Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1297: Sword of 3 Realms

In the battle between Su Xin and Zhao Jiuling, in fact, Su Xin really regarded this battle as the purest martial arts battle, but Zhao Jiuling's idea was a bit complicated. Most of his energy was not spent in the battle with Su Xin. Up, but on the lower door alliance.

Of course, what he thinks of Su Xin is beyond control. Anyway, he is going all out to fight. If Zhao Jiuling is beheaded and killed, he can't blame others.

At this time, Su Xin ’s sword was already wielding his Kendo power to the extreme. After being promoted to Shenqiao, Su Xin had almost merged his intricate martial arts into one, and it was not just a fusion, it was An extreme sublimation.

Su Xin himself has several techniques such as Daomen, Buddhism, Demon, and Kendo. Now, the fall of Su Xin's sword has not only the power of its kendo peak, but also some Buddhist rhythms.

The Buddhist scriptures say one flower, one world, one leaf and one bodhi. Some Buddhist scriptures already contain extremely deep martial arts. Otherwise, the Yuankong of Shaolin Temple would not be able to realize the epiphany after listening to the Buddhist scriptures for more than ten years. , With the power to transform the divine realm.

The sword of Su Xin is now a world. In the sharp edge of this kendo, Zhao Jiuling felt that there were fairy dance swords that were more than nine days old, and there was a ghost under the shadows dancing with swords.

In the realm of the world, there are martial arts swordsmen who use their own burial swords to transform into sword mounds.

This is Su Xin ’s ultimate kendo. Unlike Meng Jingxian ’s simplest kendo, Su Xin ’s kendo is complicated to the extreme, but in the seemingly complex kendo, there are heaven and earth with strange rules. Li, this sword is called the Three Realms of Swords by Su Xin!

Heaven and earth, fairy. Three Kinds of Kendo are combined into one, and the sword is transformed into the Three Realms.

Zhao Jiuling's eyes showed a dignified color. Among the kendo strong men he had ever seen, Su Xin could definitely rank first.

Such terrible Kendo is worthy of the four words of "going into the world", and it can even be said to be amazing.

The sword of the Three Realms has completely shrouded him, beheaded, beheaded, and even more heart-cut!

Even if Zhao Jiuling closed his eyes now, there were countless horrible sword flashes in front of him, and that mighty power even made him feel a thriller.

Zhao Jiuling's eyes narrowed, he thought he had paid enough attention to this Su Xin, but did not expect that he still despised this Su Xin.

In fact, this can't be blamed on Zhao Jiuling, because the data he collected are all about Su Xin's combat effectiveness in Zhenwu.

After all, no one could have imagined that Su Xin's strength was so horrible and unreasonable. Just stepping on the bridge, he had such a terrifying combat power, and even allowed him to have existed on the bridge for decades. I felt a sense of serious threat!

In the face of Su Xin's horrific sword that wields his own kendo, Zhao Jiuling did not choose to resist evasion, but directly resisted.

Regardless of the identity of the Shenqiao Realm on both sides or his role as the leader of the Daomen Alliance, he cannot retreat in front of Su Xin.

At this moment, countless misty purple air rose from Zhao Jiuling's whole body, and a huge purple palace palace emerged.

This is the sign of Zhao Jiuling, but this Zifu palace is not used to suppress Su Xin, but to suppress himself!

At this moment, Zhao Jiuling turned into a purple house, sitting in the air, his breath had become abnormally ethereal, and the moment he opened his eyes, like the heavens and the earth, turned in his eyes!

Suddenly, Su Xin ’s Three Realm Sword began to distort continuously. Obviously, Zhao Jiuling had been enveloped in the Three Realm Sword Realm, but he could not move forward. Instead, it was distorted. The entire Three Realm Sword Realm started. Constantly crashing!

The other Zhenwu who was fighting at this time felt the power of Su Xin and Zhao Jiuling when they were there.

To Tie Ao and other Zhenwu on the rivers and lakes, although they always knew that Su Xin was very strong, and even Su Xin's own strength could not be guessed by common sense, how could they never think of Su Xin. great power.

The two Zhenwus in Xuan Tianyu were even more horrified, because in the face of Su Xin, Zhao Jiuling even exhibited the maps of the Supreme Secret Method of his Purple House.

Xuantian Realm is a realm composed of several branches of Daomen in the past, so these two true martial arts are not the warriors of Zifu Yimai, but they also know the terror of Zifu Yimai.

This Qiankun Daotu was not left by the former ancestors of the Purple House. Its roots can even be traced to Daozu, but it is a painting left by the old Daozu, called Qiankun Daotu.

