Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 190 New Possibilities

The island prison is not so much an island as it is an underwater fortress with huge amounts of water.

Avengers such as Hawkeye were imprisoned here because of their resistance to the SOKOVIA Act.

As the place where the most powerful group of human eggs are held in the world, the guards here are more strict than any other place.

Today, this prison ushered in an unexpected visitor.

"Why, you ran away from Leipzig Airport, and now you are in a hurry to deliver it to your door?"

General Ross sneered at Steve as he entered.

"Enough." Steve said dryly, "The bill was false zero six zero from the start. Also, the bombing in Vienna was always framed, and we were all designed."

Ross was unmoved: "Don't use these words to run on me, I am not a hot-blooded young man. The Avengers, the people imprisoned inside, may not be guilty, but they are all destabilizing existences."

"Even if you are the captain, leave it to me today!"

General Ross made a gesture, and a group of heavily armed soldiers rushed in, pointing their guns at him.

"Okay, I'm going to convince you."

"Boom..." Hulk smashed through a wall, grabbed General Ross from behind, and threw him to the ground.

The soldiers were startled, and Qiqi backed up a few steps, turning their guns on Hulk.

"Don't shoot!" Steve said hastily, "Otherwise, no one can stop Hulk."

Enemies met each other and were extremely jealous. General Ross, who fell to the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "Hulk!"

Hulk spat at him: "Idiot General."

Ross was unmoved, and said to Steve: "See? The Avengers are a threat! A threat to destabilize the world!"

Steve whispered: "You are wrong. As a soldier, the most important thing is to uphold justice, not to maintain stability.

He looked up at the soldiers around him and asked, "Who can tell me where the Avengers are being held?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Just when Steve was about to go find it himself, a soldier leader suddenly put down his gun and spoke.

"I know where they are..."

As Steve and Hulk left, General Ross glared at each other: "Sergeant Mike, why did you tell him?"

"Because... I believe in the captain!"


The isolated island prison was robbed, and General Ross contacted Stark immediately, but this guy was in Wakanda accompanying his good friend Rhodes for surgery, so he had no time to talk to him.

General Ross reported all this to the council angrily, and strongly demanded that the fugitive Avengers be arrested.

However, at this time, the country has no mind to care about such trivial matters. A conflict triggered by the original few videos completely exposed the dark side of this country that was usually covered by freedom and civilization.

Externally, as the mask of camouflage is torn, many countries are wary of the United States, including those so-called allies.

Inside, on the streets all over the country, the sky is full of flames. Although Washington sent many people to suppress it, this aroused the anger of the people, and even a large number of officials expressed their support for the march.

The high-level officials in Washington, different camps attacked and accused each other, and in the end they even exposed the other side's black material hysterically.

Originally, they all knew the truth of the cold lips and teeth. The problem is that no matter four years ago or recently, it is the same ruling party that dropped the nuclear bomb on New York! Based on the idea of ​​pulling the opponent when they are stinky, the daily mutual blackmail began …

In fact, in the legal sense, those so-called videos cannot be used as evidence, because they were originally stolen by hackers, and images obtained through illegal means cannot be used as evidence...

But at this time, who will take care of these things? People just need to believe all this, and that's enough.

Thor's purpose of making this move is not for legal trials, but to set off a frenzy of fishing boats and destroy the people's confidence in the government of this country.

It turns out he succeeded. All this has made many people of insight feel desperate. What happened to this country?

People can't help thinking, at this time, only can save this country?

Some sensitive people think of new possibilities......

There are about 130 large and small political parties in the United States. Except for the ruling party and the opposition party, there are about 30 other parties that can be named, and there is almost no information on the remaining nearly 100 parties. Theoretically 0.9, those unknown political parties are eligible to send their own people to compete for the presidency, but in fact they usually give up this right long ago, because in the face of cruel competition, they can only start at most , doomed not to go far.

But now it seems that the two mainstreams have both fallen into the abyss. A lot of black history has been exposed by Thor, and it has also been thrown out during this period of time. All these made their reputation fall to the lowest point.

Many people sensed an opportunity and began to make arrangements slowly.

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