Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 251 Routine

When Natalia woke up, she was lying in a lake, as if in a dream.

But the orange gemstone in her hand was telling her that this was not a dream.

I once thought that I had forgotten the tears. At this moment, she held the gemstone tightly, holding back tears, but finally couldn't help crying out loud.

Suddenly, Soul Gem trembled and struggled violently, as if it was about to leave her palm.

Surprised, Natalia held the gem firmly.

However, the power of the gemstone was too strong, and finally broke free from her hand and flew into the distance.

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The fast-fleeing Soul Gem seemed to be mounted on a wall, suddenly stood upright, and then trembled violently.

A familiar voice sounded: "Since you have come out, don't even think about going back."

Natalia's eyes widened: "Thor?"

A familiar figure appeared out of nowhere in front of him, tightly holding the Soul Gem that was trying to escape.

Natalia was taken aback for a moment, and no longer had the restraint of being a Black Widow, she jumped up in surprise and joy, and hugged him.

Thor embraced the widow in one hand and Soul Gem in the other, and said in a low voice: "I know, you have your own thoughts. Although I don't know where your strange rules come from, but since you have passed the test, Then honestly become my weapon. I can promise that for up to ten years, I will set you free.

"I know that you like to devour souls. I will sacrifice tens of millions of souls to you. You will not lose money on this deal."

"Otherwise, I can destroy you right now!"

Let go of Natalia, and on the other hand, the light of the power gem flickers.

Although the routine of one-handed carrot and the other-handed stick is simple, it is easy to use.

An emotionless voice sounded in Thor's heart: "Why should I believe you?"

Thor froze for a moment, and said, "Just because————— I am the strongest in this universe!"

The vibration of Soul Gem slowly stopped.

Thor vaguely felt that there was a connection between himself and the gem - within ten years, Soul Gem was completely driven by himself, even more reliable than other rough gems.

Natalia regained her sanity from the mixed sorrow and joy, and asked in confusion: "Thor, what is going on?"

"I can explain it to you."

Another figure appeared in the dark, the god of pranks——Loki.

"My transformation technique is almost the same as the original body, and no one can tell the difference. In fact, it is not the real Thor who jumped down, but an illusion.

Loki has a smug look on his face. Trick the fabled Infinite Gems and put a radiant glow on the face of the god of mischief.

Thor glanced at him, but didn't see through his arrogance.

Go to the phantom to deceive Soul Gem? It's just to deceive the earthlings like Natalia who don't understand the original stone...

In fact, only the original stone can fool the original stone.

The last of the three Infinite Gems coupons obtained 20 years ago, Soul Gem-creates an indistinguishable soul that is exactly the same as the target, generated at the specified location

Time and place are optional. Valid for one minute.......

Loki's illusion just created a shell, and what really hides from Soul Gem is a soul exactly like Thor.

For a minute, this soul is absolutely real. No one in the entire universe could tell the difference except Thor.

Soul Gem devoured the sacrificial soul and emerged contentedly. But when the statute of limitations passed, it realized that it had been cheated, struggling to leave but was caught by Thor.

Being deceived by the soul created by his own power, Soul Gem can be regarded as shooting himself in the foot.

"So, what would you do if you hadn't tricked the Soul Gem? Would you sacrifice me, or one of us?"

Natalia asked.

Thor shook his head: "No. I'm not Thanos, the victory that requires sacrifice is never a real victory, and I will not leave a lifetime of regrets. If I don't succeed, I will destroy the entire Vomir Star ball, along with the gems .”

He took out the battle axe: "The purpose of my gems is to make 5.3 Thanos lose one gem, that's all. This is what really solves him."

In the vast universe, Carol Danvers is flying absent-mindedly.

She was thinking about the past.

Facing the large-scale attack of the Cree, the Scruis finally couldn't stand it anymore.

The Cree issued an ultimatum, requiring the Skrulls to surrender unconditionally within one day, and the whole family became slaves and lived. Otherwise, let this race be completely exterminated.

Talos finally couldn't bear it and sent a distress signal to Carol.

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