Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 273 Garden

"That one just now, is it really Thanos?"

Star-Lord pushed Gamora.

" should, right?"

Gamora also couldn't believe it: "I've never seen Thanos escape..."

Thor interrupted her: "That's because he didn't touch me. Besides, I beat him away once in Vormir."

Everyone was speechless.


Stark landed heavily on the ground and stepped out of a deep pit. Mark's 50nm battle armor was covered with scars, and many malfunctions had already occurred inside, so that it was difficult to land smoothly.

"Damn it, the armor that was just repaired is scrapped again." Tucao, and continued to ask: "So, where did Thanos go?"

Thor rolled his eyes: "How would I know?"

Turning to Strange who just arrived: "Did someone open the portal for him just now?"

Strange nodded: "It's the cultist who was tempted by Mordo, and sent him away at a critical moment."

Thor feels a bit sore, it’s your boss, it’s fine if I didn’t wipe my butt clean, but it’s always preventing me from killing Thanos

"Where's that man? I'm going to interrogate him."

Strange shook his head: "I'm afraid not."

Pointing to a pool of stains nearby: "His life has been swallowed by Dormammu. How can there be no price for the power of the dark dimension?"

Thor froze for a moment, although he was a little upset, he still accepted the result.

"Wait, now the question is, where did Thanos go?"

Stark interjected, "Just let him go and he won't come back?"

"Impossible!" Thor categorically denied: "His troops have been completely lost, and he has suffered several fatal injuries. The injuries caused by Stormbreaker may not even be smoothed by Time Gem. Forcibly launched under serious injuries Gem power, I reckon Thanos would have to use a wheelchair if he lived."

After saying this, everyone present felt a lot more relaxed. As the strongest Avenger who defeated Thanos, Jell's words are undoubtedly the most convincing.

"But the problem is... Thanos took the Time Gem and Mind Gem, without them I can't revive Vision." Stark distressed.

"Don't worry." Thor patted him on the shoulder: "We can always find him. Infinite Gems cannot be destroyed. At most, it can be turned into an atomic state, and there will always be a way to restore it.

In fact, even if the gemstones were turned into atoms, Thanos couldn't do it. He only has two gems in his hand, so he doesn't have this ability at all.

Wanda, the only one who can destroy gems, is by her side.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you about the trace of the room."

Stark left with that sentence. His injuries are also quite serious, and his battle armor is also damaged, so he needs to maintain it as soon as possible.

In fact, Thor has some guesses about the whereabouts of Thanos, either the Titan star, or the unknown planet that was farmed in the original book.

The Titan star is gone, and there is only one Sirte left there, and Thanos' current state is to send it away. As for the farming planet, there is no name, so it is hard to find it..

"Nebula, did Thanos mention to you where to retire when he fulfilled his dream?"


"I have been taken out of Holy Place No. 2 by you for more than ten years, do you think I might know?"

She is a little confused.


Nebula was only eleven or twelve years old when he was taken away by his Cong holy place No. 2, and Mie probably hasn't made any retirement plans...

However, someone must know.

"Thanos has been telling me about his grand plan, trying to get me to buy into his philosophy.

Gamora said to Thor.

"I once asked, where will I go after completing this goal. His answer is always only one.

"Go to that garden."

Xingjue next to him shrugged his shoulders: "I didn't expect that a person like Thanos would arrange a retirement plan for himself (Qian's Zhao)."

Thor continued to ask: "Then do you know where that garden is?"

"Definitely, but I'm not sure he's there. Because he's losing now, he doesn't necessarily give up just like that, and he's probably still doing things elsewhere."

Thor said lightly: "We will go there and guard. I have a hunch that he will definitely go to that place."

Star-Lord asked at this time: "Have you really decided to go there? You must know that it is Thanos' home field, which is different from Earth. Moreover, he still has the rough stone in his hand."

"Then take it back!"

A cold female voice sounded behind him.


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