Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 209: War Breaks Out

Fatty Wang laughed out loud, this guy's smile is very low...

"It's all over, we made it."

Strange whispered.

"Yeah, we succeeded, but you also violated the law of nature. You still think it's no big deal, right? It won't cause any consequences?"

"We broke the rules like she did, and sooner or later we will pay the price. It was meant to be, karma!"

"I don't want to go on anymore."

Modu sneered, turned around and left.

Wang looked at his figure, hesitated to speak.

Modu suddenly stopped at four six seven, turned around and asked: "I think of that Asgardian who came to Kamar-Taj twice, this person must have broken the rule, right?

After finishing speaking, without waiting for their answer, they continued to take steps.

The strange events in Hong Kong have not attracted much attention. Only a few media outlets mentioned it.

Some people are somewhat interested in this. But they were quickly drawn to another matter.

After Stark received Banner's call, he immediately found the military and informed him of the danger, but he was ridiculed.

"When did our Iron Man become so timid? A third world country that can be wiped off the map in a few minutes, don't worry about it!"

Stark is angry and anxious, and he even reveals some inside information about Wakanda.

"Wow, Mr. Stark, have you watched too many movies? Black Panther? Battle suit? Tell me the plot of which anime is this!"

Stark reluctantly leaves. He quickly thought of Thor, and immediately rushed to Trudheim Manor.

Natalia opened the door to receive him.

"Thor is not here, I can represent his attitude.

"Unless the "SOKOVIA Act" is officially repealed, he will never take action, and I will not tear down his platform. I don't want to run out this time and do my best. When the crisis has passed, those politicians will say that I violated the law again. bill"

Stark sighed helplessly: "You know, those politicians are unlikely to give up easily, but the people are innocent."

"But politicians are also elected by innocent people."

Natalia said coldly: "Also, one thing you need to understand is that we are not the ones who caused the crisis, we have done nothing, and we have no obligation to fight Wakanda to the death. No matter innocent or not, we are not the ones who brought them disaster .”

"You may choose to stand up and be a selfless hero, a hero who bleeds and tears, but I won't, and neither will Thor."

Stark was speechless.

"By the way, there is one more thing to tell you."

Natalia had a strange face on her face: "A few hours ago, Thor contacted me. Once there is a war, no place on earth is safe, and Asgard will always take us away from Bifrost as soon as possible. Tru Everyone in Durham Manor will temporarily leave the earth and return to Asgard."

Stark left dumbfounded.

After some hesitation, he took out a mobile phone and made a call. Didn't expect it to be needed so soon...

"Hey, Steve, it's me."

"World War, coming soon, we need you!"

"The SOKOVIA Act, they may not care about it anytime soon. …

Stark's hunch was right.

That afternoon, Western countries around the world were attacked almost at the same time.

One of the most amazing is the symbolic landmark of the United States - the Statue of Liberty.

A plane with a strange shape suddenly appeared from the clouds, a missile blew it up, and then disappeared immediately.

True invisibility is not only for radar, but also for naked eyes. The United States is proud of the shorting facility as if it does not exist

In addition, a large number of important buildings were devastated, and even the former residence of Washington was bombed...

An African third world country - Wakanda has claimed responsibility for all attacks.

This is a naked declaration of war!

This kind of provocation has aroused the anger of everyone. People in the United States can't remember the last time when the mainland was attacked.

During this period of time, from the streets to Washington, there were all kinds of violence and riots everywhere. When the news of the attack came out, the high-level leaders in Washington, who were all over the place, reached a consensus for the first time, and immediately formed the "TF58 Nation Destruction Force". Led by three Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, they rushed to Africa.

However, this fleet, which is enough to wipe out any non-nuclear country, was attacked in the Atlantic Ocean.

The largest naval battle since the new century officially broke out, lasted for half an hour, and ended with the complete annihilation of the United States fleet.

For a time, the whole world was shocked.

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