Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 169 Undercurrent Surges

"It's dead?" Skye murmured.

The super boss in the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D is like a joker in front of Thor, making her feel like a dream.

Thor patted her on the cheek: "What do you think? This world is much bigger than you imagined. The existence of the hive is not even a small guy. He calls himself the god of HYDRA, and he is really a god. ? In two years, a real cosmic overlord will come to Earth, and that will be the battle of the gods."

"If you can fully control your Ability, you will definitely have a place in the future battle!"

Skye nodded, this is what she thought of "660".

"You already know my life experience, right? You hinted at the beginning that I would become a superhero. Aunt Carter told me that you can see the future, is it true?"

Skye is smart.

Thor neither admitted nor denied, and said with a faint smile: "All I can see are some general directions, not accurate to everyone and everything. Just like you, I know at most that you will Awakening Vibe's ability, but can't see every trace of you."

Since World War II, the flow of the world has changed, and many things will no longer develop as I remember.

Just like Skye, she was originally left in the orphanage in history, and later became a hacker of the Rising Tide organization, broke into S.H.I.E.L.D and became an undercover agent, and finally rehabilitated and joined S.H.I.E.L.D wholeheartedly.

An undercover agent is a model of the boss, after all, Skye has achieved the tenth level!

But now, if he is a hacker, he joined S.H.I.E.L.D because of Peggy Carter. Although the result is not much different, the difference in life trajectory is big.

Among other things, there is a sentence in the original book, the iron-clad Skye, the flirtatious boyfriend, this chick has her own Kefu attributes, she is more terrifying than Kefuna from a certain online game, she is a lone star!

It's different now, Peggy Carter has been watching closely since she was a child, who dares to have bad thoughts and send her to drink tea immediately, but now Thor is cheaper...

Looking at Skye with his hands hanging on his body, what Thor thought was - will Peggy go berserk if she finds out?

In front of the TV, a piece of news is playing about the SOKOVIA incident.

The TV station selectively played the interview clips, and some people were admiring that the Avengers saved the world again.

However, more dissonant voices emerged.

"We are very grateful for the justice of the Avengers. But can they take care of the lives and property of innocent people? Look, they destroyed another city!

"After causing so much damage, they just pat their butts and left? What's the difference between them and those alien invaders!"

"Yesterday was New York, today is SOKOVIA, what about tomorrow? It takes a long time to build a city, but it only takes a few hours for the Avengers to destroy it!"

"Is that so-called god from an alien planet really a god?"

"Stark is a hypocrite, why don't you stop selling arms, the crime he committed is a hundred times bigger than selling arms!"

Thor pressed the remote and sent the TV.

In fact, such voices often appear.

There are always those people who are obedient in the face of a crisis, but after the crisis is over, they strike out at their own heroes......

And during this period of time, this kind of news has obviously increased, and even caused fishing boats all over the world. No one will believe that no one is behind the scenes.

The SOKOVIA incident, in the final analysis, was Tony's fault, and he tried his best to make up for it afterwards.

Reflecting a small city with a small population and a poor economy, Stark Industry can still afford it, at least it can settle every refugee.

But New York is different, even if Stark squeezes it out, he can't afford it! And it's not the Avengers' fault that the New York War happened in New York.

But people don't think so.

Among other things, the housing prices in New York rank first in the world. In a battle in New York, countless buildings collapsed, especially in Manhattan, where hundreds of millions of dollars would be wasted with just a single smash.

More importantly, the insurance company does not cover the losses caused by the war. Moreover, many people who bought a house with a loan just paid the down payment, and then the house collapsed, but the money owed to the bank still has to be repaid.

The collapse of the house is a 5.0 incident of aliens. You go to the aliens to settle the claim yourself, and it is another matter to owe money to the bank!

The old American government is not so rich, and the people have to be responsible for a lot of money for some things.

Even if the Washington government came forward to deal with it, it would only temporarily waive the interest and delay the time to repay the debt.

In the case of the Great Heavenly Dynasty, if something like this happened, the government would come forward and order the money to be transferred to bad debts and not to be recovered.

Although bad debts are not a good thing for credit investigation, they are better than going bankrupt and going to the rooftops, right?

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