Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1220: 9 dead births

PS: This chapter is for the reward of the leader ZZZ Xinmiao.

Su Xin heard Qing Li's exclamation, and he turned to look around, shaking the stillbirth in his hand and asking: "Nine dead births? This thing is called this name? Do you know what it is?"

Qingli walked over and nodded, "Of course I know that this thing was very famous in ancient times, but it is a treasure, and it is also a scourge."

Su Xin raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it a treasure or an evil thing? This thing is what I killed a real martial warrior and took from his primitive god. What is it?"

Qing Li explained: "This thing is not a living thing, but it should be a kind of evil worship between heaven and earth.

According to the legend, if a place has experienced nine killings in a row, the endless blood will infiltrate the ground, stir the dead air under the ground, and condense the nine dead births.

If these nine dead births grow up, it is an innate demon. The body is condensed by endless death, which is simply an immortal existence, which can be a disaster to the world.

But this is just a legend. No one has seen this thing grow for so many years, as if it was originally a fetus.

It is said to be the most precious, because as long as the nine dead elements are in your body, you can sacrifice your own flesh and blood and other gods to control the power of death. The strength depends on how many things you sacrifice.

In the past, the ghost king of the seventy-two demon kings of the monster family had a nine-dead birth. His body is a Tongtianao, which is as huge as a hill, extremely strong in body, and extremely resilient. After sacrificing his own flesh and blood, he can even condense the scene of the ghostly hell, which is very scary.

It's just that people who have nine dead births will die undead, because this thing is condensed by the evil intentions of heaven and earth, which is originally a great evil thing, very unknown.

It turned out to be the case. Those who had nine dead births in ancient times, no matter they were demons or humans, almost died.

The ghost king of the monster tribe ranks among the top twenty among the 72 demon kings. As a result, the Buddha town of your tribe was killed in the vast mountains.

And the person who took your nine dead, wasn't he killed by you too? This can also be considered a horizontal death, so this thing seems to be a little unknown. "

Su Xin shook his head, but he didn't believe what Qing Li said or something unknown.

Even the most evil thing can't affect it, that is fate.

It should be said that as martial arts, most people themselves do not believe in such an empty thing as fate.

Just look at the Buddhism and Taoism. You know that the causality, destiny, and other things they talk about are meant to fool those ordinary people, but in fact they don't believe these things at all.

The fact that the nine dead babies are unknown is nothing more than rumors.

Because as a warrior, there are few people who can start and end, not to mention, when the demon and the human race in the ancient times were fighting for each other, they were almost fighting each other, and how many of them survived in the end?

What's more, the usage of these nine dead births is to sacrifice, in exchange for part of their power with their own flesh or Yuanshen. This usage is originally to drink thirst to quench thirst, it is the easiest to fall into extremes, and of course the fastest to die.

And this time, Su Xin's attempt to kill the ram and renounce it has nothing to do with the nine dead births. If the ram renounced himself to die at the critical moment, he would not die.

Qing Li looked at Su Channel: "How are you going to use this thing? Do you want to fuse it? I urge you to forget it.

Although the power of death is strong, the price paid is great. Those people in ancient times are examples. Each of your exercises is extremely powerful. When combined together, it is not weaker than the power of death. There is no need to condense death. And chose to sacrifice the nine dead births. "

Su Xin touched his chin and said, "Of course I wouldn't be so stupid, but the force of life and death is really strong. If I give it up, it will be a bit wasteful.

But since it can't be merged, can't it be broken down? I don't need to use him to use the force of birth and death, I just need to use this thing as an elixir. "

Qingli wondered: "Use the undead as an elixir? What do you mean?"

Su Xin smiled, he also pointed to the sword, and suddenly cut off a trace of sword gas.

But this sword qi is extremely dark, which is mixed with a strong force of death, incomparably pure, but it can not help but feel cold.

"The power of death!" Qingli could not help but exclaim.

The reputation of His Majesty Su Wei, Li Wei, is also very loud on the rivers and lakes.

Although this person's reputation was not obvious in the past, like the existence of Su Xin's shadow, but with several bad shots by Li Bad, almost all of them killed the enemy, and the killing sword that embodies the power of horrible death is also famous on the rivers and lakes. Loud noise.

Qing Li is herself, and she naturally knows Li Bad ’s strength, so now Qing Li is showing the sword qi displayed by Qing Su almost at a glance. This is Li Bad ’s life-saving sword.

