Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1260: Shaman

PS: Thanks to the bookmate Wu Xi for reading for 30,000 starting coins, congratulations on becoming the head of this book

Now the rivers and lakes only know that the state religion of the Golden Horde Khan State is the Kunga faction, but it is unknown that before the Kunjha faction came to the Golden Horde State, the state religion of the Golden Horde State was actually Shamanism.

According to the normal routine, the Kunga sect cannot compete with the Shamanism, but the teachings of the Shamanism are flawed.

The Golden Horde Kingdom has always respected the eight princes, so if you want to join the shamanism to become a shaman, you must first have a talented person from the eight princes.

As a result, the number of Shamanism is very small.

The Kunga faction is not the same. The Kunga faction has no teachings. Ordinary herdsmen of the Golden Horde Khan State can join the Kunga faction, and people from Babu royalty can join the Kunga faction.

In less than a hundred years, the Kunga faction has completely surpassed the Shamanism and became the state religion of the Golden Horde.

So far, shamanism is endangered, and even the shamanism in the entire Golden Horde Khan does not exceed one thousand people, of which the big shaman is only one person in front of it.

Even if it wasn't for the eight royal families to intervene in the matter, the Shamanism would have been exhausted by Kunga.

Of course, to some outsiders, the shamanism failed not only because of the course they chose, but also because of the cultivation method they chose.

The Kunga sect originated from Tantra and cultivated the authentic Buddhism of Tantra Buddhism.

And shamanism is not martial arts, but full of witchcraft.

In ancient times, in addition to the practice of martial arts in the Central Plains, what remained of the Barbarians such as the Western Regions, Nanmangs, and Dongyis were actually all kinds of evil mysteries.

It was only later that most of these places were attacked by the emperor and had seen the power of martial arts, so they went to martial arts.

Just like the worship of fire, his ancestors practiced the mystery of the Western Regions, but later became the martial arts gate, but there are still some ancient Western region mysteries in the gates.

The Golden Horde is one of the first barbarians to choose the martial arts route, but it is different from the Western Regions. The Golden Horde has chosen to develop its own. The warrior is a warrior and the shaman is a shaman. .

Normally, it is okay to say, but when there is such an opponent of the Kunga faction, the disadvantages of Shamanism are extremely obvious.

The Kunga faction to train a warrior is very simple, as long as you have a little talent, and you don't need to consider your origin.

Shamanism is not the same. Shamanism must choose to prepare for shamanism from an early age. The opponent must also be of Golden Horde and have the talent to become full.

Under such a series of harsh conditions, there are basically few left, so no matter how you count, Shamanism can't compete with Kunga.

In the later period, the warriors of the Golden Horde countries such as Ordo chose to shelter the Shamanism because they were more afraid of the Kunga.

The Kunga faction has grown larger and larger, and it has even grown to the point of interfering with the imperial power of the eight royal families. This is not a good thing.

It should be known that although there are many Golden Horde people, but they are in power of eight warriors from the royal family, this rule has not changed for thousands of years.

As a result, the Kunga faction now allows those non-royal fighters to learn powerful martial arts, and some can even sit on an equal footing with them. Although this increases the strength of the Golden Horde, it also threatens the eight royal families. Governance is the origin of the contradiction between the eight royal families of the Golden Horde and the Kunga faction.

At this time, when seeing Ordo find himself, Ji Xin Tuo bent over and saluted to Ordo: "I don't know why Khan came to me for what?"

Ordo, with a somber face, handed the information to Ji Xin Tuo and said, "Na Su Xin has beheaded Chen Xuanzong. At that time, I had also shot him in Na Baidi. According to Na Su Xin's personality, Most probably won't let me go.

I asked the big shaman to come and you also wanted to discuss how to stop the Su Xin. "

Ji Xintuo's eyes flashed with a faint green light, "So Su Xin's strength is really so scary?"

Erduo smiled bitterly: "It is definitely more horrible than rumors outside the world. Fortunately, he broke up with Da Zhou. Otherwise, if he is in Da Zhou, my Golden Horde may be destroyed.

And the hardest thing about this man is not his strength, but his crazy character.

At first, Xuan Su was going to kill him, but it was a strong man in Shenqiao Real Estate. As a result, Su Xin used his two hole cards. Even if he tried to be wounded, he would seriously hurt Xuan Su. He had to hurt him No injuries are allowed.

According to Su Xin's personality, my golden khanate country will take a trip sooner or later. "

Ji Xin Tuo said quietly: "Is it possible that his Soviet Union will destroy my Golden Horde?"

Erduo said: "Of course this is impossible. Although Su Xin's strength is strong, his forces have only one Northwest Road after all. Right, there is also Sanxiang.

