Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 198: Old Scumbag

On Egg's planet, Mantis pushed Drax up.

"Drax, wake up, we need to talk!"

Drax opened his eyes sleepily, nana said: "Sorry, I don't like you, you are so ugly... ouch..."

As he was talking, he suddenly tilted his head and vomited.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Ouch.....I'm fantasizing.....I'm having sex with you...that's disgusting."

The Mantis Girl said anxiously: "What I want to say is not this, I'm here to tell you that Egg got everything he wanted, and you are in danger now! I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier!"

At this time, Gamora was in a cave, dumbfounded looking at the pile of bones.


"You have to adjust your attitude towards life, still!"

At the same time, Yi Ge was brainwashing Xingjue 000.

"Everything around us is temporary, including that girl, only we are eternal! Oh, maybe that Asgard man from yesterday can live a long time, but that doesn't matter."

He talked eloquently: "Many years ago, I was committed to finding the existence of life. But what I didn't tell you is that when I finally found it, I found that life is so... disappointment!"

"At that time, I understood—looking for life doesn't mean I want to take it along! I found the goal——eternity! It is now your goal."

Countless pictures flashed around, and Yi Ge's voice was full of enthusiasm: "For thousands of years, I have left my seeds on countless planets. They will grow and cover [until the entire universe is destroyed]

become me!"

He showed a distressed look: "However, there is a problem. The energy of a god is not enough to do all this. I need a helper. So, I mate with different species and try to give birth to a new god."

Some hot-eyed pictures appeared. I have to say, Yi Ge really has a strong taste, and any race can be eaten. Xingjue cannons all over the galaxy, probably also his inheritance!

"I asked Yondu to bring me my offspring, and I told him he wouldn't hurt them. I didn't break my word, and none of them felt anything."

"But to my disappointment, none of them inherited my genes. Until you Quill, only you are the real son of God!"

Xingjue suddenly felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet and hit his forehead.

Although Yi Ge said it lightly, he still heard the fate of his brothers and sisters...

He lowered his head so that Egg could not see his expression, and murmured, "What about my mother? Have you ever really loved her?"

Yi Ge rarely showed a sad expression.

"Definitely...I have returned to Earth three times to visit her. I know that if I visit her for the fourth time, I will never go again. My dream, it will be over."( ahcf)

Xingjue had an ominous premonition.

"So, I put the tumor into her brain. It makes me very sad, but it's all necessary..." Egg said something horrifying in a tone of expression

"What!?" Xingjue suddenly felt like a bolt from the blue.

He never imagined that his mother's death was actually because of his father - this man who kept saying that he loved her!

Although I, Quill, am a scumbag, I am not such a scumbag!

"You killed my mother!" Star-Lord roared angrily.

Once the disguise mask was torn off, Egg's face turned ferocious, and he roared loudly: "Is this your reward for me?"

A huge amount of tentacles broke through the ground and protruded from the ground, stabbing towards Xingjue.

"I originally wanted to fulfill my dream with you, but now, at least in a thousand years, you should make me a battery!"

Huge amounts of tentacles struck, Star-Lord was pierced before he had time to dodge, the light of divine power guided into the ground along the tentacles, and the energy on Ego's body suddenly surged.

With a sound of "click", a battle ax that appeared from the sky cut off the tentacles, and beams of seven-colored light fell from the sky, destroying Yi Ge's palace in an instant, covering his whole body.

In Bifrost, Thor's voice came: "I'm not late, am I?"

Gamora and Drax came together and helped the fallen Star-Lord.

The rocket's spaceship landed on the ruins, and Gamora helped Star-Lord onto the spaceship.

"This is just one of his duplications, he will be back soon!" The mantis girl showed a worried expression.

Several tentacles protruded from the ground and entangled the spaceship.

A disgusting humanoid figure appeared in front of the ship, snarling at them.

"Ahhh! That's my biological father?" Xingjue shouted in a broken voice.

"How do we kill a god?"

"Nonsense, definitely hugging another god's thigh!"

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