Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1248: Emperor's Ascension

PS: Thanks to the leader 0o Yu Xiaomo o0 for the reward of ten thousand starting coins.

Li Boyang's actions also inspired Xuan Ku and others.

They also split their own primordial spirit, and let the power of this primal spirit return the stars to their gates.

Meng Jingxian and Yan Luo Tianzi did not do so. Even if they can break the rules of this world and enter the portal, their strength is infinitely close to the bridge, but their realm is still true.

Moreover, the two of them have not practiced the mystery of the Yuan, and their own power of the Yuanshen is not strong. If they also learn Li Boyang and other **** bridges, then this starry sky may not be able to fly to their gate and they will be cut off.

In contrast, the stars in the hands of Li Boyang and others are fast and powerful. They are not something that ordinary Zhenwu can intercept. After all, the ray of the gods they have already begun to burn. Imagine the existence of the **** bridge. How strong, if the other Zhenwu does not know what to do to intercept, they will easily hurt themselves.

After Xuan Kuo and Li Boyang sent the star out, the King of the Tibetan Plateau also sent out a star, but this star was not sent to Sufu, but flew directly to Su Xin.

For the prefecture, the only thing that can promote Zhenwu recently is Qin Guangwang's extinction, but Qin Guangwang's extinction does not need this thing to be promoted.

King Qin Guang has to take a martial arts path that is his own. If he wants to take a normal path, he can now attack Zhenwu, so he does not need this star.

On the contrary, now that Su Xin has reached the critical point of Zhenwu in terms of combat effectiveness, his strength accumulation is enough, but he has not yet touched the threshold of the Shenqiao, which is very rare in history.

After all, for most warriors, they first broke through the realm and then honed their combat effectiveness.

However, Su Xin is just the opposite. Since he stepped into the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that he has been fighting with people longer than the world of cultivation, so this has created a very awkward place. Enemies with higher ranks are honed stronger and stronger when they encounter each other. Instead, because of their lack of retreat, their realm is not enough to keep up.

Whether this star can help Su Xin break through the sacred bridge of the Tibetan King is unknown, but at least he can make Su Xin take a big step forward in the realm of cultivation.

The star was taken into the hands of Su Xin, and across the power of the Jizo King, Su Xin could also feel the powerful power from it.

The rest of the warriors also looked at Su Xin with a different eye. If it was changed to usual, they would definitely rush to grab it, but now there is the power of Su Xin's serious injury before, who dares to do it?

Moreover, the only two people present who were confident of snatching the star from Su Xin did not take the shot.

These two men are naturally Tie Ao and Wu Zhan.

Tie Ao did n’t do it because he had a relationship with Su Xin. Although the two sides are no longer in the same camp, Su Xin ’s relationship with the Tie family is still there. Although Tie Ao wo n’t help Su Xin, he wo n’t treat Su. The letter fell down.

Invincible is simpler. Compared to the realm, he prefers to find the strong to hone his combat effectiveness.

If Su Xin was in the heyday, he wouldn't mind playing Su Xin, but now Su Xin is in a state of great injury, but he is lacking in interest.

So everyone can only watch Su Xin take the stars through the cracks in the space and leave this fragment of the world.

At this time, the emperor also shot and threw a star, and flew towards the East Antarctic Emperor Qinghua and the Arctic Lagerstroemia.

There are two people in the heavenly court, but the emperor only throws out a star. This is not that the emperor intentionally wants the East Pole Qinghua Emperor and the Arctic Purple Wei Emperor to fight, but he has his own concerns.

Although throwing out a star only needs to cut a trace of the Yuan Shen, this is also a permanent damage to his strength.

The other three are just a trace of tears. If he splits the two gods, he will certainly be affected.

Of the four who have been seriously injured by Su Xin, it is definitely the bottom. If he is affected, after entering the world in that portal, he will inevitably have to weaken the King of the Tibetan Plateau and Li Boyang. This is the Emperor ’s Office. unbearable.

Of course, the emperor is not worried. He knows the characters of Emperor Qinghua of the East Pole and Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole. These two are not stupid people. How should they be assigned to this star?

The moment the star fell into the hands of the Emperor Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole, Tie Ao suddenly shot and fell with a palm, like Tianpeng captured the dragon towards the Emperor Qinghua!

Su Xin he would not rob, but it does not mean that he will not rob others.

At this time, other warriors also shot in unison, fighting in this fragmented world fragment.