No one knows why Daozu left this picture of Qiankun Dao at the beginning. Anyway, this thing is left by Daozu. It must be a good thing, so many Damon people wanted to learn something good from it. As a result, most of the people who watched this picture were crazy, especially those with insufficient strength.

Some of the stronger ones feel that they can quit in a timely manner, but those who are not strong enough have no chance to quit.

For so many years, only a true martial artist in Zifu's veins learned the usage of this Qiankun Road Map from it, and passed it on, but the problem is that every warrior who wants to cultivate the secret method of Qiankang Road map must have It is only necessary to personally enlighten this Qiankun Roadmap, but even if you know the usage, there are few who can successfully enlighten this Qiankun Roadmap.

Zhao Jiuling is one of the few people in the history of Zifu who has successfully comprehended the Qiankun Road Map, but this secret method is even if you have successfully comprehended the Qiankun Road Map. When using it, There will also be some effects, and even users will immerse themselves in it.

So most of the time, as long as the critical moment of life and death is not reached, Zhao Jiuling will never use this secret method.

They did not expect that Su Xin, a newly-developed sacred bridge, even forced Zhao Jiuling's Qiankun Road Map within a few strokes. This was no longer as stunning as simple.

At this time, on the side of Su Xin and Zhao Jiuling, Zhao Jiuling revolved in the eyes, finally strangling the sword of the three realms of Su Xin, but he was pale, and the vision of Qiankun rotation seemed to stop after a long time. Obviously Even if the secret method of the door is now, he cannot completely control it.

He sacrificed the dharma and dharma styles of the Purple House not to suppress Su Xin, but to suppress himself, to be precise, to suppress the side effects of this Qiankun Tao map.

At this time, Su Xin, who was opposite, was smashed by the sword of the Three Realms by Zhao Jiuling, and his complexion was also a little white.

This sword is almost that he wields the kendo of his **** bridge to the extreme existence, and naturally there is some backwash for himself.

Seeing that his Xeon sword was strangled by Zhao Jiuling so easily, it only frightened Su Xin.

To know the power of this sword, even Su Xin felt shocked. Even with this sword, Su Xin had the courage to confront Li Boyang, but it was so easily destroyed by Zhao Jiuling. Is this Zhao Jiuling's strength already Is it a lot higher than Li Boyang?

But after Su Xin felt Zhao Jiuling's condition, he laughed.

"Zhao Jiuling, you even dare to show up in a martial arts that you don't even control yourself. It takes a long time to worry about killing yourself!"

Zhao Jiuling opened his eyes and said faintly: "Whether it is completed or not, as long as the martial arts are useful, maybe you are the first sacred bridge to be killed under my Qian Kun Tao map!"

The words fell, and Zhao Jiuling's eyes began to turn again. At the same time, Zhao Jiuling's middle gate door nine-character mantra spit out, and the world changed color in an instant, and the thunder surged!

Pro! Bing! Fight! By! all! Array! Column! before! Row!

As soon as the nine-character mantra came out, Su Xin felt the pressure of the surrounding Tao Yunwei increased by one point. When the nine-character mantra came out, Su Xin's whole body seemed to be covered by a mountain ~ ~ The heavy pressure even made Su Xin's whole body sound a crunch of crooked bones.

Su Xin wanted to break free, but he found that this force could not be broken at all, because this was not the strength of Zhao Jiuling, but a kind of suppression of the power of the nine characters to drive the world.

It can be said that this is a kind of repression by the power of heaven and earth. Su Xin has no defense at all and cannot break free. All he can do is to confront the enemy within this side of the world, or to break it down!

Just then, a long sword emerged from Zhao Jiuling's hands.

The blade of this long sword is dark, and it is engraved with traces of golden lines, like runes, but it seems not.

But at this moment when the sword came out, it was a long beep. For a moment, the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to be cleared up, and any mixed atmosphere was hanged in front of the sword, leaving only the purest Taoism.

The faces of Lu Changqing and Bai Wumo, who were fighting below, suddenly changed, because they could feel that this sword was a great threat to them. This is definitely a magical level of existence, and it is also specifically targeted at them. Magic soldier!

Looking at Su Xin, Zhao Jiuling said lightly: "This sword is called a demon, but it is a magic soldier forged by a predecessor of my Tao Men.

Su Xin, when you practice magic, you have killed a lot of people on the rivers and lakes. I am afraid you don't know how much grievances you have accumulated. Under the magic sword, you have escaped! "

The words fell, and Zhao Jiuling shook his hands directly, and the blood on his forefinger was flowing, and the strength of blood was tumbling.

However, Zhao Jiuling was unaware of the general, and he swiped his index finger gently over the sword body. After a moment, the black sword body was stained with the power of blood, and then a shocking sword sound was heard!

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