Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 228 The Fall Of Odin

Odin was silent for a moment, then continued: "The child, Ragnarök, is coming.

"!!!" Loki's eyes widened. This word, he has only heard in legends,

Thor interrupted Odin: "No, father, I will not let it happen. Sirte has been defeated by me, its helmet is sealed in Jotonheim, the power of frost will eat away the power of fire, and I can completely destroy it. "

Odin shook his head and smiled: "You can solve her problem too?"

Thor was silent for a moment, and his face was full of determination: ".....Yes! Ragnarök, it's the ultimate ultimate move to kill each other, I will never use it!"

"Wait... Who is that she you're talking about? What does it have to do with Ragnarök-?"

Loki, who didn't know the truth, was confused.

Odin said lightly: "Goddess of Death, Hela, my first child, your sister.

"I've spent my whole life trying to stop her, but now there's nothing I can do."

"Her ambitions swelled to the point that I couldn't control them. So, I had no choice but to seal her up.

Loki was shocked, he never thought that Asgard had such a history. Perhaps, this period of history has been completely buried, all the classics no longer exist, and there is no one who remembers that period of history.

Frigg knew about it, but she wouldn't take the initiative to say it.

Odin glanced at Thor, smiled lightly and said, "I know, you don't agree with my approach, it's normal. Your siblings, including Loki, are very similar to when I was young."

Tyranny, conquest, treachery.....It is definitely not as kind as it is today.

When he was young, Odin, who fought in the Nine Realms, belonged to the existence of crying children at night in the universe.

Loki Shanshan smiled.

"I hope you can prove you're right. Well, you're right, we're a family after all, maybe it's really okay to not fight?"

Odin patted Thor's shoulder lightly: "It's a pity that I can't see it anymore, no matter what the future will be. By the way, you have to remember that Hela's life and Asgard are connected together. Once she returns to Asgard, she The power will become endless, you have to pay attention to this."

He said these words to Thor. After all, in the face of such a crisis, Loki, the five scumbags of the war, can only call 666......

Only Thor can really stop Hela and stop Ragnarök.

Thor nodded.

"Do you know where this is?"

Odin suddenly pointed forward.

"Norway." Loki blurted out, and quickly felt wrong, how could it be that Odin didn't know where this was?

"Northern Europe, the place where the Vikings originated, is also the place where Asgard left legends in this world." Thor put the meaning of Odin.

"You're right. If, I mean if, when you try your best and still can't stop this, consider taking a step back. Asgard has never been a place, but a place for people. Like here, it can also be thick home."

After speaking, Odin's whole body turned into a golden light, which slowly dissipated in the air.

Odin, who once shocked the universe, has finally come to the end of his life.

Thor took a deep breath.

0...seeking flowers0

From this moment on, even if the sky falls, there will be no tall man to stand up for it.

In other words, he is the tallest in the Nine Realms, and he will be responsible for everything.

In every corner of the Nine Realms, everyone felt an inexplicable palpitation at this moment, but they didn't know what happened.

Only Thor knows that Odin's passing means the end of the world's novice protection. From this moment on, the intruders in the universe will no longer have any scruples, and can invade the Nine Realms with great fanfare, until...


Until Thor knocks them all down!

In Asgard, Frigg looked up at the sky with a complex expression.

After a long time, she suddenly thought of something and quickly ran to Bifrost's control room.

"Heimdall. I'm going on a trip to Earth, right now!"


"Also, no matter what happens in a while, don't take action without authorization. Asgard's power must not be consumed in internal fighting!"

As the wisest person in Asgard, she is not worried about Ragnarök the most, after all, the worst outcome is just family migration.

The real concern, is draining Asgard's vitality in the battle with Hela.

Her worry is not unreasonable. In the original book, it is because Ragnarök consumes too much that he will be vulnerable to Thanos' invasion later.

Heimdall is a little confused.

Frigga hesitated for a few seconds, and handed him a scroll.

"Make the contents of this scroll public!"


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