At this time, the door in the star field map slammed and closed directly, and it depicts countless mysterious array law. The star field map seems to be exhausted, and it instantly turns into a fly ash.

At the same time that star field map turned into fly ash, the other world was undergoing drastic changes.

This world would be very familiar if Su Xin was there, because there are countless hanging palaces in this world. Its shape is very similar to that of the imperial palace that Su Xin once entered, but it is the same style. product.

However, compared to the world where Su Xin is located, this world is a bit barren. Most of the ground is barren hills and the sky is gloomy. Some suspended palaces are built in beautiful landscapes, convenient. It is a city with countless ordinary people living in it.

At this time, in a part of the world, in a splendid hall, many warriors were walking around.

These warriors looked different from ordinary warriors, but they all wore ancient robes and high crowns, and some wore robes, but their styles were very strange and somewhat awkward.

At this moment in the deepest part of the hall, three warriors in Chinese clothes stood in front of a bronze mirror with countless runes painted, and their eyes were shocked.

These three martial arts warriors are all really in the realm of martial arts. Standing in the middle is a middle-aged man who looks slightly elegant, but his temperament is extremely atmospheric. His face is the youngest, but his The strength is the strongest. The person in front of him is really a strong person in the bridge world!

With the strength of these three people, even if they are placed on the rivers and lakes, they are also a level of the Emperor and the Tibetan King, but at this time they watched the runes changing on the bronze mirror, but they were excited. color.

One of the warriors in Zhenwu Realm excitedly said: "Domain, the seal of Baidicheng has been lifted, the channel has been opened, and we can finally go home!"

The warrior at Shenqiao also nodded. He was not so excited, but with a sigh of tone: "Yeah, finally I can go home. This fairyland is not a fairyland, but a ghost who is half dead. That's it, we can finally go home. "

The domain owner's eyes looked towards the wall of the hall, as if he could see the whole world through the wall.

This world is called Xianyu, but in fact only they know that this is not their hometown. From the moment they were born, parents and teachers told them the truth of the world. Precious things tell them that this so-called fairyland is not home, but an alien world! As long as they have a chance, they must find their way home!

The former emperors took off with the masters of the next dynasty, and everyone thought they were the real fairyland.

After the emperor blasted a road and came to this world, they found that this world is really like the immortal world. The heavens and the earth are very strong, and the rules of strength are stronger than the world in which they live. Fairyland.

And there are still some indigenous people in this world. The strength of this group of people is not strong, but as long as their strength is equivalent to the transformation of the divine realm, they can fly in the air, and their power of the Yuanshen is extremely powerful, even when they reach the yang divine realm. For tens of thousands of years, this seems to them to be immortal.

Unfortunately, the strength of these 'immortals' is a bit weak. Although the ancestors of the immortals have the equivalent of the cultivation of the heavens, they are simply not comparable to those who are in the hometown of the great emperors of the capital, the great demon god, and others. He was easily broken by the Emperor's head, and strangulated Yuan Shen.

The other warriors of the first dynasty also seemed to be in wonderland, massacred the indigenous people here, and the emperor started to close the life and death after taking the most precious things in this world, and directly laid the shock of the world, even None of his biological sons could approach.

And when those warriors under Her Majesty killed these Aboriginal people, they also found their Gongfa texts, and the gurus began to decipher the translations, and finally came to a very horrible conclusion. This world may have been Fairyland, UU Reading www. uukanshu. Com, but now it starts to become a ghost, because this is a world that is about to die!

The heavens and earth in this immortal realm are full of vitality, they are all treasures of heaven and earth, and the rules of strength are extremely powerful. There is no reason to give birth to an existence that is comparable to heaven, and its strength is weak.

Through the aboriginal classics, we know that the strength of this world is indeed very strong. The strongest person is beyond the existence of Tongtian, can stand on par with the emperor, and can even live for more than 100,000 years. more than one.

But because the world is dying and the rules of power are changing, they can't adapt at once, so they are all senescent and fallen, leaving only such a heavenly existence, and they are also killed by the emperor.

The people who were informed of this news were instantly stunned. Even though this world has begun to die, the power of heaven and earth is still stronger than their previous world, and the rules of strength are stronger, so their cultivation speed will be faster. It's a good place.

But the problem is that the world is dying a little too fast. Soon after they came to this fairyland, the world began to collapse. Now it has passed 10,000 years, and the world has collapsed to less than one tenth of what it was before. It's big!

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