Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 217: Washington's Disaster

In the United States, speech is not as free as imagined.

In fact, freedom of speech means that you cannot be arrested for what you have said, but just giving you the right to speak does not mean that you are free from the consequences of saying those words.

What's more, as a politician, many things, even real objective facts, cannot be said casually in public.

Sometimes it is just mentioned casually, which may be taken out of context by the media and condemned by words.

What's more, this is no longer a side ball......

Under normal circumstances, the parliament will start the impeachment process immediately. Even if the president belongs to the group, this kind of thing cannot be like his.

But the problem is, this is a time of war, and although the president is cheating, his words are still hard-nosed. If it goes on like this, does it mean a bit of surrender? 983 Washington high-level executives are in entanglement...

"FUCK!!!" Stark, who was fighting fires all over the world, heard the news, and finally couldn't hold back the countless grass and mud horses running through his heart...

T'Challa and Rhodes on one side also dripped water gloomyly.

Falcon had a sneer on his face: "That's why I don't want to sign the bill, I can hardly believe the character of this group of politicians.

Isn’t this map gun too scary? It’s hard to imagine that such words will appear in the mouth of a head of state.

The President's wave of coercion has huge amounts of influence, first of all, it means that there are mutinies in the military everywhere.

Blacks definitely have advantages. They have stronger physiques and better endurance. They are very good choices as soldiers. They account for almost 20% of the army of the United States, including two generals.

With such a large number of people protesting, the already precarious situation of the war became even more erosive.

The wind and rain are turbulent outside, and the President is hiding in the depths of the White House shivering...

"My God! How could I say something like that? It's over, it's over...."

He now wants to die. In fact, most of his remarks are not nonsense, and everyone knows it well on weekdays.

But some things are okay to think about in your heart, but you can’t say them out, let alone say them through the lens of the world’s media...

"Your Highness, how am I doing?"

Onyxia smiled and asked Thor for credit.

"Great job!" Thor Long Yan Yue, "Just to make more people disappointed with the current leader!"

After understanding Thor's meaning, Princess Black Dragon's demagogic black magic is really overkill to deal with a mortal. Besides, it just made him speak his mind.

"Now what's our next move?"

Princess Black Dragon's eyes are bright (ahod), and to be honest, she didn't expect her operation to be so effective.

"Don't use it for now, let the emotions of fear and hatred ferment!"

Three days later, Wakanda's elite stormed the White House.

It was a decapitation operation, and Wakanda even dispatched the Vibranium robot, the mechanical Black Panther, which had never been used before.

A large number of high-level officials in Washington were killed, including the president and vice president. When the reinforcements arrived, the White House in front of them was already in ruins.

In history, the president of the United States is not without precedent for being assassinated. However, it can be said that this is the first time that such a national-level invasion has caused such a large number of casualties.

This year happens to be a general election year about re-election. If this incident happened, the originally unfavorable competitor could be said to have picked up the presidential throne for nothing.

This guy made a speech, calling on the whole country to get through the crisis together, and at the same time condemned Wakanda's behavior. As for what he thought, no one knew.

Under normal circumstances, when the former president's group has no second-hand preparations, his appointment in the general election half a month later can be said to be a certainty.

As a result, I don’t know if this person has a brain problem. When he described the Wakanda people in his speech, he used the name starting with N throughout the whole process, and he didn’t realize it at all...

Give him a cool song!

Anyway, the next day, the poor child was found dead at home, and the key to the scene seemed to be an assault.

It doesn't matter who kills him, anyway, the one who wants his life more is the difference of who strikes first, the fault is naturally Wakanda's.

To a certain extent, the deaths of both of them belonged to themselves, and they could not blame others.

So, not many people mourned their death.

But at this time, the people suddenly discovered that the huge United States has fallen into a situation where there is no leader. Moreover, the two institutes also suffered heavy casualties, and each institution has been riddled with holes...

At this time, many small groups that were previously speechless began to have new ideas.

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