Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1207: Sadly reminded of the East Pole Qinghua Emperor

As the so-called is repeated again and again, but cannot be repeated, Yan Luo Tianzi did not talk about this truth, directly slap the East Antarctic Emperor Qinghua for a third time.

In fact, this time the Emperor Qinghua of the East Pole was adequately prepared, but unfortunately he still picked the wrong goal.

In the past, in the overseas countries, Su Xin was able to burn essence and blood by relying on the secret method of transferring souls and exchanging the strongest power of Xuanyin sword. Now Yan Luotianzi burns essence and blood, and can naturally break the **** of the formation temporarily .

Of course, this break is only temporary. After all, burning essence blood is burning essence blood, which cannot be performed for a long time.

In fact, the slap of Emperor Yan Luo did not cause too much damage to the Emperor Qinghua Emperor. He just looked a little bit embarrassed.

If the emperor Qinghua of East Pole chooses to continue to fight with Yan Luotianzi, then under the premise that the formation method will not be broken, it is Yan Luotianzi who suffers.

But at this time the Emperor Qinghua of the East Pole seemed a bit wrong.

His eyes flashed with an extremely complex look, with humiliation, unwillingness, anger, and deep madness. Even his own breath began to be unstable, and a burst of violent anger burst out.

These qi is the qi of the Emperor Qinghua of East Pole, but he can't control them now. The qi has even changed a little, and it starts to become dark and exudes a cold atmosphere.

The Emperor looked back when he met the King of the Tibetan Plateau, and he frowned suddenly, because the current Emperor Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole was suffering from a state of mind and was about to become a sign of magic!

The mood of the true martial arts might not have been so fragile, but I have to say that Yan Luo Tianzi did a little too much.

Three times in a row, the Emperor Qinghua Emperor sent a slap in the air with his confidence. Perhaps Yan Luo Tianzi didn't mean to insult because he tried his best every time, but from the perspective of Emperor Qinghua Emperor This is shame, naked / naked / naked shame!

This kind of humiliation is just fine for others, but it is intolerable for proud people such as Emperor Qinghua of East Pole.

For the first time, the Emperor Qinghua Emperor Dongji Qinghua was very angry, but only just angry, after all, Yan Luotianzi's strength was recognized.

The second time the Emperor Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole was fanned and reluctant, but at that time, the Emperor Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole considered that he had just been promoted to Zhenwu and had not yet stabilized his realm to exert his strength to the extreme, so it was understandable.

But now for the third time, the realm of the Emperor Qinghua Emperor has been stabilized, and even he has realized the powerful killing skill of the dragon and snake sword. Yan Luotianzi is still suppressed by the formation method. The result is In this way, he was still fanned by Yan Luo Tianzi with a slap. This gap, this blow has even directly affected the state of mind of the Emperor Qinghua Emperor, making him show signs of enchantment.

Seeing this scene, the emperor could only postpone the offensive. A phantom shadow emerged from behind him, and the beast roared and roared, but the voice was infiltrated into the East with a touch of Zen. The body of Emperor Qinghua slowly calmed down the anger that had been violently demonized around him, and he had already fallen into a crazy look and calmed down.

However, despite this, the effect of enchanting the backlash still caused the blood of the East Pole Qinghua Emperor to spit out, and the breath instantly fainted to the extreme.

The emperor frowned, which was a slight deviation from his plan.

The Emperor Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole was severely damaged because of the shake of his mind and caused the enchantment. Even if the emperor Yan Luotian is under the suppression of the formation method, the Emperor Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole is probably not an opponent. It is basically not wanting to leave or seriously damage it Maybe.

However, there is a Su Xin over there, and even if it can be seriously damaged this time, it will be beneficial to their heaven.

By this time, Su Xin had already met the Arctic Lagerstroemia Emperor.

During the heyday, Su Xin had the absolute certainty to suppress the Arctic Purple Wei Emperor.

But the problem is that under the suppression of that method, Su Xin's own strength has also been weakened several layers. He is fighting against the Arctic Ziwei Emperor, but he wants to defeat the opponent in a short time. It's impossible.

The Arctic Ziwei Emperor sneered, the stars behind him were shining brightly, and Ziwei's life style commanded the world!

Every punch fell with an endless burst of starlight, the atmosphere was magnificent, the power of breaking the army, and the evil of greedy wolves.

Although his fist seems to be single, it contains countless changes and mysteries.

Here Su Xin and the Arctic Ziwei Emperor were caught in a fight. At this time, there were two other people in the formation who were not affected. These two people were the ram abandon and Lei Lingyun.

They are not warriors in heaven and earth, so their strength is not only weakened in this formation, but is also protected by the formation and has not been harmed.

