Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1271: 1 enemy 3

PS: This chapter is for book lovers who like reading books with a reward of 10,000 starting coins.

The formation of the Shaolin Temple is very strong, and it was also left by those powerful men in the ancient times of Shaolin Temple, but these formations alone could not stop Su Xin.

The real hand of Shaolin Temple is the Buddha bone relics enshrined in the stupa.

As soon as the senior monks of each generation of Shaolin Temple reached the end of their lives in Shouyuan, they would return to the Shaolin Temple and return to death, leaving their own Buddha bone relics to continue to guard the Shaolin Temple.

Other disciples of Shaolin Temple can practice under the stupa, passively absorbing the natural blooming power of the Buddha's bones.

The real role of this Buddha bone relic is to replace them at the critical moment and protect this Shaolin Temple for them!

With the action of Xuanming, all the relics of the Buddha's bones in the stupa of the Shaolin Temple rose up and spread throughout the formation of the Shaolin Temple. The Shaolin Temple, including the entire Shaoshan Mountain, was shrouded in that Buddha light.

Xuan Ming looked at Su Xin coldly and said, "I have the ancestors of the Shaolin Temple ancestors. Do you still want to destroy my Shaolin Temple, really when I am half-prepared for Shaolin Temple?"

Although Xuan Ming is now stingy in his mouth, in fact he still feels a little distressed.

The Buddha bone relic is not an array method, the matrix method can be used repeatedly, but the Buddha bone relic is really ashes after being used once.

Therefore, as long as there is no danger of extinction, Shaolin Temple will definitely not take out the Buddha bone relics they have kept for so many years.

In history, the Shaolin Temple only used the Buddha bone relics three or four times, the most recent one was a thousand years ago, but after this time, the accumulation of this millennium has also turned into fly ash.

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Are you ready? Just relying on the shelter of your former ancestors in Shaolin Temple, you want to stop me? Why do not the living people want me, will Su Xin still be afraid of a bunch of dead people?"

The words fell, and Su Xin's eyes skyrocketed, but my Tao sword was already in his hands, and the endless death was contaminated on the sword's edge. This sword fell, and the voice of the ghost crying suddenly sounded, dark and empty, At this moment, the whole Shaomuro Mountain was like a ghost!

Xuan Ming did not expect that Su Xin said that he would do it by hand, and his movement was still a step slower.

But at this time, Xuanzhen had already rushed up. He folded his hands and pinched the Buddha's seal. This seal fell, and the endless brightness bloomed. It is a seal of infinite light!

Among the warriors of the Xuanzi generation, except for Xuan Su and Xuan Zang, who are truly amazing, the other warriors of the Xuan Zi generation are actually not too bad, which may be related to their growing environment.

When the former generations grew up, Shaolin Temple at that time had some signs of decline, but it still belonged to the peak state of the martial arts leader.

When the warriors of the Xuanzi generation grew up, they encountered the lowest valley period of the Shaolin Temple. The warriors of the Xuanzi generation were under greater pressure than the empty generation, of course, the strong men who grew up under this pressure. Also countless, Xuanzhen is one of the most outstanding.

Last time he was in the battle of Yang Shen with Su Xin, he used the Tibetan rhyme seal of the Tibetan King. He lost in the battle, not because of the martial arts of the Buddha's rhyme. It is better to lose to him than to Su Xin.

This time when he was promoted to Zhenwu, Xuanzhen didn't go to the trouble of comprehending the buddha's rhyme, which is, after all, the fame of the Tibetan King, not his.

At present, this immense imprint of bright light is a powerful martial art that Xuanzhen has evolved from the great light fist of the 72 stunts to the extreme. Once the imprint falls, the instantaneous endless light tears the darkness, and the immense immensity of light is also its own power. Extreme!

The black and white exploded, the mysterious body was endlessly glazed with luster, and was impacted by the endless death, but it could condense in that death, like a Buddha in deep hell.

Xuan Ming had already reacted at this time, but he was emblazoned with his hands, and the endless Buddha light blooming from the Buddha bones behind him poured into his body, making Xuan Ming's body full of rhyme, as if the Buddha came.

Xingming came out on foot, Xuanming punched out, and the endless Buddha light radiated through the ages. His whole body was coated with a layer of dazzling gold. Luo Han dropped the magic, King Kong is not bad!

Although Xuanming and Xuanzhen are both new to the martial arts, the power they are showing now can start to be no less than those of martial artists who have been in the martial arts for decades.

The practice of Shaolin Temple pays the most attention to foundations, and this benefit can be seen every time you advance, that is, the foundation is extremely stable. Even if you need stability, the time required is much less than other warriors. .

In the dying atmosphere, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Su Xin's mouth. The ego sword in his hand flipped, and the sword suddenly changed, from the former silence to the mysterious.

The light of the sword fell, as if Fei Xian, a sword from the sky, crossed the void, chopped off the space and time and fell directly towards Xuanzhen.

Tian Wai Fei Xian is the ultimate expression of the sword's will. The immense imprint of bright light can resist the deadly sword surrounded by Su Xin's death, but now facing this most pure and powerful sword skill, his immeasurable The Seal of Light was shattered, and was directly cut off by this sword.

