Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 221 Crazy Idea

After one sentence was finished, the audience fell silent.

Everyone, including Steve, froze. Some councilors began to whisper, and glanced at the captain from time to time, some looked troubled, and some nodded secretly.

Steve looked serious: "Sir, do you know what you're talking about?"

Underwood seemed to be going all out, without any hesitation: "I know, I hope that you, the captain, as the candidate of the third party, will participate in the presidential election in half a month's time!"

"Sorry, you got it wrong. I'm a fighter, not a politician!"

As for his whims, Steve flatly refused.

"Washington is also a fighter!" Underwood exclaimed. "I know the idea is crazy, but I don't think I'm wrong! Look at the United States today, divided and divided. Seventy years ago, when we When you almost lost your confidence in the face of evil, Captain, you once left everything to answer the call. But today, we are facing more crises than ever before, and we need you again!"

Steve shook his head: "The position of the president must compromise with reality every day. The reality is harsh and gloomy. It is dreams and hopes that make life worth living. I am the kind of person who would rather drown in ideals."

Underwood smiled: "There are many people here, all gathered together for ideals!"

"This country has reached the most dangerous moment, like a giant with deep mud feet, which may fall at any time. The Wakanda invasion is just a fuse. That's because, compared with the past, we lack a certain spirit that we once had. And you, captain, are the representative of this spirit`!"

When it comes to debating, Steve is no opponent, which is not what he is good at after all.

Such a major matter, Steve definitely couldn't decide on the spot, he said perfunctorily that he needed to think about it, and then left.

"Underwood, are you serious? Is the captain really okay? He was seventy years ago after all, and he has no political foundation. …

Everyone surrounded Underwood, needing his explanation.

Underwood smiled: "No one is ready from the beginning. Moreover, what we need is not a politician, this is an era that needs heroes. The captain is the biggest


"However, he did not agree."

"I think... he'll agree..."

In a hidden room of the hotel, Thor and Jean Grey sat opposite each other.

"This is the real mind manipulation! More than the professor's super ability!"

"Is it your purpose to have someone who is truly just to steer the direction of this country?"

Qin thought about it.

She couldn't help thinking about the situation of Mutant in the original world.

She believes that when Mutant is being excluded and hostile in various ways, there must be some people who have made their minds on the president.

However in the end nothing was done.

The professor's personality made it impossible to accept such a method anyway. And Magneto, if he was given a choice, he would most likely want to get a puppet, and this is impossible to accept

The captain of the United States is different. Whether he agrees with it or not, whether in the hearts of the Avengers or ordinary people, at least he will not be disgusted with him. It is a situation that can be accepted by both parties.

To change the situation of Mutant, there is no need for policy inclination at all, as long as it is fair and just!

Having figured this out, Qin looked at Thor with a complicated expression: "It's a pity that there is no such schemer as you in my world, otherwise Mutant's situation wouldn't be so bad

"No." Thor shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that you can't think of it. It's just that you are all people in the game, and it is inevitable to be biased when considering things. But I stand at another height. In fact, even if the entire earth To be my enemy, that's all."

Steve returned to the temporary residence in silence.

He's not someone who craves power. However, Underwood's words moved him and made him fall into a tangle.

"We need you. This country needs you to make it a beacon of freedom and democracy."

But he wondered if he could really bear all this?

Thinking about all this, Steve didn't sleep a wink all night.

………(No good).

"jingle bell jingle bell"

At six o'clock in the morning, the phone rang.

Steve, who hadn't slept all night, picked up his phone, it was Stark's call, and he pressed the answer button.

"Hey hey Steve, you gotta explain to us what the hell is going on? Is that what they say?"

Stark asked a series of endless questions, and Steve was dumbfounded.

"What happened? What did you say?"

"You read the news yourself."

Confused, Steve turned on the TV.

His pupils shrank suddenly.

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