Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1194: Shen 9 Feng's Horror

PS: Thank you book friends for traveling. ★ Don't drop 10,000 starting coins.

Yi Jianting looked at Su Xin in front of him, but he never expected that a trivial matter would provoke a strong man from the Central Plains Wulin.

Lin Qingxuan watching from the side is also a look of shock, the monitoring of the sea eye chart is not wrong, there really is a strong martial arts realm in the waters of their Fangxiandaomen.

This matter is no longer what he can manage now, Lin Qingxuan immediately used mysterious methods to inform them that Fangxiandaomen's palm teacher Zhong Xuan came.

Shen Jiufeng looked at Su Xin and frowned: "Wells in Central Plains Wulin and overseas Wulin do not violate the river water, what do you want to do here?"

Before waiting for Su Xin to answer, Shen Jiufeng suddenly thought that Zhou Yi had told him that they all had tokens from the emperor.

Su Xin's current behavior is related to this thing. Shen Jiufeng immediately thought of the key among them. He immediately said: "You are here for the tokens given by the emperor of the three families in Broken Dragon Island?"

Su Xin said indifferently: "The husband is guilty and guilty, Shen Dao, haven't you come for them?"

Shen Jiufeng breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't know what the Emperor's token was. Shen Jiufeng simply thought that this thing should be an invaluable treasure. After all, its roots are related to the Emperor. It must not be anything.

At first glance, this kind of thing is really unusual, and its value must be shocking!

Just look at the actions of Su Xin now. He is a magnificent figure in the rivers and lakes of Wuyuan in the Central Plains, and a figure of the level of the land fairy has actually sneaked into the Chu family to contemplate this thing in order to be afraid of being discovered by them overseas warriors. From this point, it can be seen that this thing is absolutely precious.

When thinking of this, Shen Jiufeng immediately laughed and said, "This seat is indeed for this thing, no matter whether this person's emperor token belongs to the Chu family or the Zhou family. Anyway, as long as this thing is in my overseas country, Then it is my thing overseas!

Su Xin, this time you have to come here for nothing. Now when you leave overseas, you can still have some face, otherwise you may lose your face if you do n’t get it. "

Su Xin said indifferently: "Really? It seems that the strength of this overseas warrior is very self-confident. I've seen one like Shen Dao's self-confidence. Who is that person calling? Oh, it seems to be Yi Jianting, However, he died very miserably at the end. Now it seems that he was buried by the people of the Da Zhou court. The grass on the grave should be quite high now. "

There was a touch of coldness in Shen Jiufeng's eyes.

He has no friendship with Yi Jianting. Yifeng's Gale Island is far away from his Tianfeng Island, and Yi Jianting is a descendant of the Four Seas Alliance in the past. He is sloppy, and it is impossible for both sides. What too much intersection.

But the problem is that Yi Jianting is also a warrior in their overseas land anyway, which represents the face of their overseas warrior, and what Su Xin is doing now is to step on the face of their overseas warrior. Shen Jiufeng was obviously also very angry.

A sharp dragon yelled and screamed out of the deep dragon knife in the hands of Shen Jiufeng. It was chopped down, enough to open the sky, and the sharp sound of blasting sounds sounded. It was torn into two halves, and even the sea seemed to be stunned by this sword, and the seawater began to flow back to both sides.

Su Xin's eyes are a little dignified, and there is no simple generation who can achieve Zhenwu. Everyone has two brushes.

Shen Jiufeng's cultivation on the knife path is very strong, which is almost the strongest Su Xin has ever seen.

If Ke Zhanyue, the owner of the Taihang cottage ‘the world has no head’, can be promoted to Zhenwu, he may have this accomplishment on the knife path.

In the hands of Su Xin, only the Tao sword emerged. You have the blade of heaven, and I have the sword of the world!

Only the Taoism on my Tao sword is pervasive, and the forces of the earth, the earth, the wind, and the fire gather together, but no matter what kind of power it is, it is a sword, the sword energy everywhere!

The sword stabbed, and the world changed color in an instant. This sword was magnificent and dazzling. It left a deep impression on the hearts of the Chu and Zhou families, and even Lin Qingxuan, as if it was the most powerful they have ever seen in this life. Swordplay, a swordplay that no one can surpass!

In particular, Lin Qingxuan, in his eyes, this sword is the immortal trail that their Fangxian Taomen pursued hard. This sword does not belong to the world, but only a sword that can be stabbed by immortal talents!

A sword is coming from the west, and flying fairy!

This type of sword technique has been researched to the extreme by Su Xin. One sword fell, and the sharp edge of the kendo suddenly covered Shen Jiufeng's incisive sword, and suddenly a wave of destruction level broke out, and the waves billowed. Even the dragon tail island under their feet trembled!

The power of the two collisions can make people feel terrifying, but Shen Jiufeng's eyes are shocked.

He did n’t know much about Su Xin. After all, the information he collected was passed on by businessmen who traveled overseas. He knew that Su Xin was very strong, but he never knew that Su Xin could be so strong. The extent of this horror.

