Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 277 Follow-Up

"So, are you going to change your career?" Thor narrowly said, "I have an easy way. How about I ask Banner for the serum for you, and then use gamma rays to transform you, turning you into a Hulk too? "

Stark's forehead was full of black lines, and the scene of Hulk smashing smashed appeared in his mind...

Why is your imagination so rich? And you always don't think of the best?

"Are you sure you didn't become disgusted?" Stark glared at him: "I mean, this time you have contacted a large number of alien allies, and most of their technological level is stronger than ours, at least they have entered the interstellar space. era. I think Earth should have more exchanges with them, especially the Nova Corps of Xandar, which is said to be an alliance of many planets. If possible, Earth should also join them..."

"Definitely no problem." Thor nodded.

Although in terms of basic technology, Diqiu does not appear to be weak. But I can't stand the superhero on the earth, so wow!

Especially as the main battlefield of this wave against Thanos, many potential forces of the earth have been revealed, Wakanda, Kamar-Taj, Avengers...

Especially now that the Kree, the long-time enemies of Xandar, are kneeling, joining the Nova Legion will definitely do more good than harm

Speaking of the Cree, Thor suddenly remembered something, and stopped Carol who was wandering: "I want to ask you something, according to what you said, Ronan was just a relatively powerful Cree, but When I saw him a few years ago, I found that he was not a mortal at all, and could even withstand the power of the power gem for a short time`

Carrollton stopped in his tracks.

After some hesitation, she still confessed: "At that time, I heard that the Cree secretly collected the corpse of a Celestial race. Although it was dead, the energy in it was still terrifying, and Ronan used it to The blood of the gods bathes itself, so it gets strengthening.

Thor understood: "But that kind of strengthening, should there be any side effects? Otherwise, there must be more than one Ronan doing it."

Carol nodded: "Yes, so I know that it can greatly strengthen the physical level, but I never considered it. Because once bathed in the blood of the gods, the personality will become irritable, and the IQ will also be significantly reduced. "

Thor: "..."

The case was solved. It turned out that there was a reason why Ronan became a fool. No wonder he was cheated by Xingjue's awkward dance......

Carol looked at him suspiciously: "Hey, don't you have this idea? But I think your physical fitness doesn't need strengthening anymore..."

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a trade of intelligence for force, but for ordinary people, the benefits are more...

With a body of steel like Thor, even if he takes a bath every day in the blood of the gods, the strengthening of his body can be said to be negligible.

Well, Stark is mortal, but his intellect is clearly better than his strength.

Stark also shook his head hastily: "Forget it, I'd better go and work on my invention..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly showed a relaxed smile: "By the way, Thor, Pepper and I plan to get married next month, you must come to participate!"

Well, Stark has decided, he wants to hold the most grand wedding in the world, let everyone witness the former playboy Tony Stark, he has played enough and finds an honest man to marry.

"Definitely going, I'm an elder anyway, I definitely want to participate. Ah, your father said back then that he was worried that you would be too profane. Now that you are finally married, I am very pleased, uncle...

Stark: Go away!!!"

Although no gems were found on this trip, at least Thanos was successfully killed.

It's an achievement that shakes the universe

Whether as the destroyer who slaughtered the universe, the super executioner, or an ordinary retired fruit farmer, Thanos' death is a matter of historical significance.

This is the end of an era, and it also represents Thor—the new king of Asgard officially announced his attitude. Anyone who dares to offend the Nine (Li Dezhao) Realm will pay the price, even Thanos.

Because of Odin's death, many racial forces who had slightly lowered the level of Asgard in their hearts were marked as bright red in an instant, and the Nine Realms on the universe map became the ultimate danger zone...

Although Odin is fierce, he just ran Thanos away! Out of the Nine Realms, Odin didn't even bother to talk to him.

But Thor is different, this guy is sure to get revenge, even if Thanos has gone home to farm, he can catch up with him!

And during this period of time some people have also noticed that the Titan star is gone... Yu

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