent, and the soul cannot survive alone without the body.

Proxima Midnight is out of action.

Corvus Glaive's face was deformed by the beating, and it has not yet returned to its original shape.

Only one remote magician Ebony Maw is left intact

On the other side, Thor and Carol are unscathed and look like they can fight all day...

Four-on-two turned two-on-two, with Ebony Maw and Corvus Glaive showing panic...

"Long time no see, if I remember correctly, we haven't seen each other for twenty years, right?" Carol landed beside Thor and said hello.

"No," Thor's face darkened when he mentioned this, "We met fifteen years ago, and you punched me from New Mexico to Norway (ahcg) and almost killed me."

At that time, he was dispatched to the earth. If it wasn't for Carol's fist, he would not have fallen into Hela's seal. If it hadn't fallen into the seal, it wouldn't have been sent to the second floor of the holy place by random teleportation. …

Back then, I had just left Novice Village, and immediately entered the boss lair!

"No! It's not me! Don't talk nonsense!!!" Denied three times.

"You two don't talk about the old days, I can't do it..." Wanda's exclamation came.

Wanda is restraining Thanos with red energy, lifts him into the air to try to suppress Thanos, but obviously cannot count.

Theoretically, the Rage state + the red-eyed Wanda who died of her boyfriend, can be called the strongest avenger in history, tearing Thanos with her hands, much better than Thor...

But now, no one is hanging around, and Wanda, who is not Rage, has no red eyes and is not fierce at all! It is already extraordinary to be able to suppress Thanos for so long.

The red energy suddenly disappeared, Wanda lost consciousness and passed out, Thor hugged her and put her aside.

Wanda struggled to open her eyes and smiled wryly: "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Thor shook his head: "No, you've done a good job, leave it to me."

Carol pouted: "Have you always coaxed girls like this?"

Thanos fell heavily to the ground, took a breath, and said: "Your magic is indeed terrible, but I won in the end."

Thor squinted at him: "Yes, you won! You managed to get your dog to take the lead in implementing your half-kill policy, and the whole universe will be moved by you!"

Carol reminded: "No, it's not halfway there yet, that woman is only half dead."

"No, General Hei Yao IV originally had five, and I killed the other seventy years ago when he came to the earth to cause trouble. Of the five, two companions died.

"Wow, that's amazing, so we're even on a one-on-one match?"

"No, I have one more assist."

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