At this time, Xuan Ming's punch had fallen, and Su Xin directly swung with one hand, and the twelve Xuan Yin swords burst out, rushing towards Xuan Ming with endless evil and death.

In Xuanming's eyes, the Buddha's light shone. Relying on the strength of the Buddha's bones, he did not dodge. He used the physical body to fight against the Xuanyin sword. Luo Han's advent is general, and the power is so powerful that he even shattered 12 Xuanyin swords in succession.

When he finally came to Su Xin, he was greeted by the boundless dazzling Buddha light.

Su Xin's hands were sealed, and Hua Hua smiled.

Compared with Xuan Ming who has a murderous face at this time, it seems that Su Xin at this time is the reincarnation Buddha of Epiphany.

Buddha rhyme flower print!

This seal directly shattered the fist power of Xuanming Luohan Boxing, and the powerful force even directly bombed him. Even if he possesses a Buddha bone relic, he cannot stop the current Su Xin's crushing level. Strength, a spit of blood, spit with unwillingness and resentment in his eyes.

Buddha rhyme with Huayin, it should have been their martial arts in Shaolin Temple!

At this time, when seeing this Su messenger showing the rhyme of the Buddha's rhyme, other warriors who watched the war looked at everyone in Shaolin Temple with a sense of banter.

Jizo King of Jizo, one of the most stunning figures on the rivers and lakes, was turned out by your own Shaolin Temple and turned into an enemy.

The result is better now. Su Xin took the Buddha's rhyme flower seal which should belong to Shaolin Temple and was hit hard. This scene is not inferior to the former Soviet Union's 72 stunts to humiliate Shaolin Temple.

Although there are also martial arts skills in the Shaolin Temple of Buddha's rhyme and flower seals, it is a pity that there is no personal teaching from the King of Jizo, who can learn it by themselves?

Su Xin's face remains unchanged. The strength of these two people is indeed a bit beyond Su Xin's imagination. Just after being promoted to Zhenwu, he can have such a combat power. The fierce body is so powerful that even Su Xin's life-threatening fifteen swords and Feixianfeixian cannot break through their defenses.

But unfortunately, Su Xin's battle with them is not based on pure martial arts advantage, but on the crushing of pure strength. This is absolutely unsolvable. After two fights, Xuanzhen and Xuanming are already in Disadvantaged.

Just when Su Xin wanted to continue his shot, a strange wave of power suddenly bloomed behind him.

It was the most authentic Buddhist practice, but it was mixed with the meaning of death.

A figure emerged behind Su Xin, with one palm falling and the Buddha's light pervading. This was the great compassion of the seventy-two stunts, but what was hidden in the compassion was a deadly void, which was completely different from the martial arts of great compassion.

It stands to reason that this way of use that runs counter to martial arts itself is basically chaotic, but being used by this person has a different kind of power. Compassion and silence, the power of the combination of the two forces turned out to be unexpected. It's similar to Su Xin's inverse yin and yang funeral Dafa, but it's not rejection, but strange fusion!

Su Xin didn't expect that at this time Shaolin Temple could even produce a true martial art. After all, the warriors of the Xuanzi generation also knew him, and the empty-word generation did not have Zhenwu at all. UU Reading Book

When that palm had fallen into Su Xin's back heart, Su Xin's Xuanyin sword appeared all around him, condensing into a sword armor and covering Su Xin's whole body.

After hearing only a loud noise, Su Xin was bombarded for more than ten steps, and the Xuanyin sword armor of the whole body burst into pieces.

Even if Xuanyin Sword Armor's defensive power is amazing, but this person is really powerful Zhenwu after all, suddenly this extreme palm, even Xuanyin Sword Armor can't stop.

Su Xin looked back, and it turned out that in front of his eyes was a warrior wearing a dirty monk's clothes with scattered hair. The only thing that was more noticeable was his pair of eyes without any anger and the striking white eyebrows.

In front of this man, except wearing a monk's clothes, but apart from this, Su Xin couldn't see where he was like a monk.

And the dead silence in his eyes was a bit infiltrating, even if he suddenly committed suicide the next moment, no one would doubt it.

At this time, even the warriors of other forces are a bit wondering, when will the Shaolin Temple emerge a real war?

If there was Zhenwu in Shaolin Temple already, why didn't it show up earlier and it should be hidden?

Even if the Shaolin Temple wanted to keep the hole cards, but this is a true martial artist, how could it be hidden for so many years?

Su Su suddenly saw his eye-catching white eyebrows, Su Xin suddenly thought of something, and said in a deep voice, "You are the former" white eyebrow respect "of Chenglin Temple in the past. It is rumored that you have committed suicide by yourself and did not expect you. They are still alive, but they look like you. What is the difference between being alive and being dead? "

Su Xin had already collected detailed information about Shaolin Temple after offending the Shaolin Temple. Suxin almost dug out the old base of the Shaolin Temple no matter whether it was useful or not.

Kong Cheng had so much trouble in the beginning, so there was a lot of information on the rivers and lakes.

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