Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1209: Lu Yuanfeng's plan

This time there was actually no loss to their prefecture. Instead, the prefecture also had three martial arts orders, and they could enter the White Emperor City together to look for opportunities.

Of course, there was no loss in the local government. Other people's losses were quite large.

With the appearance of Su Xin, Wang Yudi ’s identity was completely exposed, and Wang Yu was also severely damaged during the formation, and his blood was covered with blood whip marks, which looked extremely miserable.

Su Xin glanced at Wang Yu's injury and said, "It's not a big deal, you can cultivate for a while.

Moreover, this formation was created specifically to restrain heaven and earth. Some of the formation textures have evolved into cultivation practices that can help the people in my area if they evolve backwards.

You have been so miserable by this array of methods, and you must have already learned a lot about the texture of that array. Go back to the retreat to practice and push back the array method. Maybe this is your chance to be promoted to Yang Shen Realm. "

Although there are not many warriors in the prefecture, there are almost no simple generations. It can be said that these warriors in the prefecture have the hope of being promoted to the **** state of the sun, but it is only a matter of time.

Wang Yu has been able to cultivate with a reckless background. Now, no matter he is qualified or persevering, he has the hope of being promoted to the **** of the sun. This time, it gave him an opportunity instead.

But Wang Yu looked at himself with a sad smile and said, "Co-author, I also want to thank the **** in heaven?"

Although Wang Yu said so, he still believed in Su Xin's vision.

Since Su Xin said that this was his chance, and he could be promoted to Yangshen by virtue of this matter, most of this incident had a 99% chance.

Of course, although Wang Yu got a good chance, his identity is exposed, and his business in the world of darts will definitely be affected.

The prestige of the prefecture is different now. It can be said that it really has the strength and capital to face the enemy.

Even if Wang Yu's identity is revealed, if Tianting dares to come to him for trouble, the local government will not ignore it.

It ’s like Su Xin ’s northwestern road. Everyone knows that he is the king of Chu Jiang in the prefecture, but Tianting has never shot Su Xin ’s northwestern road alone, because the people in Tianting know that as long as they do n’t completely destroy the land Or destroy it, then they can't solve Su Xin, and now it is the same with Wang Yu.

It's just that even if the people in Tianting don't do it, some other people in the rivers and lakes will have some feelings of embarrassment towards Su Xin.

After all, the reputation of the land government is not bad, but it is definitely not good.

However, Wang Yu no longer cares about these things. Anyway, this time he was injured for working in the local government, but also revealed his identity because of helping the local government. Shen Wuling naturally gave Yan Luo Tianzi, but according to the credit, Wang Yu was able to I get a lot of things.

Compared to Wang Yu, the most sad reminder here is Lu Yuanfeng, the head of the Lu family.

Several powerful warriors in the realm of war fought here, and this mighty power has completely destroyed the entire Lu family.

Although the casualties of the Lu family are relatively small, but this is where the Lu family ’s headquarters is located. All of the Lu family ’s formations have been destroyed in the aftermath of the battle between many powerful men.

What's even more tragic is that some of the resources and other things the Lu family has accumulated over the years have been completely destroyed in the battle between these powerful men. The entire Lu family can be said to have suffered great vitality.

So now Lu Yuanfeng wanted to cry without tears, and stayed there, already wondering what to say.

Su Xin looked at Lu Yuanfeng and gave Lu Yuanfeng those things that were ready to be traded to Lu Yuanfeng. Now that the token is in their hands, Su Xin is regarded as a successful transaction.

Of course, the most important thing is that although Lu Yuanfeng was indecisive, he finally protected Wang Yu anyway. If he chooses to sell Wang Yu, let alone these treasures, the people in the local government will not let him go.

Seeing that Su Xin was still willing to give him these treasures, Lu Yuanfeng couldn't help but hesitated, but then Lu Yuanfeng showed a hint of joy, and he stood up and arched his hand, "Thank you, Lord Su, I don't know Lord Su and the little girl ..."

Lu Yuanfeng was interrupted by Su Xin before he finished saying: "Do not misunderstand the Lord Lu, I have nothing to do with your daughter."

As soon as Su Xinfang heard what Lu Yuanfeng said, he knew what he wanted to say, but he was still fantasizing that his daughter had some relationship with Su Xin and so on.

It's just a pity that Lu Yuanfeng was wrong. In this case, Su Xin will do this just to return to Lu Wanting's reminding of his small humanity.

From now on, what the Lu family will look like, Su Xin can't control it, and has no time to manage it.

Just as Su Xin and others were about to leave, Lu Yuanfeng suddenly gritted his teeth: "Sir, if my Lu family is willing to join your Majesty's Northwestern Road, do you know if he is willing to accept my Lu family?"

Su credit slightly looked at Lu Yuanfeng, he never expected that Lu Yuanfeng would say such a thing.