Several battles of Zhenwu Realm have scared Lei Lingyun a little. Although he is a **** of yang and his strength is not weak, after all, he has been hidden for many years. He has not seen any big scenes. When it comes to insight, he Not as good as Lu Yuanfeng.

After a short while, Lei Lingyun said to the ram: "Master, now the people in the heavenly courts and the land government are at war, we still have to leave."

But at this moment, the ram abandoned and did not move. He squinted his eyes and said, "Go? Why go? Since we are already revenge with the land government, how can we leave now?"

The strong men in Zhenwu Realm are also human beings. What they say is the grandeur, broad-minded, and other things are just bullshit.

In particular, the ram was abandoned, this man's narrow-minded, he must report, but he became famous, only then he suffered such a big loss in Su Xin's hands, how can he leave now?

Therefore, the ram gave up and shot directly, and the black water **** pointed directly at Su Xin, and the strong power of death drifted out, strangling all powers and extinguishing all vitality!

Feeling the ram's abandoning shot, Su Xin's eyes suddenly showed a coldness.

The ram really didn't know the life or death of the ram. He dare to intervene in the battle between life and death between heaven and earth.

Of course, Su Xin also had to admit that this ram really chose a good time to abandon. This array of tricks is extremely tricky. The repressive force cannot be resisted. The same powerful breakout is not feasible, otherwise the strength of the Tibetan King This formation has long been broken.

At this time, the ram abandoned his hand and attacked Su Xin.

The golden body of Dou Zhan was cast out by Su Xin, and combined with the emperor's nine heavenly statures, Su Xin was suddenly set off as if the ancient gods were ordinary.

This is Su Xin's physical training to the extreme blow. If it is normal enough, he can use this punch to suppress the Arctic Purple Wei Emperor, but now he can only temporarily push the Arctic Purple Wei Emperor back.

The black water **** finger abandoned by the ram behind has fallen, and the horrifying death force instantly broke Su Xin's body and attacked him.

At this time, Su Xin's twelve swords suddenly appeared on his body. This is the sword of the supreme fierce sword. It gathers the evil thoughts between heaven and earth into one, and belongs to the negative power of this world with the black water. When the Xuanyin Sword of Wandao Senluo collided with the power of death, the time around it seemed to stop for a moment, a meaning of death drifted out, and the distance of two hundred feet as the center became dead. , Not even the slightest vitality.

It can be said that in the next few decades or even hundreds of years, this place will become a desperate place of death. Anyone or creature entering it will be sucked out of the vitality of the whole body and die. Only the waiting period will dissipate between heaven and earth.

After one blow, it wasn't Su Xin who took the upper hand, but the rams gave up!

Su Xin's Xuanyin Sword did not even stop the black water that the ram abandoned. The force of death had completely enveloped Su Xin, and in the next moment, he could extract the vitality in Su Xin's body!

This is not that Su Xin's Xuanyin sword is too weak, but that the suppression of this formation is too strong.

At the moment when the vitality of death was coming, Su Xin's whole body appeared in black and white. This was not true energy, but the power of reversing Yin and Yang condensed by Su Xin.

The power of death also exists between the yin and yang of this heaven and earth. Under the burial of the negative yin and yang, the power of death is surrounded and strangled by these two forces. In the end, it was directly split into a mass of true air and scattered between the heavens and the earth. .

There was a dignified color in the ram's abandoned eyes. Su Xin's strength was really unusual. He had already shot with all his strength, but the attack was still blocked by the opponent.

We must know that in this formation, Su Xin's strength has actually been weakened to a certain extent. As a result, he is still able to stop himself from a blow. It is conceivable that Su Xin's strength has reached a certain level.

Remembering that this credit Su Su out of that flying fairy sword ~ ​​ ~ In a one-to-one situation, the ram has abandoned the idea of ​​wanting to beat Su Xin, he should first consider himself better not to lose It's too ugly!

However, because of this, the rams abandoned and wanted to take advantage of Su Xin at this time. The rams gave up but never minded doing it.

However, just when the Rams gave up and wanted to take a shot, Su Xin suddenly thought of something.

The power of anti-yin and yang burial is powerful, and at a certain time, it can exert a very powerful power, but Su Xin's hands are not weaker than the anti-yin and yang burial. presence.

And because Su Xin was not cultivated step by step by Su Xin, the fusion of martial arts is obviously inferior to other Su Xin's martial arts, so Su Xin will not use reverse yin and yang funerals unless at certain times. Heaven, more often, Su Xin only used this method as an internal method of heart and mind, using its characteristics to reverse the power of yin and yang in heaven and earth, and used this method as a way to the bridge of the gods. A shortcut.

However, Su Xin suddenly found a situation when he used it, that is, all his powers were suppressed, but there was only one thing that was not suppressed, and that was the inverse yin and yang funeral!

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