Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 147 Ultron's Conspiracy

"I don't want us to be forever slow, to be avengers, not preventers.

Stark summed it up, and then he spent a few minutes describing his vision of using a steel torrent of millions of robots to fight the alien invaders' crowd tactics.

"But you still screwed up." Carol threw cold water.

"Yes, I messed up." Tony said helplessly, "Science is like this. No one can guarantee success. There is always the possibility of making mistakes. I am sorry for the consequences this time, but I don't regret it."

He pointed to Christine Palmer not far away: "Just like Dr. Palmer who took the shrapnel for me, do you dare to say that there is no risk? But you still took the operation and it was successful.

Christine shrugged: "That's right. However, before the operation, the doctor will notify the family members to sign in advance, but you did not discuss it with us.

"Well, it's really my fault." Stark shook his head 07: "Because I don't want to spend my time arguing. If you knew my plan, would you agree?"

"Yes!" Natalia spoke when everyone was silent.

Facing everyone's suspicious gazes, she continued: "Actually, as far as I know, if you disclose the Ultron plan in advance, Thor will probably agree. He told me a long time ago that the earth is being targeted. Doubt. The Avenger is indeed the key to fighting the enemy's high-end power, but we can't consume the power of the hero on the minions."

"The birth of a superhuman is too difficult. It is impossible for us to fight a war of attrition with a constant stream of enemies. Long before the establishment of the Avengers, I asked Thor what he thinks of you. Do you know how he evaluates you?"

Stark pricked up his ears. Although he has been dissatisfied with Thor in various ways, he still wants to hear what you know about him.

"In terms of human justice, Stark can always be trusted. His greatest value is not to rely on the identity of Iron Man to destroy some enemies, but to provide arms like his father and provide more combat power that can be used for consumption."

Stark couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I didn't expect that the person who knows me best is actually the person I dislike the most."

Natalia immediately rushed over with a basin of cold water: "You are not wrong in the general direction, your mistake is that you don't believe us, you think we will veto every trouble you make. Don't forget, Thor really contacted Thanos Yes, he understands the horror of Destroyer better than you. If we let us know as soon as possible and study together, maybe we can find Ultron’s loopholes? Don’t forget, Asgard’s technological level far exceeds that of Earth.”

Stark shrugged and lowered his head, feeling like he was being scolded like a grandson at this moment, but he had nothing to say.

He knew that Natalia was right.

Seeing his embarrassment, Nick Fury came out to smooth things over.

"Okay, the most important thing now is to solve the Ultron problem. If you want to criticize, put it off for a while.

Stark’s face turned black, what do you mean by pushing back first? After the matter is resolved, reform and then criticize?

Bad old man, very bad!

Banner worried: "Ultron has already fled, and took away the psychic scepter in advance, as an artificial intelligence, we can't track it after breaking into the network.

"Unless there are top hackers."

Nick Fury looked at Peggy Carter who had been silent on the sofa.

Peggy shook her head, and said in a low voice: "Skye probably won't be able to spare a hand. She found her biological parents not long ago, and now she's involved in another trouble."

Wanda said, "Maybe, I can find him."

Facing everyone's eyes, she continued: "Ultron must have a plan to take away the scepter's mind. My Ability is activated by the scepter. "So I can vaguely sense the direction of the scepter."

"Very good." Jane Foster nodded: "One more thing, I just discovered that Ultron had a chance to hurt Miss Helen Zhao just now, but he gave up 517, which is very abnormal. Unless, he has some kind of plan Helen Zhao must be used.

"What plan? She's not a combatant."

Helen Zhao muttered to herself: "I see, regenerative cradle technology! Ultron wants to use me to create a body for him.

"But you're not going to serve him," Stark retorted.

"But he has a scepter!" Natalia reminded: "Well, before the incident is over, you will live in Trudheim Manor, where it is absolutely safe.

In the underground factory of SOKOVIA, HYDRA base, a robot is talking to himself: "I need a real body to complete my mission. This body must be made of the best materials!"

The first thing that comes to mind is the Meow Hammer in Jane Foster's hand, but it is not made of earth.

Soon, Captain America's invincible shield appeared in his mind.

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