Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 184: Riot

Public opinion has always been easy to incite, just as the Council provokes the public to morally kidnap the Avengers, Thor is also using the public to oppress the Council at this moment.

At such a juncture, the news of the California tsunami came.

This time, not only New York, but the entire United States is boiling.

Some authoritative brick experts questioned: "I never thought that the scene in "The Doomsday Collapse" would happen in reality! There has never been such a terrifying tsunami in the history of California, even a category five hurricane is not so big power."

"The nuclear bomb launched by the Council before failed and fell off the west coast, and the tsunami occurred less than an hour later. Are the two related? Did the Shockwave of the nuclear bomb cause this disaster?"

Headed by the mayor of New York, Wilson Fisk, the critics issued 327 speeches denouncing Washington and the council.

In front of countless reporters, Jin showed a look of compassion, and said sadly: "Our country is no longer the lighthouse country of freedom and democracy! Now she is already a stage for dirty politicians. Yesterday was New York, Today is San Diego, Council of shameless politicians, will bring our country to hell!"

In fact, the equivalent of that nuclear bomb is not large, and it cannot cause such a terrible disaster at all. But at this time, no matter what the council explained, no one believed it.

The latent power that Kim had accumulated over the years played a role, and a large number of officials under his control spoke out with rhythm, and for a time the entire United States was filled with protests and riots.

Countless public facilities and statues of presidents were vandalized by angry people. Many buildings were ignited by the fire, and the flames continued throughout the night. The White House (ahbc) had to be surrounded by barbed wire, and the president even hid in the basement several times...

"What a beautiful landscape!"

Thor spoke leisurely.

"I already regret letting Skye mess around with you."

Peggy looked at him with black lines all over her head.

She never thought that things would turn out to be so big, that New York would soon become Syria...

Like a child who made a mistake, Skye hid behind Thor and stuck out his tongue.

Peggy Carter's rage +100.

Seeing her angry appearance, Thor couldn't help laughing and said, "You're not an American, why are you so excited? Didn't you see that the braised eggs didn't even come to see me?"

"It is impossible to cause such serious chaos by mere provocation. The reason for this is the disregard and humiliation of the people by the council. Do you know why Nick Fury hasn't approached me so far? Because he also doesn't like the decisions of these politicians, They need to be made aware of the consequences of doing so."

In fact, with Peggy Carter's intelligence, she could have thought of this level, but she is more emotional.

"If you do something wrong, you should be punished. Chaos is only temporary. The world needs stability, but more justice."

Thor said with a sudden smile: "Look, yesterday I was called a tyrant, and today I immediately became a savior! It seems that in the hearts of the people, the avengers are much more trusted than the council!"

There is a lot of chicken feathers in the country, and the two sides of the current civil war don't know it yet.

After being scolded in the sea prison, Stark finally found out where Steve was.

He rushed over immediately, and didn't even have time to watch the domestic news.

In a military base in Siberia, the duo Dundong, who are living a happy world for two, ushered in an unexpected guest.

"Hey, don't shoot, I didn't start a fight!"

"I didn't tell Rose you came here, and I don't plan to tell him, otherwise I will be arrested."

These words undoubtedly told him again that he did not comply with the law, and in a sense, he was right to admit that Steve was right.

Steve put away the shield, stepped forward to shake his hand: "Nice to meet you, Stark."

"Me too."

Bucky puts the gun down.

The three walked into the base that cultivated Winter Soldier together.

They didn't notice that there was a black shadow behind them.

T'Challa, who learned the truth from Banner, also found here, looking for Zemo.

What surprised them was that the other Winter Soldier who were supposed to be controlled by Zemo died in the culture container at this moment.

An indifferent voice sounded: "Do you really think I need these fighters? No, their only function is to attract you."

Behind a blast door, Zemo's figure slowly appeared.

Steve stepped forward and asked, "You created the Vienna attack to lure us here?"

Stark, who knew his identity, also asked: "You are from SOKOVIA, is that for this?"

He was a little puzzled, if it was for revenge, why did he kill the Winter Soldier here?

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