Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1245: Ares Bridge!

PS: Thanks to the bookmate Mo Youtian for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Wu Wu is a lunatic, but he is not a fool. Although he is warlike, he is also very self-aware. Therefore, he has always chosen to be a warrior with a similar strength or a higher level than himself.

The existence of such a level as Li Boyang has never been thought of challenging.

It's just that this opportunity is really rare. With Meng Jingxian and Yan Luo Tianzi, plus him, all three of them can rank in the top of the real world. They all shot and attacked Li Boyang. Although they couldn't win , But it will not lose.

Li Boyang frowned slightly and said, "There is no battle, but your injury is just short, and now you want to go back and continue to heal?"

Wu Wu laughed loudly: "Lao Dao, you don't need to threaten me. You can't kill who I want to kill. The Sajia family just want to play in a hurry. Why, you, the so-called first person in the world, don't dare? To fight? "

Li Boyang snorted coldly. The endless pattern of the road behind him evolved like a scroll, spreading like a dream, magnificent.

This is Li Boyang's true martial arts, the heavens and the road!

It has been a long time since no one was able to force out the true martial arts of Li Boyang, but this time facing Meng Jingxian and other three juniors, he used the true martial arts directly. It is conceivable that Li Boyang attaches great importance to them To what extent.

The sword light in Meng Jingxian's hands is divergent, and the power between this world and the sky is surging. The power of this sword cuts the sky. Meng Jingxian's kendo is the most extreme kendo in this world. For the swordman, Meng Jingxian is the pinnacle!

The simple sword is also the pinnacle of the sword. Even that Li Boyang, who is the world's number one, cannot be completely ignored.

At this time Yan Luo Tianzi has already shot.

Just before he was shot by Li Boyang, he was not injured.

At the moment when Meng Jingxian was out of the sword, the earth under his feet had endless blood surges, and the endless blood evil spirit condensed into a **** Yan Luotianzi phantom.

The Bone Throne rises from the blood waves, and instantly breaks down, and it turns into a huge white bone bow. The bow is even more bizarre, just like a huge spear, and there are blood-stained lines on it. , Like blood vessels in general, extremely evil.

The giant bow without strings was pulled into a full moon, and the evil bow vector burst out suddenly, making a loud noise. Li Boyang instantly felt that the bow vector locked himself, locked his flesh, locked his flesh. , Even locked his Primordial!

This is the powerful martial art created by the emperor Yan Luotianzi after the integration of the blood demon teaching method based on Su Xin's transference and blood exchange technique!

But in the end, the first battle came first. He screamed angrily, and looked like a demon. He crossed the void, and immediately came to Li Boyang's body. The holy war box behind him opened, the eight-faced sword, Yan Yandao, Fang Tianhua halberd and other blades appeared in his hand one after another, with endless war-fighting intentions, dumped to Li Boyang in an instant!

The three have never dealt with each other before. This is the first time they have joined forces, but they seem to be very tacit.

Both Meng Jingxian and Yan Luo Tianzi wanted to protect Su Xin, while Wu Wuer wanted to fight against Li Boyang, the first person in the world. The needs of both sides were essentially the same, and they would not appear at all. At the time, Mo Wuwei waited for people to besiege Su Xin.

Therefore, the power displayed by these three people is powerful and amazing. Although they failed to suppress Li Boyang, at least under the maps of Li Boyang's heavens, the three of them did not show obvious weakness.

At this time everyone looked at Su Xin.

Now Meng Jingxian and three others stopped Li Boyang, but Su Xin had a great deal of control to escape the mysterious pursuit.

And indeed it is.

Xuan Ku saw Li Boyang entangled by the three men, he frowned suddenly, but still continued to attack Su Xin.

If you can kill Su Xin, you have to try it.

The mysterious golden Buddha light blooms like Su Jin's golden body.

In fact, the method of mysterious suffering is indeed the same as Su Xin's fighting gold body, and its foundation is also Vajrayana.

But Su Xin's aggressiveness is more powerful and his shots are also fierce and violent, so King Kong's magical skill will become the melee powerful fighting body after combining the melee killing method of the thirty-six Luqi. .

Xuan Su is biased towards defense, so what he is condensing now should be Luo Han's golden body. Although the strength is not Su Xinqiang, it is far better than Su Xin's fighting gold body.

One step out, mysterious suffering has appeared in front of Su Xin, and it has fallen with one palm, but it has evolved tens of millions. Countless palm shadows have fallen towards Su Xin. Each one is an entity, and each one has amazing power!

This is the Chiba Ruri palm of Shaolin Temple's 72 stunts. The bottom martial arts style in the 72 stunts is now mysteriously used, but it seems like a magic skill.

Su Xin's blood-sharp sword emerged, but he was instantly smashed by that palm.

The twelve Xuanyin swords came out through the body, but still couldn't hang those powerful palms.

