Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 280 New Asgard

Five years ago, the war with Thanos almost destroyed half of New York, and countless buildings were razed to the ground, including Thor's original manor.

Considering that New York has too many disasters, Thor chose another place when rebuilding.

Originally, New Asgard was a small fishing village where Asgard refugees lived. In this life, Asgard only destroyed the above-ground buildings, and under the dual effects of advanced technology and magic, it quickly completed the reconstruction, and the people did not need to leave the homeland where they lived in the era.

Back then in northern Norway, the sea that Odin looked at last did not become the home of the "340" Germans in Asgar, but became Thor's own home...

Five years ago, Thor used the energy of the power gem and Tesseract to pull a meteorite directly from space and landed on the sea, creating a small island and building his castle on the island, named New Asgard.

Well, in theory, the specific ownership of the newly discovered islands on the high seas should belong to the first to discover and occupy them. The specifics depend on the disputes between the parties.

And there's no fist harder than Thor's in the entire galaxy.

Besides, the old superpower Lighthouse State and the new superpower Wakanda expressed their support at the same time, and this island officially belongs to Thor...

Thor brought everyone in the manor to the island.

Thor lives here most of the time. Asgard is good, but the place is really too small.

Well, unlike the manor, this island is not open to the public. Except for Thor, no male creature can come within ten miles...

Here, Thor is almost like a king.

Well, I almost forgot, it was originally the king......

Although he inherited the throne of king, Thor is the shopkeeper most of the time, and he typically wants to wear his crown and does not bear the burden.

There is Loki internally, and Hela externally. Since then, the king has not come to court early... In a normal country, this kind of stupid king is already finished, but as long as Thor is the best at fighting, then the world will be peaceful.

When Loki is not doing anything, his abilities are still very strong. As for Hela...

Hela hasn't given up on her ambitions, never has.

However, she also knows that she is not Thor's opponent, and it is difficult to match Thor in terms of growth potential. As for intrigue, she is not good at it, otherwise she would not have been stabbed in the back by Odin back then and thrown herself into the street......

Besides, regardless of the royal power, the relationship between the siblings is actually very good, especially when performing mixed doubles against Loki, the cooperation is tacit than anyone else.

What really troubled Thor was that Hela came up with a big trick to save the country...

The specific route is hard to say. It is similar to the parallel universe described by a certain Marvel comic that Thor read in his previous life-"New Ultimate Alliance".

Well, Hela has her own room in the castle of New Asgard, room number 404, this mysterious number represents a kind of taboo that must not be violated, which means that one-surnamed people are doomed

Ah bah Thor enters, doomed!

"Welcome back, master!"

A crisp female voice sounded...

This is the voice of the Red Queen. The super artificial intelligence of Tangtang Umbrella Company is regarded by Thor as the steward of the new Asgard, and she manages the island in a unified manner.

When foreign enemies invade, the defense facilities on the island will launch an attack immediately, giving the opponent a devastating blow in an instant.

In addition, the Red Queen can invade and forcibly take over any network data, which is stronger than Ultron to some extent.

The phantom of a light red girl appeared in front of Thor, except that it had no entity, it was already very close to a normal person.

Moreover, for some reason, the essence of the Red Queen summoned to this world seems to have undergone some changes. It is no longer a static pattern, but can grow like a normal person.

She was a little girl five years ago, but now she is a girl of seventeen or eighteen...

For the Red Queen, Stark is envious to death, he can't imagine how Thor came up with this 2.7 real artificial intelligence anyway.

In contrast, my Miss Friday doesn't seem so fragrant...

"Did nothing happen at home while I was away?"

"Everything is normal! But Miss Natalia brought back a few teenage children, saying that they are worth cultivating..."

A teenage child? You are only a teen yourself, talking so old-fashioned...

Thor made a silent complaint in his heart.

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