Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 205: New Phoenix

As the little princess of Wakanda, Su Rui has never been a weak File size sister. She actually has a lot of black technology weapons on her body, and her signature is the hand cannon.

But she also knows that she is by no means an opponent of Eric who has become Black Panther. What's more, once there is any movement, the soldiers who rush over will never take into account the past friendship, and will definitely obey the new king's order.

Without any hesitation, turn around and run.

The chase lasted for more than half an hour.

Eric has just become a Black Panther, and has not yet adapted to this power. In addition, he did not wear a battle suit, so he did not win "533" Shu Rui in the first place.

But he didn't care. With an order, the entire Wakanda pro-guard team began to hunt down.

At a critical moment, Hulk appeared.

Because of the rejection of the "SOKOVIA Act" and the attack on the island prison, Bruce Banner has also become a wanted criminal in 117 countries.

During this time, he lived in seclusion in a small country, just like in Brazil.

Banner has always maintained contact with the Avengers and Shuri. When the news of the change of Wakanda's throne came, he immediately realized that Princess Su Rui was in danger, and rushed away overnight.

Hulk's attack was unstoppable, and the soldiers had compassion, so Hulk easily took Su Rui away.

On a comfortable big bed, Qin Gelei slowly opened her eyes.

She couldn't react to her thoughts for a while, but she only remembered that her eyes seemed to be inexplicably blacked out, she came to a strange arena, met a strange man, and was knocked out...

Qin: "!!!"

She was startled and jumped up on the spot. Her first reaction was to check her clothes...

There was nothing abnormal, Qin breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, why would she think in that direction...

"Are you awake?" Thor's voice came suddenly from the side.

Qin was startled, subconsciously launched a psychic attack, and then......


With a scream, Qin covered her head with one hand, pointed at Thor with the other, and said in horror: "Who the hell are you? Why do you have such strong mental power?"

She was shocked, knowing that even if she is a professor, even if her mental strength cannot penetrate, she will not be able to have such a terrifying backlash.

Thor looks strange, young Phoenix, really......

"My name is Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard, you may call me Your Highness, or Thor.

"Asgard? Is there such a country?" Qin wondered for a while: "There are not many countries that retain the monarchy, but I have never heard of the one you mentioned.

The world she lives in does not have Norse Mythology.

"You definitely haven't heard of it, because it's not a country on Earth."

Thor scratched his head and said, "Forget it, you can see for yourself."

Let go of your mind, and take the initiative to let Qin see part of the memory.

"The Nine Realms... Thor... The Avengers..."

Qin muttered to herself: "So, now I am not only on another planet, but also in another universe? The earth here is no longer the original one?"

Thor nodded: "Yes, this is a similar but completely different world...There are no mutants, only super-ability people. However, sometimes super-ability people are in a similar situation to mutants. After all, people always It's the fear of the unknown."

"But it doesn't matter. I'm not a professor. My philosophy is closer to Magneto. Even, under certain circumstances, I don't mind doing Apocalypse."

Jean nodded.

In fact, many times she doesn't quite understand the professor's philosophy. More than once, she felt that the professor was too easy to talk to outsiders!

"Who is Apocalypse?" Qin suddenly tilted her head and asked. just need to know it's a big boss. "Didn't Apocalypse appear when she was summoned?

You really are not a good person!

However, she felt that Thor was very appetizing to her.

The atmosphere was suddenly a little awkward.

"By the way, do you know Cyclops?" Thor changed the subject.

"Laser 2.7 eyes? Who is that?"

"A...eye that emits red laser light."

"Oh, you're talking about Scott Summers! Yes, a rebellious boy who just came to the academy two days ago, even burned down the professor's favorite tree... What did you ask him to watch?"

"Nothing, just a little curious..."

This time Thor already knew the time point where this Jean Grey was.

It turns out that the plot has just begun, and it is still a newcomer! No wonder it is so immature.

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