Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 171: Storm Of Public Opinion

As Thor expected, some idiots came to the door to make trouble.

A few young people got hotheaded, clamored for compensation, ignored the warning and rushed into the manor, Minerva shot his head in the first place

This time, many protesters were stimulated, and the voices of "severely punish the murderer" came one after another.

At a press conference, Thor took out the "Non-Concession Law" and "Castle Law", and impassionedly described the legality of his own self-defense.

FBI agents came to investigate in various ways, which also confirmed this point.

This time, everyone retreated.

But the intensified fishing boat has not receded...

Thor didn't care.

The death of a few hot-headed guys is nothing to the politicians. It probably means a few words of regret and three glasses of fine wine.

But Thor showed his firm attitude.

Politicians are actually not stupid, seeking justice for innocent people is just a cover, how could they really want to push the Avengers to the opposite side?

Soon they introduced new ideas.

"We cannot forcefully judge the Avengers for the damage they caused, because they were all helpless in the fight against evil. Doing so will undoubtedly chill the hearts of heroes.

"However, the means used by the Avengers in battle must be limited, otherwise it will cause a greater threat. Therefore, I think that all Avengers and even other super-abilities should be included in the management of the World Security Council!"

First, I gave a small hand to the Avengers alliance, and then I wanted to see you.

Politicians are desperately inciting public opinion, putting pressure on the avengers, and attempting to kidnap them morally.

At this time, another incident happened, which directly brought the conflicts of all parties to the peak.

In Nigeria, Steve finally blocked the last boss of HYDRA——Crossbones Rumlow, who was transferring a batch of biochemical weapons as a mercenary.

With the cooperation of Falcon and others, HYDRA is naturally no match. Rumlow was beaten into a dog by Steve and pushed to the ground.

At the critical moment, he revealed the information of Winter Soldier Bucky, and detonated the bomb on his body while riding on Steve.

At the critical moment, Wanda activated Ability to control the explosive fireball, trying to send it high into the sky.

"Boom——" Wanda's Ability was not stable enough after all, unable to suppress the power of the explosion, the fireball exploded violently when it was close to a hospital...

"Ah, no..." Wanda's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth with a dull expression.

Steve came to his senses, and quickly said to the communicator: "Sam, rescue is needed in the building, hurry up with the fire brigade, go up and save people!"

Fortunately, Wanda's control is stronger than in the original history. When it exploded, it was close to the top of the building, and the death toll was not many.

Definitely, casualties are one thing, and the reactions of political leaders from various countries are another. For them, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attack the Avengers alliance.

Maybe some of them are still a pity, why don't dozens or hundreds of people die?

For a time, the reputation of the Avengers in the major media plummeted, and the world's mainstream media severely criticized the Avengers alliance.

0...... Ask for flowers......

"Last month, dozens of citizens were tragically injured in clashes between Avengers and mercenaries in Nigeria!"

It is believed that such a situation occurs not only because of the crime, but also because of the indifference of the person who committed the crime. A victory won by sacrificing nothing is not a victory at all!"

"They are not governed by international law. If we don't respond to such actions, this will happen! What right does a superhuman like Scarlet Witch have to act in Nigeria?"

"Why do the Avengers ignore the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries and cross-border law enforcement?"

As in history, the whole world is frantically putting pressure on the Avengers.

"Thor, I've got word. The Council wants the Avengers to be attached to the Council, as they were to S.H.I.E.L.D, so they're immune to damage done by the Avengers. You need to prepare early!"

Peggy Carter rushed over to inform Thor with a worried look on her face.

"Moreover, all private information is required to be released, and family members are under strict protection 24 hours a day!"

She found that she still underestimated the shamelessness of politicians, and she could figure out such a dirty way.

At the same time, she also knew that those guys had already had this idea, but this society found a chance to make trouble.

Thor couldn't help but let out a sneer.

"Most of my family is in Asgard. What will the council do for protection? Oh, could it be that they are surrounding the nuclear bombs at the Trudheim Manor? This kind of protection is really considerate.

I am afraid that in the eyes of these politicians, the nuclear bomb is the trump card!


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