It wasn't until Su Xin's use of the reverse yin and yang funeral tactics to its fullest extent that the power of reversing yin and yang revolved around Su Xin's constant strangulation, but then that palm force was completely dissipated.

But at this time, Xuan Su had already arrived in front of Su Xin, and his fist fell. A set of Luo Han Boxing, which was obviously the most basic of Shaolin Temple, was used by Xuan Su to magnificently, just like the real mood of Luo Han.

The black-and-white dragon that was condensed against the yin and yang burial ca n’t stop this power at all.

Although the anti-yin and yang burial heaven law can dissolve most of its power, when this force exceeds the tolerance range of the anti-yin and yang burial heaven law, it cannot be melted.

The mysterious Luohan Boxing is clever and clumsy. In fact, when it comes to boxing techniques, Su Xin may not lose to Xuankuan, and the thirty-six Luqi is not vegetarian.

However, under the mighty power, Su Xin was defeated one after another and could not resist at all.

Su Xin pinched his sword, and the power of death erupted in an instant. The sword energy turned into endless turmoil, but the sorrow was chanting the truth, and the golden lotus was scattered in a flash, and the light burst out. Abate all the power of death.

"Su Xin!"

Suddenly Xuankuo sang aloud, as if it were a substantive sonic wave. Everyone present felt very ordinary, but in the ear of Su Xin, it sounded like Hong Zhong Daluo, banging!

Su Xin's figure suddenly turned pale.

This is the Lion Roar of Shaolin Temple, but Xuan Su has even cultivated it to the level that can affect Yuan Shen!

Yes, mysterious suffering has never practiced the Yuan mystery method, but his lion roar has been practiced to the extreme, but it can completely break the Yuan Shen!

One punch blasted out, and the mysterious punches were immense, as if Luo Han dropped his magic, and he wanted to suppress Su Xin completely.

Su Xin's mind was still a little chaotic at this time, but in front of him there was the cohesion of the Xuanyin Sword Armor, which blocked the punch stiffly, the Sword Armor was broken, and the Xuanyin Sword Qi dyed the mysterious right fist It was dark, but Su Xin was also blown away with a punch and couldn't help spitting out blood.

Mysterious frowning, the pure Buddhism burst out suddenly, and expelled that sword energy instantly.

Although it is Xuankuan who has the upper hand now, in the eyes of everyone, Xuankui's shot is afraid to be wasted.

He fought against Su Xinzhenwu with the God Bridge. If this still doesn't prevail, the mystery can directly commit suicide.

But the problem was that Li Boyang was stopped there, and in the astral map, the portal had been opened for more than half, and it was about to be completely opened. He now had no time to fight with Su Xin.

Xuan Kuan took a deep breath, and a magical pestle in his hand emerged, which is the inheritance of Shaolin Temple.

Insufficient time, he only had one last chance to kill the Soviet Union.

If he can't kill Su Xin this time, then Su Xin will surely become a confidant of their Shaolin Temple!

After the mysterious suffering, the golden body Luohan Fa phase emerged, and a powerful wave broke out above the surviving magic pestle. Mysterious sitting on the ground and chanting the scriptures, everyone was surprised to find that the Luo Han Fa phase behind him It started to divide, not only Luo Han, but also Bodhisattva, and Buddha ~ ~ are all worshiping the surviving magic.

Lingshan bowed his head, million Buddhas!

This trick has never been used. This is after the mysterious promotion to the **** bridge, completely abandoned the influence of 72 stunts, condensed his martial arts to the ultimate and specially developed Xeon martial arts, and the Tibetan King The buddha rhyme flower seal that used one of the seventy-two stunts to the extreme is exactly the opposite.

It is also funny to say that the King of the Jizo who has no relationship with Shaolin Temple, but his ultimate killing trick is closely related to Shaolin's 72 skills.

However, as the abbot of Shaolin Temple abbot, he completely abandoned the influence of the 72 stunts and created this Lingshan prostration, the supreme killing trick of the ten thousand Buddhas.

But no matter what, Xuanku ’s move was extremely stunning. The mighty power moved all the warriors present, even Li Boyang and Tiandi looked to Xuanku's side.

Li Boyang also raised his eyebrows slightly. If he was right, the trick of mystery should be prepared for him.

However, whoever wanted to be in this city of Baidi, they didn't fight, but now they want to join forces to kill Su Xin.

Of course, everyone can see from the action of mysterious suffering that he took out his hole cards to kill Su Xin, to what extent he was afraid of Su Xin.

At this time, the light of the million Buddhas above the magic demon pestle has erupted, and the imaginary shadows of the Luohan, Bodhisattva, and the Buddha are combined into a huge Buddha image that shines through the ages. Holding the magic demon pestle and falling to Su Xin!

At this moment, everything in the world seems to be stagnant. The power of Buddha's light seems to have blocked the entire space. At the last moment, the magic weapon has just shot. Falling with great potential, Du Mo also crosses God!

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