Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 160: Castle In The Sky

"Um, are you dead?"

The remnants of Ronan's troops were almost dead, and the Guardians of Galaxy descended to look at the ruins of the explosion with the surrounding Xandarians.

Drax asked dumbfounded.

"Your Highness will not die!" Xing Yun retorted.

"I know, I'm talking about Ronan..."

Xingjue analyzed: "It's probably dead, such a big explosion, even Ronan..."

Before he finished speaking, he slapped himself hard, and a tall figure slowly walked out of the ruins, the power gem on the hammer in his hand exuded a faint light.

At the critical moment just now, Ronan used the power of the original stone to protect himself, while his men were wiped out.

"07 is too bad, Ronan is not dead, he even reached the ground!"

Gamora couldn't care less about scolding Star-Lord's crow's mouth, she looked anxious and confused at the same time, Ronan is fine, why is Thor missing?

In a bathroom on Xandar, a golden portal opened, and Thor rushed out, coughing desperately into the sink.

"Ahem..." All kinds of bits and pieces and screws spit out from his mouth. Then he took a mouthful of water and sprayed it out, the water was full of black engine oil...

Bumping your head into a spaceship is really not something ordinary people can play. You forcefully swallowed a mouthful of broken iron, as if you stuck your head into a sandpit...

This kind of thing, probably only a sturdy woman like Carol can enjoy it!

Thor subconsciously ignored that Carol was covered with energy, while he was purely physical defense...

In the future, we should leave it to Captain Marvel to demolish the house, anyway!

"Ah--" Outside SOKOVIA, Carol suddenly sneezed.

"What's going on?" She was a little puzzled. Just now, she suddenly felt a chill behind her back, with a feeling of "someone always wants to harm me"...

"Carol, what's the matter with you?" asked Jane Foster.

"It's nothing. We need to act fast. Ultron is a lunatic who wants to raise half of the city. We must evacuate the people before he starts!"

In fact the evacuation has already begun.

Quicksilver was the first to rush into a police station, yelling: "We are under attack, the whole city is evacuated, hurry up!"

But no one likes him.

The next moment, he turned back, held an AK and hit the shuttle half way up.

"Da da da..." The moment the gunshot sounded, everyone chose to believe it.

After all, SOKOVIA is not a peaceful area, warlords scuffle and terrorist attacks happen from time to time. Once a war breaks out, all the police can do is to lead the people to flee...

On the other side, Wanda used Chaos energy to control a large number of people to leave. The red spiritual power enveloped several blocks, and people left quietly.

Yet Ultron simply wouldn't give them enough of the world.

On the other hand, Vision approached Ultron, and finally tried to convince him. The result is obvious, the talk collapsed, using the power of Mind Gem, Vision successfully kicked Yuechuang from the Internet

But it was too late, Ultron has launched the meteorite project.

Accompanied by a deafening bang, the ground began to tear apart, and a bottomless crack spread, encircling most of the city.

The next moment, the ground collapsed, and the surrounding urban area, together with the earth, rose slowly, a three-day scene.

High in the sky, Ultron's emotionless voice sounded——

"See? What a beautiful view. Rising, then falling, it is destined to happen. And you Avengers, will be with my meteorite, and when you fall to the ground, the earth will collapse."

"It's meaningless to remove me from my world and use my body to fight against me. When all the dust settles, the only 113 left is metal!"

To stop all this, the rising city must be destroyed, and the people must be evacuated first. Countless steel soldiers rushed forward to take advantage of the fire, attacking the Avengers and hindering them.

"No, how can I let this happen!"

The homeland from childhood to adulthood has become like this, Wanda's eyes flashed red, and her spirit showed signs of losing control. She screamed angrily, and the red energy spread rapidly, and the steel soldiers within a few miles were instantly reduced to powder.

Carol who was not far away was stunned.

"What a terrible Ability! Unfortunately, it's too unstable!"

Several huge amounts of spaceships appeared from the sky and approached SOKOVIA high in the sky to assist the people to evacuate. It was the fleet of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the command room, Nick Fury is now on the sidelines, and Peggy Carter is the main conductor. While commanding the fleet to land, she muttered to herself: "Honey, you're not here, I can't mess things up!"

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