Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 163: The Power Of The Divine Ax

As a human Asgardian, Kamar-Taj has been used to watching the rise and fall of human society for thousands of years, and usually disdains to meddle in mortal affairs.

Even during the New York War, Ancient One only maintained the holy place from being destroyed.

Things like Ultron, which humans have created by themselves, are even more unacceptable for a few days.

It's just that the situation is a little different this time. The fall from SOKOVIA's altitude is almost equivalent to a small planet. Even if it doesn't destroy human beings, it is very likely to bring the earth into an ice age.

The principle of Sorcerer Supreme has a premise that the continuation of human civilization must be guaranteed. Because of this, Thor will go to the universe with confidence.

Ancient One is staring closely into the distance, ready to launch its tail at any time.

"Wanda, can you try to drag the city up with a super ability?" Quicksilver tried to ask despite his hopelessness.

"No, I don't have enough mental strength, I can hold up a building at most now."

Wanda shook her head pale.

Stark suddenly had an idea: "Then what about Ms. Carol? It is said that you are stronger than Thor, can you lift the city?"

Carol rolled her eyes: "You're thinking about farts, dreams have everything."

"So, is there a way to blow cities apart? Nukes?" Steve asked.

In the case of the evacuation of the people, blowing up SOKOVIA with a nuclear bomb seems to be the only solution.

Stark shook his head helplessly: "It's too late, the nearest intercontinental missile takes three minutes to reach, but with SOKOVIA's falling speed, it will reach the ground in two minutes at most! Moreover, ordinary nuclear bombs may not be able to achieve the effect of complete destruction, You must use the legendary Tsar Bomb, the one whose power has not been halved!"

The avengers were all silent. Back then, Mao Zi made a big news by making a 100 million-equivalent super hydrogen bomb. However, Mao Zi’s senior management worried that the nuclear fallout would have a serious impact on the environment after the test explosion, which would lead to internal affairs and diplomatic turmoil. So halve the nuclear bomb to an explosive power of 50 mega-yield. Although the equivalent was cut in half, it still caused the increase in nuclear radiation around the world. If a 100-million-equivalent hydrogen bomb is fired into the air, I am afraid that the entire earth will become a war zone...

"Wait! I got a communication from Thor!"

Carol suddenly yelled, and everyone's eyes lit up. After getting along for a long time, they already have an inexplicable trust in Thor, as if any problem that cannot be solved can be solved in his hands.

Carol, who is good at solving everything violently, does not have this point.

"What did he say?" Steve asked.

"Tell us to leave SOKOVIA quickly, at least one kilometer away."

Steve and Stark looked at each other and nodded.

"There's nothing we can do here, so trust him."

Except for Carol and others who were able to fly, everyone boarded the fighter plane and flew away from SOKOVIA.

"Is there anything Thor can do about such a big city?" Stark muttered.

After all, Ultron was his creation, and he would be responsible if it caused irreparable disaster.

The huge city in the sky is already less than 10,000 meters above the ground, and the constant acceleration and violent friction with the air made it a huge amounts of fireball.

0...seeking flowers...

People hundreds of kilometers around saw this shocking scene, as if another sun appeared in the sky and was falling towards the earth.

Many people were already running and crying in despair, some even hid in the cellar

The Ancient One far away in Kamar-Taj sighed and prepared to make a move.

At this moment, a stream of light flashed across the sky, stopping Ancient One who had just taken a step.

A beam of huge amounts of light, as if descending from the sky from the other end of the universe, quickly enveloped the city in midair.

"This is Bifrost!" Miss Jane and Wanda exclaimed after witnessing this scene.

Under the shroud of light, the huge SOKOVIA is rapidly disintegrating, and the materials mixed with Vibranium inside the city are vaporized in the air...

"So it can still be used like this? I always thought it was just an interstellar express." Carol was full of wonder, even though he had wandered in the universe for twenty years and had seen many miraculous phenomena

But seeing this scene is still very emotional.

"Boom——" SOKOVIA, the city of meteorites that Ultron placed high hopes on, was completely exploded in less than ten seconds under the power of Bifrost, turning into the most primitive particles in the universe. This is because Thor was worried about hitting the earth, so he deliberately withdrew some of his strength.

The Bifrost light slowly dissipated, and Thor's figure holding a battle ax in the sky appeared in the eyes of everyone, as if a god had come to the world.

Carol stared at the battle ax in Thor's hand and muttered, "This, is the weapon that can kill Thanos?"


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