Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1202: misfortune

In the living room, Wang Yu felt that the people outside had already retreated, and then he showed a mysterious smile, and began to take things out of the mustard bag.

A scabbard, sword, halberd, etc. were taken out by Wang Yu. There were as many as ten stalks. The flashing cold edge on the top let Lu Yuanfeng take a breath of breath, because these ten stabbing lances are really ten stalks!

To know the preciousness of the heavenly soldiers, they only have three handles in the entire Lu family. As a result, Wang Yu immediately took out ten handles.

And Wang Yu hasn't stopped. He took out a bottle of elixir, pulled out the stopper, and the fragrance of the medicine permeated the entire living room. It was very intoxicating, and it was also ten bottles.

Immediately after, Wang Yu took out ten jade plates. The runes on these jade plates were pervaded, and they were ten array methods that had been engraved. As long as the internal force was input, they could be used.

There is no clear rank for the formation method, and because of the effect, the power cannot be compared.

But looking at the brilliant formation of the ten-face array, it is clear that this thing is not ordinary.

Lu Yuanfeng has been shocked to speech, because these things are a bit too precious right now.

Ten stalks of heaven, ten bottles of superb elixir, and ten powerful arrays, all these things are almost equal to the sum of all the belongings of his family, what exactly does Wang Yu want to trade? Buy their entire Lu family?

And Lu Yuanfeng, who had just returned from the shock, suddenly thought of a problem, which is that these things are definitely not something that Wang Yu can come up with!

Even if Wang Yu ’s dart board is so powerful, it is just a reckless force. How much information can he have?

At the moment, only the top forces on the rivers and lakes can win the ten-armed soldiers, ten bottles of the best elixir, and the ten-faced array. He Wang Yu is definitely not qualified to possess it, and even with his strength, he can have a handle. Celestial soldiers are already pretty good.

Wang Yu looked at Lu Yuanfeng with a smile and said, "The Lord Lu must have guessed it. It's not me who wants to make a deal with the Lord Lu this time. It's just a errand."

Lu Yuanfeng took a sigh of relief, changed his hand, and changed a slightly respectful tone: "I don't know what the adult behind Mr. Wang's head wants to do with my Lu family? As long as my Lu family can do it Yes, my Lu family will never quit. "

Facts have proved that Su Xin was right. Lu Yuanfeng was not an idiot. He could see the energy of the person behind Wang Yu from these things.

Wang Yu himself is not a vulgar generation. Although he only blends into the realm of gods, he is a rare grassy man on the rivers and lakes. He can make him a errand man. How many on the rivers and lakes?

At least their Lu family is one of the six great families, and Lu Yuanfeng is also a warrior in the state of Yang Shen, but if he really turns his face with Wang Yu, Wang Yu will certainly not give him face.

There are people who can come up with all the savings equivalent to their Lu family, and how terrible the power behind them should be. Lu Yuanfeng dare not guess at all.

Don't look at their Lu family as one of the six great families. They say that going out is prestigious, but there are so many great forces and so many powerful people on the rivers and lakes that they can destroy their Lu family. I dare not think of existence.

So now Wang Yu takes out these things and wants to make a deal with him. Lu Yuanfeng has no choice but to agree. He even dare not ask who the person behind Wang Yu is, and dare not guess.

Since the other party drove Wang Yu to come, he definitely didn't want to let him know his identity. If he asked, even if he knew the other party's identity, it would not be a good thing, but it would cause great trouble for their Lu family.

Wang Yu said indifferently: "Actually, you do n’t have to pay anything for the Lu family, as long as you surrender the token that your Lu family took from the Chen family two days ago."

Upon hearing Wang Yu's words, Lu Yuanfeng's eyes suddenly showed a hint of shock.

Lu Yuanfeng knew about the Chen family, but that was just the contradiction between their Lu family junior and that of the Chen family. The people below solved it.

The Chen family recognized it very quickly, so Lu Yuanfeng only ordered him to stop doing things without much attention.

Including Lu Yuanfeng, the ancestral token that the Lu family brought from the Chen family, did not pay much attention.

Although he also heard that the inheritance of the Chen family seems to be quite long, but he also looked at the token. Except for the exquisite shape, it had no special effect, so Lu Yuanfeng didn't care too much.

After all, even things that have been passed down from ancient times are still treasures and wastes. From Lu Yuanfeng's point of view, this token is obviously useless waste.

But looking at Wang Yu's meaning now, this token is not a waste, but a treasure, but an existence of the highest level!

At this moment, Lu Yuanfeng really had a bit of thought that he wanted to hold the token as his own, but as soon as he thought of it, he was annihilated by Lu Yuanfeng.

