Strongest Thor In Marvel

Chapter 96: Rubik's Cube In Hand

a few minutes ago...…….

The flight crew on the space carrier received a message: "Commander Fury has been deprived of authority, acting as an order 7A11!"

"7A11 has been confirmed and is ready to take off!"

"Sir, there is an abnormality on the deck, a plane took off illegally!" Maria Hill looked anxious, she guessed the reason for the plane to take off, and shouted into the communicator: "The takeoff has not been approved, stop immediately ! Attention everyone, stop that plane!"

Nick Fury knew that the council had bypassed him and gave the order, and he took a bazooka and rushed up to the deck, and the Japanese cannon hit the wing.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, another plane rushed off the runway and took off, and there was no time to stop it.

Nick Fury threw the rocket launcher in his hand angrily, and picked up the communicator: "Stark, can you hear me? A plane carrying a nuclear bomb is flying towards New York, and it will arrive in about three minutes!"

Stark was shocked, New York is in chaos now, once the nuclear bomb explodes, it will at least cause millions of deaths and injuries.

He didn't care about entanglement with the miscellaneous soldiers, input all the energy into the propeller, and met the nuclear bomb flying in the distance.

"Damn it! Those idiots in the council actually dropped nuclear bombs on their own people!" Natalia couldn't help but cursed.

"Leave it to me, I have experience in space."

Thor knows that it is very risky for Stark to send a nuclear bomb into the portal. Although the original work is successful, no one can guarantee that he will come back alive this time. He pushed Stark away, took the nuke, and rushed towards the portal.

"Natalia, close the portal immediately!"

Natalia was stunned for a moment, then shouted in random horror: "No, I'll wait for you to come back!"

"Idiot, the nuclear bomb can't hurt me, and I can use space magic, so I can come back immediately no matter where I am! Shut down immediately to prevent nuclear shock and radiation from affecting the city!"

"Believe Your Highness, he once fought his way through my father's headquarters!" Xing Yun, who arrived at an unknown time, said.

She is the one who knows Thor's strength best, and the person who can make a big fuss in Holy Place No. 2 and walk away is definitely not something that a nuclear bomb or a mere Kirita can handle.

Natalia gritted her teeth and shouted: "Come back alive!" Then she ruthlessly hit the authority on the Rubik's Cube.

There was a loud noise in the sky, and huge amounts of the portal began to slowly close.

Thor rushed through the portal and disappeared into the air. After a few seconds, the portal completely disappeared.

Carrying the nuclear bomb, he rushed to the Chirita mothership, stopped at the front, and sneered at the terrified Zirita commander in the cabin behind the glass: "Thank Thanos for sending me the Mind Gem ! Oh, you have no chance."

A bolt of lightning shattered the glass of the cabin and sent the nuclear bomb in. A golden halo appeared behind him, and the whole person disappeared into it.

On Earth, the members of the Avengers are fighting to resist the constantly steady Qi Rita army. In addition to the Avengers team, Nebula, Minerva, War Machine Rhodes, Falcon, Sam Wilson and others have all joined the battlefield, and the situation is precarious.

Suddenly, the Leviathan giant kun in the air seemed to lose control in an instant, and fell heavily. At the same time, Qi Ruita soldiers also fell one by one.

"No, Thor hasn't come back yet!" Natalia exclaimed suddenly, and everyone else became nervous.

"Damn it, I should have gone!" Stark stamped his feet, and Steve and the others also had complex expressions.

"I'm going to ask, who launched the nuclear bomb!" Natalia had a murderous look on her face, and Black Widow's aura was fully revealed.

"Wait a minute, Mjolnir told me that Thor is fine!" Miss Jane stopped Natalia. "As old partners for thousands of years, there is a connection between them.

The Avengers breathed a sigh of relief.

Nick Fury on the Helicarrier was also relieved to see the nuclear bomb sent into the portal and the Kirita fell.

He secretly made up his mind that these cold-blooded politicians must not let the Avengers be controlled, otherwise it will only bring greater disaster.

"I'd like a glass of wine, if I may."

In the office of the Stark Building, Loki, who regained his sanity, surrendered to the Avengers, and he was used to it anyway.

The elevator door opened, and a team of commandos came in, and the leader, Sitwell, said: "Give us the scepter, and we will keep it safe.

0...... Ask for flowers......

Natalia squinted her eyes, but still gave him the scepter. Although she knew he was not a good person, it was not the time to turn her face.

"Attention, this thing is very dangerous, it was controlled by it."

Sitwell nodded: "I'll keep an eye out. As for the Tesseract..."

"Your chief has agreed to hand it over to me."

Thor's voice came from behind, "Sorry, I'm late." Thor's space teleportation level is limited, and the ultra-long-distance teleportation has some deviations, and it actually teleported to the edge of the solar system, so it took more time.


Speaking of which, if it wasn’t for a divine body like myself, ordinary magicians wouldn’t dare to engage in interstellar teleportation without being sure, not to mention accidentally running on the sun. “The vacuum environment alone can make most crispy magicians kneel.

Thor grabbed the Tesseract up and looked at it.

Sitwell was stunned, and a random group of people raised their guns and aimed at Thor: "Put down the Tesseract! This is the property of S.H.I.E.L.D!"

Thor sneered: "Just kidding, my father put Tesseract on the earth for thousands of years to prevent the energy from being abused. When did it become your S.H.I.E.L.D thing?"

"Sitwell agent, put down the gun, Thor is not the enemy!" Natalia shouted.

Stark also raised his palm, and the laser cannon was ready to go: "This is my territory, I suggest you don't be impulsive.

At this time, Nick Fury's voice came from the communicator: "Put down the gun! The Tesseract belongs to Asgard!"

"However, Secretary Pierce said..."

"Now I'm the director!"

Sitwell hesitated for a while, put down the gun with a black face.

On the Helicarrier, Nick Fury explained to Hill and others beside him: "Not to mention that I promised him, the energy of the Tesseract is originally too dangerous and can easily attract the attention of evil forces.

"Earth, is not ready for high level war."


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