The prestige of this sword can make Shen Jiufeng frightened, and the sword is torn by the sword's qi. The thing that most shocked Shen Jiufeng was the sword in Su Xin's hand.

The long sword looked simple and simple, but it was surrounded by boundless Taoism. The power of the surrounding heaven and earth turned into a long sword that could not be seen by the naked eye. It made Shen Jiufeng immediately feel his Yuanlong sword. There was a sound of wailing from above!

Magic soldier!

The only road sword!

Shen Jiufeng then suddenly remembered it. It seemed that a businessman from the Central Plains had mentioned it to him, and Su Xin had in his hands the inheritance of the Qingcheng Sword School, one of the five schools of sword holding in the past.

It's just that Shen Jiufeng remembered it a little too late. The Taoist sword was tepid in the hands of the former Qingcheng Sword School, but in the hands of Su Xin, it was extremely sharp and reappeared.

Shen Jiufeng wanted to withdraw his Yuanlong sword, but at this time the Yuanlong sword had been torn by those incomprehensible Tao swords, and only heard the scream of a screaming sword, which was already preserved by him. For decades, Yuanlong Sword, which has the potential to advance the magic soldier, has shattered!

Although Shen Jiufeng was distressed at this time, he had no other choice.

So when Shen Jiufeng threw away the dad's Yuanlong knife, he had a powerful momentum rising around him, and a strange law phase emerged from behind him.

This Dharma Phase turned out to be a giant peak, but this giant peak was in the shape of a long knife, with a strange stone on it, but all exudes an incisive meaning with no sharp edge.

The faces of all the people at the scene suddenly changed. No one expected that the well-known Venerable Tian Feng in overseas places would be forced to such a degree by this Su Xin. In one move, he was fragmented by the heavenly soldiers he had kept for many years. In the second move, he used his true martial arts. Obviously, he had been forced to death by Su Xin.

At the moment when His Holiness was using his true martial arts, on the four islands hundreds of miles away from the three islands of Broken Dragon, a scrupulous middle-aged man in a white suit and slick hair suddenly frowned.

"This breath is Shen Jiufeng? No, there is still the breath of a true martial artist!

hiss! What a strong sword! Who can force Shen Jiufeng's true martial arts out? The opponent is definitely not my warrior overseas! "

This middle-aged man is now the master of the four islands, Gongsun Yun, a true martial artist who 'walks the waves and covers the sea'.

Gongsun Yun is only the owner of the four islands, but he is not the owner of the four islands. Because he inspired to restore the former system of the four seas alliance, the four islands will always be the four seas alliance, so he is only a temporary master, not the island owner. .

Gongsun Yun is a well-known good-natured man in a foreign country. He is also a well-known nosy person. Fortunately, he is not too pedantic. If the enmity between the two forces cannot be resolved, he will not Forcibly intervene.

But even if he is a good old man again, he is also a warrior in an overseas place, naturally he must first safeguard the interests of overseas places.

Someone from a non-overseas place is here to work with Shen Jiufeng. Regardless of his relationship with Shen Jiufeng, he must also take this issue and stand on the side of Shen Jiufeng.

And in the floating hall in the center of Fangxian Island, UU reads Zhong Chuxuan ’s body sits in it, his eyes that have been closed for a hundred years moved, but they have n’t opened. At the same time, a golden mang flashed in the hall, as if something had left.

At this time in Longwei Island, Shen Jiufeng felt the pressure of Su Xin, and he shot with all his powers.

The peak of that mountain was extremely thick, as if it had the power to cover the sea. With a single blade, the surrounding vitality was instantly emptied, and Su Xin's body showed a completely vacuum state, making him unable to mobilize any vitality.

Su Xin had already seen it in an instant, and the essence of Shen Jiufeng's rapture was in the word suppression.

The sword is heavy. Although this knife is not sharp enough, the suppressing force can weaken the strength of the same-level martial arts to the extreme.

Su Xin is surrounded by golden gods, and he also has the Fa phase appearing behind him. The emperor is near Jiuxiao, suppressing the world!

A punch blasted out, and the sky trembled suddenly. The huge stone knife like a mountain made a loud noise, but he was taken a step back by a blast!

Fighting the golden body combined with the Emperor Lin Jiuxiao's Fa phase exerted absolute power, coupled with Su Xin's fist-only fist meaning, enough to smash everything!

At this time, Su Xin's figure was just like the ancient demons. One step would be a punch and a fall, there would be a crack on the stone knife, and Shen Jiufeng's figure immediately took a step back.

The ten punches fell, and Shen Jiufeng stepped back ten steps. The ground beneath his feet shattered, and in the end he made a sound, almost one tenth of Longwei Island made a sound, and it burst into pieces!

The people of the Zhou family suddenly wanted to cry without tears. The two did not have the slightest suppression force. Each move was shot with all their strengths, and then let them fight. Longwei Island was really gone!

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