Su Xin said indifferently: "The predecessor of the life-saving sword used by Li Bad is the one I used to teach him. It is called the life-saving fifteen sword. The core of it is to consolidate the power of death and cut out what is not human. Terror swordsmanship comes.

At the beginning, I taught Li Bad only a handicap, but he integrated it into his martial arts. He actually took control of the power of death. So in this way, although I teach Li Bad, in fact, He has gone farther than me.

It is just that the power of death is different from the force of creation that has evolved from vitality. The power of creation can enhance Shou Yuan when it is incorporated into the body, but the force of death can only erode its own Shou Yuan.

Li Gang ’s weakness is too great. Now there are exactly nine dead births. Not only can I gather the power of death, but I can also get rid of the side effects of this killing sword. "

In fact, Su Xin had already warned of the side effects of Li Gang's life-threatening sword long ago, but although Li Gang promised on the surface, he secretly still did his best.

This is not that Li Bad did not respect Su Xin's order, but that he was used to it.

If you can get the first sword in everything, then you definitely don't need the second sword, so almost every time Li Gang makes a shot, he will use this life-saving sword.

If this continues, even if Li Bad is promoted to Zhenwu in the end, his birthday will not exceed 200 years.

And for this situation, Li bad also has a lot of excitement. In his opinion, as a warrior, it is difficult to live to the end of his life, either to kill or to be killed.

So in this way also care about whether he will affect issues such as Shou Yuan, let's kill it first and then talk about it.

Now that Su Xin has a solution, naturally he will not let Li Bad continue to practice this way. Su Xin also directly called Li Bad.

After Li Gang came in, he just called an adult and stood there. He naturally saw the nine dead yuan, but his eyes only showed a touch of curiosity without asking much.

Su Xin motioned to Li Bad to sit down and say, "You don't need to know what this thing is. I said before that you should exercise some restraint when using the power of death, but you have never heard it.

So now I have also given you a way to use this power of death without worrying about eroding Shouyuan. "

Speaking of which, Su Xin directly took the nine dead births in his hands, and his body ran against the yin and yang funeral madly, and a force to reverse yin and yang burst out.

The Nine Dead Elemental Feeling this power became extremely frightened for a moment, and began to struggle frantically, but it was useless at all. Under the pull of the force of reversing the yin and yang, the Nine Dead Elementary was completely broken down and it seemed to be spiritual. Power of death.

This group of forces was divided into two groups by Su Xin, and turned into two groups of dark black pills, one of which was incorporated into Li's body by Su Xin and the other was incorporated into his body by Su Xin.

The whole process was very fast. After the fusion was completed, Su Xin said to Li: "This time you are trying to use the power of death to see what is different."

Li nodded badly, pointing like a sword, the power of death condensed in it, exuding a coldness.

After a long while, Li Gang took a hint of wonder: "All the power of death is condensed in the black danmar, just like a single Dantian. The power of death will no longer merge with my own power, and it is also avoided. My body will be eroded by the power of death. "

Su Xin nodded, and he extended his hand in the same way. The dark power of death condensed in his hands and changed into various shapes.

For the use of the nine dead births, Su Xin still refers to the reverse yin and yang burial, turning the nine dead births into a source of his own strength. He can use his own energy to fill the power of death, as if it were a single Dantian Generally, it is self-contained, but does not integrate with itself, and naturally has no influence.

Of course, Su Xin's move can only be used by him and Li bad ~ ~ Because he and Li bad already know how to use the power of death, it can work normally when there is a source of strength Use the power of death.

But like the ram abandoning, he did not know how to use the power of death. The nine dead yuan in his hands is like a hidden weapon of Tang Men, but it is a foreign object, but it only consumes some of the hidden weapon of Tang Men. Only resources, but the nine dead births consumed their flesh and blood and even Yuanshen.

The changes in Su Xin ’s methods are all in her eyes. She shook her head and said, "Even if the power of this taboo can be realized in ancient times, it is very small, so like you, it ’s just a few people. Just use it.

Moreover, if there is no reverse yin and yang burial, they will not be able to surrender the nine dead births, so this opportunity is really for you. "

Su Xin didn't care much, the power of death was just the icing on the cake for him.

Unless he can obtain another vitality training method, merge with the power of death, and become the power of positive yin and yang.

At that time, the forces of positive yin and yang will converge at the same time, maybe there will be some unexpected changes.

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