But these places are barren, and the combined strength is not yet our Golden Horde Country. If he can only destroy my Golden Horde Country by his courage, then he is not Su Xin, but Emperor.

The people of my Golden Horde are not pigs and dogs. They will stand in line and let him kill. "

There was a chilly smile on the corner of Ji Xin Tuo's mouth: "Since this is the case, then we will take our lives to fight this Su Xin!"

Erduo frowned: "Fighting with human life? This Su Xin has reached the peak of Zhenwu Realm, infinitely close to the realm of Shenqiao. At this time, even people who use Yang Shen Realm can fight hard enough. What do we use to fight? "

Ji Xintuo waved his hands and said, "Sweat is a little calm and calm, and the life I said was the secret technique of my shamanism, the funeral of the innate peak, and the **** warrior. Let his grievance soar into the sky and make food offerings Lord God.

In this way, I can let the Lord God possess a warrior who transforms into a state of God and give him a blow. I do n’t know if this blow can reach the bridge of God, but at least most of the true martial arts can be blocked. .

So in this way, although we can't kill Su Xin, we can drag him on to see if there are more people in our Golden Horde, or if he has more Su Xin time!

Sweat, the people of Xianyu are about to go to the lower bound, but the rivers and lakes will be turbulent for some time. At that time, I do n’t believe him. Su Xin and have the leisure to follow us here and continue to consume! "

Erduo frowned and said, "How many lives do you need to sacrifice?"

Ji Xin Tuo said indifferently: "Not much. One thousand human lives are enough to grumble, and the sacred warrior who is the object of Lord Hades will also die later. Even if he does not die, his martial arts will be exhausted, and he will become a Abandoned people, after all, the power of Lord Hades is not a martial arts warrior who can bear it. "

Upon hearing this, Erdo frowned suddenly.

The way of Ji Xin Tuo cannot be said to be bad, it can only be said that the consumption is too large.

Innate martial arts are not so easy to cultivate, especially those who are fierce in battle, but now they are treated as consumable blood sacrifices.

It would be acceptable if it was an Ordo, but what if Su Xin really didn't plan to leave? Could he really consume a thousand or a thousand lives with Su Xin?

The most important thing is that the warrior who transformed into the gods level is more difficult to find than the innate warrior. A martial arts master who transforms into the state can be used as a general to command a small army in the Golden Horde As a result, it will still be regarded as a consumable now, and this consumption can no longer be said to be too large, it is simply breaking the foundation of their Golden Horde!

So Erdo shook his head directly and said, "Large shaman, let's change another method. This method consumes too much and won't work."

The reason why the shamanism is gradually fading is because some people of the Golden Horde hate some of the secret techniques of shamanism.

In Shamanism, almost all mystics consume the lives of warriors.

Cultivation consumes, the use of mysticism consumes, and even the deities in his mouth are consumed.

When the Golden Horde states went to war, they naturally used the lives of those defeated troops, but what if there was no war? That used their own lives.

Babu royalty can't be moved, and everyone in Shamanism originally came from Babu royalty.

So from the beginning, Shamanism turned its attention to those non-Eight tribes, and there was no backstage warrior.

This shameful practice of shamanism has caused extreme hostility from the bottom of the Golden Horde, but it has never been said because of the power of the shamanism and the fear of its ancestors.

This contradiction did not erupt until Kunga sent. Not only the civilians, but even the people in the eight royal families were somewhat dissatisfied with Shamanism.

Ji Xintuo looked at Erduo with a vicious light in his eyes and said, "Big sweat, the sacrifice is only those pariahs. What's the big deal?

Recently, the power of those pariahs has grown, and nearly half of the senior generals in the army have their origins. UU reading books

If it was during the war, naturally I would not do that, but I would keep them to go to war.

But there is no war now, and it will not happen again for some time to come. If they do not suppress their power again, will the Golden Horde be our eight royals or the dalits?

Sweat, you are the wolf king on the prairie. What you have to do is to protect the interests of the wolves. As for the huge number of wild dogs that only eat carrion behind us, they are needed when waving flags, but wait until their limelight When you overtake the wolves, you need to control their number! "

Ji Xin Tuo's thinking is extremely extreme, but in the Golden Horde Khan, there are many people with extreme thinking like him.

From their point of view, the Golden Horde State with eight royal families is the Golden Horde State, and without the eight royal family, the Golden Horde is just a nomadic tribe composed of a group of pariahs.

In order to guarantee the interests of the Golden Horde, they can give these non-royal pariah power, but when the power of these pariahs is about to exceed their control, they will do anything to protect the interests of the eight royals!

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