The token was nothing more than a waste in his hands, only to be treasured in the hands of those who knew it was secret.

And the strength of the other party is unfathomable. Since the other party can take out so many treasures in exchange for that token, it can also use the same level of power to buy his Lu family's life!

Sometimes people do n’t want to be too greedy, so Lu Yuanfeng pauses for a moment. Then he said: “No problem, please wait for the head of the dartboard. I immediately ordered someone to bring the token.”

Seeing Lu Yuanfeng promised so crisply, Wang Yu was also relieved.

In the same way, Tian Yu has not shot so far, which makes Wang Yu a little surprised. Isn't the person in Heaven yet?

Or it is possible that the people in Heaven are also thinking the same way as the Earth Mansion, preparing to ambush the other party, and braking quietly, but they did not expect that the City Mansion had already shot, and they still acted boldly.

In any case, it is best that the people in the heaven court do not take the shot. This is not because the land government is afraid of the heaven court, and it is not necessary to have an indifferent dispute in such a place.

Just when Wang Yu already thought that the overall situation was settled, there was a loud noise outside, and even Lu Yuanfeng, who was just about to get the token, stopped.

I only heard a few apprentices from the Lu family shouting anxiously: "Senior! The owner is discussing business inside, and you are asked to wait outside and not enter!"

At this time, a proud voice disdain: "Let me wait outside, your Lu family is also worth it? Noisy! Leave me away!"

The voice dropped, and only a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard, and then a wailing came from the disciples of the Lu family, and Lu Yuanfeng's complexion suddenly became gloomy.

The door was pushed open, and in front of Lu Yuanfeng and Wang Yu was a tall warrior. He was wearing a silver tight-fitting armor, revealing the cultivation of a yang god, and the look between the eyebrows was extremely arrogant and overbearing. Obviously not an easy generation.

At this moment, the warrior looked at Lu Yuanfeng and said, "You are the owner of the Lu family? I came here today to ask you for something. Be happier, don't waste my time."

As soon as this martial artist's words came out, combined with his previous performance, Wang Yu knew that the other party was definitely not a person in heaven.

Although the warriors in the heavenly courts are strong and arrogant, they are definitely not such brainless arrogants. This kind of goods will not be accepted even if they are repaired to the heavens with a yang god.

Lu Yuanfeng's complexion at this time was already gloomy. Although his Lu family had recently weakened, it was not enough that anyone could step on his head.

Right now, the performance of this Yang Shen Jing Wu warrior is no longer arrogant, he just has no one in his eyes and regards his Lu family as nothing!

Lu Yuanfeng said coldly: "Who is it under your feet? If you want something from my Lu family, you have a life to do it, but if you have a life to use it, it may not be so!"

The warrior of Yang Shenjing sneered and said, "Threatening me? Lu Yuanfeng, the names of the six families of your Lu family can scare others, but they can't scare me Lei Lingyun!"

There was a hint of doubt on Lu Yuanfeng's face, because he had never heard of Lei Lingyun's name.

You must know that the warriors of Yangshen Realm are already able to support a top-level figure on the rivers and lakes. Except for the land gods of Zhenwu Realm ~ ~ They are the peak figures standing on the entire rivers and lakes. It can never be Anonymous.

However, Lu Yuanfeng really did not know what Lei Lingyun was. Is there a hidden power coming out of the other party?

Seeing the confused expression on Lu Yuanfeng's face, Lei Lingyun's complexion was also dark.

He hasn't appeared in the rivers and lakes for a long time. Although this was a deliberate retreat by his teacher, he is now regarded as an unknown person by Lu Yuanfeng. Naturally, Lei Lingyun's mood is not good.

Looking at Lu Yuanfeng, Lei Lingyun snorted coldly: "He is from Heishui Pavilion!"

When hearing the three words in Heishuige, Lu Yuanfeng was still a little confused, but Wang Yu beside him suddenly remembered something, and his eyes were suddenly shocked, but he knew the person in front of him.

Although he is not in the court of heaven, his history is not small, because his teacher is also a true martial artist who is on the list of heaven, ‘Hei Shui Xizun’ ram is abandoned!

Although this person is on the list, he has not been able to show up for hundreds of years. Even before the war in the last year of the Great Jin Dynasty began, the rams abandoned it and began to conceal it.

This man was born in Sanshou, not the right way, or the magic way, but he is evil.

According to rumors, the ram renunciation was the ancestor of the rams of the old tribe. Because it was born with only six fingers, Tiangu was born when it was not visible, and was considered an ominous sign.

Later, the ram was abandoned and raised by an old beggar, and he named it 'abandon'. After going through bumps, he didn't know where to cultivate a martial art. The process was extremely **** and horrible, making people scary.

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