In fact, Lu Yuanfeng was thinking very simple this time. Before, Lu Yuanfeng was worried about how to revitalize the Lu family. Now, after going through such a thing, Lu Yuanfeng can clearly see. Without the protection of the strong, what to say to revitalize the Lu family is just Just talk.

Even if their Lu family is among the six families, it may seem expensive to outsiders, but what can it do?

Lei Lingyun is because of the ram who abandoned such a master on the list, he was able to yell and kill Lu's family without looking at them. All of this is because their Lu family had no strength and there was no one. Backhand that can be reached.

So now Lu Yuanfeng can't wait to find a backing of enough strength for the Lu family. With the current connections of the Lu family, he can only find Su Xin.

When the ancestor of the Xiao family was in the past, he may still be able to choose to go to the Xiao family for help. After all, the relationship between the six families is usually OK. Everyone is in-laws. As long as the attitude of the Lu family is low enough, the Xiao family Will promise them.

But the problem is that now the ancestors of the Xiao family are dead, and the entire Xiao family has begun to dodge low-key and accumulate strength. At this time, who can the Lu family seek?

Lu Yuanfeng also knows how well Su Xin is famous on the rivers and lakes. Once he chooses to join Su Xin's Northwest Road, there will surely be some people on the rivers and lakes who scold him for making a fool of the tiger, without the slightest temperament and so on.

Even the other big families would be dissatisfied with him, and they might even exclude their Lu family from the ranks of the six big families.

But now these Lu Yuanfengs don't care anymore, they bear a little bit of insults, so long as they can get the protection of Su Xin and keep their disciples of the Lu family, it is worthwhile to be scolded by the rivers and lakes.

But even if Lu Yuanfeng is willing to bear the infamy on the rivers and lakes, Su Xin does not have to accept his Lu family.

Su Xin just said lightly: "Master Lu, don't think about things too well first. Do you think whoever I want to go to the northwest can enter?

I have no shortage of Northwestern Road warriors in the Yangshen Realm, and no shortage of Northwestern Road warriors of other classes. In this case, why should I keep your Lu family just for your Lu family to serve as a shield?

My Su Xin's men don't raise waste, and of course they don't raise a bunch of uncles. "

Lu Yuanfeng gritted his teeth, and he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Su, most of your men in Northwestern China are some jiangshanghu. Although the strength is okay, they have too little knowledge of the Central Plains martial arts. Mixed in Northwestern Road, I have seen a few big scenes.

But my Lu family is one of the six great families. Although the strength is a bit declining, the things I have seen and dealt with must be more than those of warriors who came from a river or lake.

If the Soviet Union is willing to shelter my Lu family, my Lu family is willing to announce to the entire rivers and lakes to join the Northwest Road to become the minions of the Eagles and Dogs of the Soviet Union for the Soviet Union to make up for the last short board of the Soviet Union! "

Hearing these words, Su Xin could not help showing a look of surprise in Lu Yuanfeng's eyes.

This Lu Yuanfeng was really ruthless. He even said such a thing.

In fact, the overall strength of the Lu family is pretty good. If they can conquer the Lu family, it can be regarded as adding some combat power to the Northwestern Road. Of course, Su Xin will not refuse.

But if the Lu family only wanted to seek asylum, as Su Xin had said before, his Majesty in the Northwest did not raise waste, and he would not raise a lot of uncles.

But now that Lu Yuanfeng has said so, it also proves that Lu Yuanfeng really wanted to join His Su Xin's Majesty and find a way for the entire Lu family to live, so that Su Xin would not refuse.

So Su Xin said directly to Lu Yuanfeng: "Lu Family, if you really want to join my Northwest Road, then show your sincerity and ability.

The black ram ’s ram dared to drop me down, and naturally I would n’t let him go ~ ~ After returning to Northwest Road, I would arrange the dark guard to investigate thoroughly the ram renunciation.

Similarly, do n’t let your Lu family stay idle. Since Heishuiyi chose to step into the rivers and lakes, no matter whether the rams abandoned or their disciples and disciples could not hide the trace.

What I want is very simple, start all the connections in your Lu family, give me all the people in the black water vein to find out, don't leave one! "

Lu Yuanfeng froze for a moment, he looked up at Su Channel: "Master Su, are you ready ..."

Su credited with a faint tone: "Of course, I want that black water pulse, and the door is full!"

When Lu Yuanfeng heard the words, he could not help but slap him. He secretly said that the character of Su Xin was still the same even if he was promoted to Zhenwu. He did everything very well.

Of course, this kind of thing is too sharp when Su Xin's strength is not enough, and it is easy to break.

However, when it comes to Su Xin's body, it is domineering and fierce, and his actions are decisive. Anyway, he has absolute strength in his body. No one dares to say anything even if Su Xin is doing it.

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