Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1275: Prison and Town Magic Tower

The arrival of Li Bad and Jiang Chen made these prisoners in the black prison wonder, when will Shaolin Temple allow outsiders to enter the black prison?

They didn't think that someone would break the Shaolin Temple. It wasn't because they couldn't think of it, but they didn't dare to think about it.

When has Shaolin Temple been broken by outsiders for so many years? This is Shaolin Temple, one of the right paths. It can be said that since ancient times, Shaolin Temple has been declining and has been hit by many people, but it has never been broken.

Li Bad looked around and said to Jiang Chen lightly: "Open the black jail and let it go."

When Jiang Chen heard the words, he immediately opened the prison door with the key and pointed at the mortals who were locked in it: "Listen, all come in line, we will open the formation for you!"

The martial artists present lined up in a vague manner for Jiang Chen to open their handcuffs and fetters. A congenital peak and a fierce-looking man carefully warned: "Two seniors, Shaolin Temple are you letting us leave?"

Jiang Chen scorned: "Let you leave? How could the donkeys at Shaolin Temple be so kind?

Outside is the Lord of the Northwestern Road, the 6 gods of Zhenwu Realm. Lord Xue Xinsu, the "Blood Sword Deity", led the elite of the Northwestern Road to Shaolin Temple. He has broken through the gate of the Shaolin Temple and started to kill the bald donkey outside . "

The crowd at the scene suddenly took a breath and heard the disbelief in their eyes.

The people detained at the top are almost some innate realms, and their faults are relatively low. They are generally released only after being locked up for a few years, and most of them have been detained in the recent period. Shaolin Temple was arrested in the black jail, so Su Xin's reputation was naturally known to them.

But now they heard Jiang Chen say that Su Xin broke the gate of Shaolin Temple, which made them unacceptable.

Jiang Chen sneered and said, "Why don't you believe it? Go out and see you and you will know. Right, now the monks at Shaolin Temple are taking care of themselves. If you make a big noise at this time, it is equivalent to revenge."

The purpose of Su Xin asking Li Bad to break the black prison and the town's magic tower was to weaken the prestige of the Shaolin Temple on the rivers and lakes, and also to make the Shaolin Temple dance in devil, adding more trouble to them.

Which of those detained here is not a murderer and a thief among the rivers and lakes?

Shaolin Temple imprisoned them here in an attempt to wash away the violent gas from their bodies, and wanted them to lay down their butcher knives and stand on the ground, but unfortunately in the end they failed more and succeeded less.

Now that they have the opportunity, the timid will slip away, but those who are daring are the ones who dare to kill Shaolin Temple, and report the hatred of being imprisoned these years.

Along the way, Li Bad and Jiang Chen released all the sinners in the black jail. From the transformation of the divine realm to the fusion of the gods, the deepest layers of detention turned out to be several warriors in the yang divine realm.

The other warriors above went very smoothly. Jiang Chen opened the door and seal to explain the situation. The murderers and thieves honestly thanked Li bad road and went up to the Shaolin Temple for trouble.

These people are so honest, in fact, it is because Li bad has the strength to suppress the sun.

Before the monks in Shaolin Temple came in, they could still swear and swear, because they knew that since the people in Shaolin Temple had held them here, they would not kill them again, but Li Xin was under Su Xin's men. Although the number one running dog is not famous on the rivers and lakes, they have also heard that this man's means are fierce and brutal, and they dare not mess with such murderers.

But when Li Gang went to rescue the warriors in the Yangshen Realm, those evil demon lords in the Yangshen realm had a playful expression on their faces.

The warriors who can be held here are basically decades or even hundreds of years old. At that time, there was no Su Xin on the rivers and lakes. As a result, they now heard that a rising star brought people to Shaolin Temple. These people are dubious expressions.

One of them had half a ghost on his face, and the warrior with a tall figure of Yang Shen sneered dismissively and sneered, "Hit Shaolin? If Shaolin Temple is so good, I'll have to wait here to be closed by Shaolin Temple. For decades?

I don't know what A Mao and A Dog are in trouble at Shaolin Temple. Want to use me to wait? Let us go out and fight with the people at Shaolin Temple to create confusion, and then you can take advantage of the fishermen to make a profit, am I right? "

Several other gods in the field nodded, which was also their concern.

In their minds, the Shaolin Temple is still the naivelin who was a few decades ago. Even if the nine prison demons joined forces, don't even try to break the Shaolin Temple. Now some people say that a rising star has the strength to harden the Shaolin Temple for decades. This kind of thing sounds like an ordinary thing.

