Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 260: The Eve Of The Battle

Unexpectedly, the key point came back to Iron Man.

Strange's meaning is obvious. In the future he sees, Iron Man is indispensable.

Doctor Strange's remarks are actually a bit of a spoiler, and it's very important - Thanos' death is not the end.

If nothing else, there's at least one Dormammu. But even if he doesn't come, Thor will have to trouble him sooner or later. After all, he was one of the masterminds behind Ragnarök, although he didn't succeed.

Thinking of this, Thor couldn't help laughing: "It looks like I'm going to steal your boss, and Dormammu is your good opponent."

Strange shrugged: "Who knows, maybe you will do all my other jobs by then.

"So," Thor joked, "I helped Kamar-Taj out of a big problem, and you gotta show it.

"The magic of unlimited refills for you?"

"make a deal!"

In the laboratory of the Stark Building, Stark, who just returned from Wakanda, is typing on the keyboard.

I have to say that Wakanda's technology is really good, and the injury can recover 70% to 80% so quickly.

On the experimental platform not far away, a headless corpse was lying there.

This is Vision. Stark is trying to recreate the artificial intelligence of J.A.R.V.I.S through the former data fragments, and then - revive Vision.

"Friday, check the target equation."

"Eighty-five percent similarity to J.A.R.V.I.S."

Stark sighed.

The birth of a real intelligent robot, strictly speaking, belongs to the creation of life.

He can create an artificial intelligence almost exactly the same as J.A.R.V.I.S, but he can't really give life to the other party.

"You can't do this."

Thor's voice came suddenly.

Stark, who was lying on the sofa, glanced at him, not bothered about his sudden appearance in his lab, but asked: "I know it's difficult, but there is always hope.

"No, you have no hope."

Thor said indifferently: "Supposing that Pepper Potts kicked you, and then you took a blood sample from Pepper Potts, and then used cloning technology to create an identical person, can you treat her as your little girl?" Chili?"

Stark glared at him: "Why such an inappropriate metaphor? Definitely doesn't count!"

Thor shattered his illusion: "But you are doing the same thing now. Even if you did copy J.A.R.V.I.S exactly, and then imported consciousness into the Vibranium body without relying on the Mind Gem, the new robot would no longer be It’s Vision, at most it’s a twin brother.”

Stark was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "How could I not know what you said? But what else can I do now?"

Whether it is Vision or J.A.R.V.I.S, the significance to him is extraordinary.

"Yes." Thor affirmed: "The biggest function of Time Gem is to control the flow of time, just like Doctor Strange was killed by Dormammu millions of times, and finally recovered."

"Really?" Stark was taken aback for a moment, and then became excited: "So, as long as we get back the gems, revive Vision?"

"definitely!" Thor is not fooling around, after all, Thanos did this in the original book...

Hmm... If Shi Chuanqi hadn't said that Stark would be so useful in the future, he wouldn't bother to enlighten Stark.

0......seeking flowers......

Asgard began to rebuild, Thor saved Asgard as a rookie king, prevented the unavoidable fate in the legend, got everyone's approval, and the cohesion of the whole Asgard was unprecedentedly high.

Knowing the results of Thor's fight against Thanos, the Avengers are full of confidence, and the morale that was hit before suddenly rebounds.

Many people throughout the galaxy are considering whether to form a group to seek revenge from Thanos. I didn't dare to do Thanos before, mainly because this guy is too fierce, no one can stop him from chopping people, and there is a lack of someone who can withstand him, but now I have...

The only ones who are gloomy are the Kree. They originally thought that Thanos would be free to deal with Captain Marvel after finishing his work, but they didn't expect that Thanos would have no chance of survival.

On the battlefield, he was defeated by Carroll. The opponent is an army alone.

Once her immediate boss, Yong Luoge, had a faint premonition——this time, I am afraid that she will really end everything!

Thanos is pretty much pushed to the edge of a precipice. If he dragged on and waited for his former enemies to form an alliance to cooperate with the Avengers, he would have no chance of winning.

Right now, the only way is to forcibly launch a full-scale invasion of the earth in the shortest possible time [Destroy the Lord Daxin Palace and release Dormammu. Song You held Thor back to win!

Thanos glanced at his newly installed robotic arm, then at Holy Place No. 2, which was still under maintenance, and finally ordered helplessly: "Prepare to attack, Earth!"


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