Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1196: No strength is original sin

This time Su Xin's trip overseas was not a matter of doing things. It should be said that the goal of Su Xin from the beginning was this divine command.

If only Shen Jiufeng was alone, Su Xin would kill him directly, and then win all the divine martial arts orders. Now, instead of three people coming together, Su Xin would have to fight with them and mess with them again. Come to other overseas powerhouses, he didn't want to leave this time.

Therefore, after Su Xin immediately wrapped up Chu Jingtian, he used the fighting gold body and the Dragon Tent among the thirty-sixth odds to take the bizarre outburst to return to the Chus at the maximum speed, and was preparing to forcibly start the Chus' formation.

At first, the three thought that Su Xin had retreated, but then Shen Jiufeng suddenly thought of something, and he hurriedly said: "Su Xin is going to the Chu family to win the Emperor's token! Now the Chu family has but Two Kings tokens are here! "

Shen Jiufeng's face is a bit ugly because he is not good at speed martial arts.

Gongsun Yun is very good at it. His nickname is to set foot on the waves. In fact, as long as he is at sea, Gongsun Yun's strength is really amazing. He is also proficient in speed magic.

However, this speed-type supernatural power is too restrictive. Gongsun Yunfang used this secret method because he was on his way. Now he cannot use it again.

The two men looked at Zhong Chuanxuan in unison, and saw a golden mang blooming on the body of Yuan Dixuan's Yuanshen, which disappeared almost instantly.

The two men snorted coldly, and quickly ran after them.

The mystery of the Xuan Yuan at the clock place is not exaggerated, but the speed must be much faster than them. If they go late, either these people's emperor tokens are taken by Zhong Chuxuan or they are taken by Su Xin. Back in the Central Plains, these overseas warriors have lost face, anyway, no matter what they want to see.

The three true martial arts powermen all left together, and everyone in the Chu family was already ashamed. Even after this incident, their Chu family would become the laughingstock of the entire overseas land.

Moreover, now that the Zhou family has taken refuge in Tianfeng Island, whether Shen Jiufeng will get in trouble with them afterwards is not necessarily an issue.

Everyone in the Zhou family was also relieved. At least now their crisis in the Zhou family has passed. Although they can no longer continue to rule in Longwei Island, at least they can also get a good position in Tianfeng Island. .

But at this moment, Bai Wumo's figure appeared directly in front of everyone's eyes, watching the three true martial arts strongmen chase Su Xin, and a smile appeared on the corner of Bai Wumo's mouth: "Su You are powerful, sir, and the task of attracting firepower will be left to you. I am not greedy, as long as one token is enough. "

In fact, Bai Wumo had already arrived. It should be said that he had never left at all, and had been hiding in the dark, monitoring the movement of Broken Dragon Island.

In fact, the magic of the magical demon road is indeed very powerful. In addition to the last time Bai Wumo provoked the Chu and Wang families to cause a leak of breath to be discovered by the sea eye chart, only three powerful men in the true martial arts landed simultaneously. The same is true.

Although Bai Wumo should stand up with Su Xin to deal with these three true martial arts powers for his ally status, Bai Wumo did not want to do so.

The reason is simple, because it is not cost-effective.

It is considered good to be able to catch two divine martial arts orders during this overseas trip. He wo n’t suffer if one, after all, to compete with the existence of Su Xin at this level, Bai Wumo has not much confidence.

And standing out against the three powerful men in Zhenwu Realm, Bai Wumo actually didn't have much confidence in his heart.

The other two were fortunate to say that he had seen the strength of Su Xin. He could suppress Shen Jiufeng on a one-on-one basis, and it was not a problem to maintain a one-on-two tie.

However, the Zhongxuan of the Fangxiandao Gate has given Bai Wumo great pressure, and the other party has cultivated the power of Yuanshen to a perverted degree, which is simply his nemesis.

Instead of trying desperately with a group of overseas warriors who don't know the depth, wait for Su Xin to attract all the firepower, and then he will take the divine martial command of the Zhou family.

Anyway, it is violence to break the battle. Although he is good at illusion, it is not a problem to break a battle.

The Chu and Zhou families were stunned and staring at Bai Wumo at this time. Today's events were a little too unexpected. They didn't respond at all, and now they came up with a true martial artist.

Bai Wumo looked at them with a faint smile and said, "You guys, there seems to be a token from the Emperor in your hands, right? Hand in, the deity's temper is not much better than that of Su Xin."

At this time, Su Xin was wrapped in Chu Jingtian and was about to come to Longshou Island.

Looking at Chu Jingtian who was caught in his hands, Su Xin felt his hatred, Su Xin said lightly, "Are you hating me?"

Chu Jingtian hated and said, "Should I not hate? You lied to me and ruined the Chu family!"