So when they want to come, since these two people can come to the black jail, it must be that the Shaolin Temple's own defenses are out of order, and then they let go of the black jail while chaos, letting these people to create chaos, and then they took advantage of the opportunity.

The end result was that they were assassinated by the people in Shaolin Temple, and these people fled with the benefits. Even if some of them could escape from Shaolin Temple, the hope was very slim.

But at this moment, Li badly gave the warrior a cold look, and said lightly, "Who did you say is a cat or a dog?"

The same is true martial arts. In the past, the man was also a prestigious demon gangster on rivers and lakes. Even now, after being locked up at Shaolin Temple for decades, he is still taunting and does not change his magical nature.

Even the Yangshen of Shaolin Temple dare to yell at them, let alone a broken Li.

Just when he was about to say something, a dark sword light shining with death gas suddenly burst out.

At the bottom of this black prison, there is no light at all, but Li Bad's sword light is black to the extreme, that is the death that devours everything!

The warrior of the Yang Shen Realm did not even think that Li bad would shoot. When he saw Li bad's sword, he just thought subconsciously to defend, but unfortunately, he didn't even mobilize the body's true energy to the maximum extent. Li Bad's sword has passed through his throat!

The corpse fell to the ground with a bang, and no one at the scene expected that a warrior in the state of Yang Shen was killed in front of their eyes in such a simple and extreme way.

Even he didn't even think that someone on this river or lake would practice the fast sword to such an extent.

Li Bad looked at the warriors in the Yangshen Realm indifferently and said, "A bunch of waste, haven't even got the courage to be closed by Shaolin Temple?

My grown-up has opened the door of the Shaolin Temple, but you do n’t even have the courage to go out and take a look, which is really ridiculous.

But he was right in one point. I did use you to make Shaolin Temple more chaotic.

It's a pity that you are not even courageous now. This is a miscalculation. Since you are so wasteful, what use is it for you? "

There was a flash of coldness in Li Bad's eyes. It was a dead silence full of murder. No one could figure out whether Li Bad would suddenly shoot next. After all, he was only able to kill the same-level warrior with a sword. The majesty is a bit too amazing. They haven't seen such a terrifying figure for two or three hundred years.

One of the warriors in Yang Shenjing quickly said: "Don't shoot first, let's go out! After being locked up for decades, the idiot was willing to eat soil here."

The man in front of him is like a lunatic. He says that if he kills, he kills. There is nothing to fear. Such people are even more horrible than the monks who arrested them. There is no reason to speak to him. Even if they join forces, they may be killed or injured. A few, might as well go out and talk about it first.

Under the intimidation of Li Bad, this group of warriors in Yang Shen Real Estate hurriedly ran out of the black jail, and Li Bad's mouth twitched, and said lightly: "It is better to kill people than to kill one's heart. Shaolin Temple's group of bald **** means A lot. "

After being locked up for decades, don't look at each of these demon culprits still guilty, but in fact, their fierceness is almost worn away.

Those who have the courage or refused to lose have long died in the fight with Shaolin Temple. Even if they are put in this black prison, some people choose to commit suicide at They will not be humiliated by the people in Shaolin Temple. .

The rest of these are life-threatening and dare not to die. This is why I have survived to this day, but the character has become suspicious, and I have lost the courage of the past. The former magic road giant has become like this, alive But it might as well die.

After letting the people out of the black jail, Jiang Chen took Li Gang to the town magic tower again, and just opened the town magic tower, and a thicker grievance than the black jail came to his face.

Those who can be detained in the town's magic tower are the weakest ones are the Yangshen, the strong and even the real martial arts. As for the existence of the **** bridge, there is no record in the information of the rivers and lakes. With Jiang Chen's status, he also do not know.

The first floor had only a few dead bones, and no one was there. The same was true for the second floor. It wasn't until the eighth floor that Li Gang saw a half-dead Yang Shen warrior who had even lost his consciousness. Li Gang gave it directly. He gave a sword, by the way helped him free.

On reaching the 17th floor, the chill here is getting stronger, and the resentment and death are getting heavier. Jiang Chen suddenly said, "No! Why is there so much dead bone here?"

In the past, there were only a few dead bones in those layers, but the seventeenth layer had hundreds of dead bones, which was obviously unreasonable.

Even if the Shaolin Temple is to be closed, it is not possible to only go to the 17th floor. They often look to see if there are people occupying the previous floors. If anyone goes to the next floor, the last few floors are theoretically speaking. The least, but it turned out that there was so much dry bone here, and the situation was a little weird.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the passage to the eighteenth floor: "Well? The bald donkey in Shaolin Temple has changed his temper. In the past, some half-dead people were thrown away, this time for me Throw down two live ones? "

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