Su Xin looked at Chu Jingtian's slightly distorted face, he shook his head and said, "Well, it's sad, you should know the current situation of your Chu family, even without me, how long do you think your Chu family can survive? ?

The people of the Wang family are strong, and with each passing day, only the Wang family becomes stronger and stronger, and the Chu family becomes weaker.

The Zhou family has already taken the road of Shen Jiufeng from Tianfeng Island. Even if Shen Jiufeng will not attack your Chu family, other forces on Tianfeng Island may also attack your Chu family under the provocation or transaction of Zhou family.

But what about your Chu family? But it is still immersed in your former Chu family's insignificant identity as a host, and even without me, how long can your Chu family persist?

Of course, the most important thing is that your Chu family cherishes the martial arts orders from the emperor of the past.

You don't even know what it is, how precious it is, what kind of opportunity it represents!

A man is guilty and guilty of guilt. In this troubled world, having no strength is the greatest original sin! "

Su Xin's words resounded in the heart of Chu Jingtian like Hong Zhongda Lu, and even made him feel suspicious of what he had always insisted on.

Without strength is the biggest original sin. Who should he blame now when their Chu family reaches such a point? Complaining about their Chu family?

Seeing Chu Jingtian's confused expression, there was no change in Su Xin's face.

In fact, for the Chu family, he originally planned to kick it off after using it. As for whether Chu Jingtian would hate himself, Su Xin wouldn't care.

He just said so many more words to Chu Jingtian, it was just an outbreak of bad taste.

That's right, it's Su Xin's whim at a whim.

He just planted a seed in Chu Jingtian's heart, and now it depends on how it will germinate.

After this incident, whether Chu Jingtian will completely decline with the Chu family or break out of another world in an overseas place, this is not Su Xinhui's management.

Su Xin, where Chu ’s treasure house is located, has been very clear. With Chu Jingtian, he came straight to this place. Su Xin directly cut through Chu Jingtian ’s wrist and printed with blood, creating the same flaws as the Chu family ’s ancestor. The tactics, sure enough, the formation method opened smoothly.

Time was running short, Su Xin didn't pay attention to where the ancestors of the Wu family were placed by the ancestors of the Chu family. He simply stretched out his hands and swept out his powerful spirit, and directly put everything in the treasure house into his mustard bag. .

Anyway, the Chu family has been down for so many years, and there are not many things in the treasure house. Su Xin just packed it all away.

Just when Su Xin wanted to leave, a golden godman appeared in front of Su Xin's eyes, and the body of Yuan Xuan's Yuan Shen appeared in front of Su Xin's eyes, and a voice sounded from the bottom of Su Xin's heart.

"Su Xin, do you want to go that way? People can go, but you have to leave things."

Su Xin's eyes narrowed, so fast, could the pure body of the Yuanshen pass directly through space?

"Leaving things? Chief Zhong Dao, there is one thing you should not know. Anything that falls into the hands of my Su Xin has never been given up!"

Zhong Chuxuan unfortunately shook his head and said, "Our Fangxiandaomen have no interest in the secular martial arts disputes, but if you are stubborn, I can only do it."

The words fell, and Zhong Chuxuan's hand distorted a dusting brush, and gently swiped, and in a flash, thousands of golden gods were magnificent. UU read the book www.uukanshu. The vitality around the world of com turned into a huge vortex and strangled down towards Su Xin!

The power of Yuan Dixuan's Yuan Shen has been strong to a horrible level, and the vitality of heaven and earth is in his grasp. At this moment, Zhong Di Xuan is almost like the gods of this side of the world. all!

Su Xin frowned, and his endless **** sword exploded. He wanted to block it all around him, but Su Xin was somewhat shocked to find that this place is only using the body of Yuan Shen. It is also very difficult.

His Yuan Shen has even been able to join the initial integration of this side of the world, Su Xin fights with him, as if fighting with this side of the world.

Although even so, Su Xin has a certain degree of certainty to fight with him, but this is not the time to delay time.

So Su Xin's eyes suddenly burst into a dazzling ray of gods, the sword qi sharp edge shines through the ages, a sword to the west, the sky is flying!

This sword Su Xin was not going to kill Zhong Chuxuan. In fact, even if the might of Feixian Feixian is strong, it is impossible to kill Fangxian Taomen with one sword.

Su Xin just wanted to force Zhong Chuxuan back, and then evacuated overseas.

But at this clock, Xu Xuan saw a strange light burst out of Su Jian's eyes that saw Fei Xian that day.

This sword has a strong sword meaning, and in his opinion, only the immortal talent can make it.

Although the sword was stunning, Zhong Chuxuan did not retreat.

He just fell down with one palm, and the sky and earth around him were frozen in a moment, and the fluttering palm seemed to control everything.

The fairy touches me and grows up!

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