Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1299: Broken Fairy Field

Suddenly the situation completely stopped Tianyuan Wuliangshan, which was still in the shape of a paste.

All the warriors on the rivers and lakes looked like a doubt. Only the warriors of the fairyland were all scared and terrified, as if they knew some insider.

Former Hantian domain master, now Shangguan's ancestor Shangguan stared at the sight full of cold sweat. It is hard to imagine what could scare the existence of such a real martial arts like this.

Shangguan looked at the sky and murmured: "Heaven, it really collapsed! The ancestors are blessed. Let me have the Shangguan family ready to break the matrix method early, otherwise my veins of Shangguan family in Hantianyu will be completely destroyed!"

The famous Jianshanzhuang who stood next to him frowned: "Brother Shangguan, what's going on? This scene is related to Xianyu?"

Everyone present looked at Shangguanyu, and immediately let Shangguanyu return to his mind from contemplation. He could not help but with a hint of luck: "It's about Xianyu. You should know that the world of Xianyu It is slowly collapsing and collapsing, and this picture is just like the collapse of Xianyu.

But this time, Xianyu didn't know what was going crazy, but it collapsed so fast. You must know that it was only eating away step by step, but now it is collapsed piece by piece.

You have also seen that in the past, the collapse of Xianyu had no effect on the Nether at all, but now because the collapse of Xianyu was too severe, the two worlds that were not far away were also affected. The collapsed world even penetrated space. This allowed the fragments and the bodies of innocent people to fall into the Nether when Xianyu collapsed.

My Hantianyu was at the edge of the collapse of Xianyuyu. This time, the large-scale collapse of Xianyuyu is definitely a part of my Hanyuyu. Fortunately, my Hanyuyuyu was ready in advance. The lower bound is early, otherwise, now In the cold days of the Shangguan family, I will completely destroy the family! "

Speaking of which, Shangguanzhen is still a look of fear.

Under this world-class power, let alone a true martial art, it is useless even to let the strong in Shenqiao Realm come, and it can still be instantly spiked by that power.

If the ancestors of the Shangguan clan have left lessons for generations, they must find a way to break the realm, and lead the people of the Shangguan clan to escape from the cold sky domain. Maybe they are still spinning in the cold sky domain, so wait for being Off.

But at this moment, Shangguanzhen was puzzled: "But even this is a bit wrong. According to the calculations of the masters who are proficient in celestial calculations in Xianyu, even in the next millennium, my Xianyu should not appear so big. The change is correct. Why is this happening suddenly? "

Su Xin was silent on the side. In fact, he had seen this kind of thing. When he entered the mysterious Jiujian Sword Pavilion, Su Xin once saw the former Emperor's ascension in the murals of Jiuzhong Sword Pavilion.

At that time, there were countless fragments and corpses scattered, but it was only the Emperor's side.

Now it seems that the original Emperor cut through the void and encountered this kind of scene when entering the fairyland?

Shangguanyi sighed: "Dear you, Xianyu can't stay. After this time, all the warriors of Xianyu will choose to go down as soon as possible. Please be prepared."

Now Shangguanzhen's identity is a bit awkward. He is not a person in Xianyu, and he is not a person in the lower world, so he can only stand in the middle to remind everyone present.

After speaking, Shangguanyi took the person directly away.

The other people's faces were also a little dignified. When such a thing happened, the people in Xianyu would exhaust their fastest speed in the lower bounds.

At present, there are still some people in Xianyu who do not have a lower bound because they still have all kinds of concerns, such as not exploring the situation of the lower bound, or having some fixed things that cannot be moved to the lower bound, so they are all thinking of ways.

But now that such a thing is happening, the entire fairyland is like a time bomb. Maybe it will explode at any time. Whatever can be moved at this time, all of them will be discussed in the lower bounds.

The Daomen Alliance ended halfway because of an accident, but Daomen's loss was also severe enough. Zhao Jiuling was seriously injured, and Zhang Boduan was almost killed by Lu Potian. Fortunately, they created Daomen with many cards, which saved their lives.

However, the loss of the Daomen and Xuantianyu under the Yangshen is also quite a lot. It has even reached the point where they hurt their vitality, and the people of these two factions are helpless.

Anyway, Daomen's plan was completely unsuccessful this time, and neither Su Xin nor Shaolin Temple was in the mood for falling down, because Dazhou and Momen had already withdrawn.

At this point, the eschatological scene has disappeared, but God knows how much area this scene covers, and whether their gates are damaged under this apocalyptic scene.

As soon as they left, no one could move the door unless Su Xin joined forces with Shaolin Temple, but it was absolutely impossible for the two of them to join hands now, so the two sides just looked at each other, turned around and left.

Su Xin is also worried that he has not suffered too much damage from the Northwest Road. After all, the natural disaster is blind, and it is impossible to hide from him.

By this time, all the martial arts soldiers who were still in Xianyu were almost frightened.

The sky fall occurred in the fairyland. The lower bound was only slightly affected and lost, but at this time in the fairyland, these warriors had a clear insight into the horrifying scene of the destruction of the world, and even made Shenqiao The existence of the realm is frightened by heart. That is an absolutely irresistible force. Perhaps only the true immortals and gods in the legend can resist this terrible disaster!

At this time, at the center of the entire fairyland, in the most powerful area of ​​heaven and earth, countless golden floating palaces float above the sky. Even though it is night, the palace is filled with many fist-sized pearls. On top of it, it brings a brilliant light to the night.

Here is the Heavenly Realm of the Twelve Immortal Realms, which is controlled by the queen of the old people. It is also the strongest existence in the Twelve Immortal Realms.

As the emperor of the past, the identity of the Jiang clan in Huangtianyu is extremely honorable. When they first arrived in Xianyu, the Jiang clan was still a royal clan and could control everything.

Only later, when the Emperor's life and death were closed for hundreds of years, others were honest, but when the Emperor's life and death were closed for thousands of years, someone had different ideas.

After closing for such a long time, I am afraid this is no longer a life and death barrier, but a complete death barrier!

Therefore, several masters of Xuantianyu in the past stood out to express their independence and established Xuantianyu.

With such a leader, the rest are also split in succession, and finally split up and split up, this has become what the current twelve domains look like.

In fact, as the strongest Emperor of the Twelve Realms, they have long been able to study the formation of the lower bound, but they have never had a lower bound. The reason for this is because the palace where the Emperor's retreat can't be brought to Go to the Nether.

Now the people of the Jiang clan in Huangtianyu can still guarantee their honorable status. One of them is naturally because of their strength, but one thing is that although the emperor has been in retreat for 10,000 years, 99% of people think that the emperor is dead. Then, if he is still alive for ten thousand years, then he is not the emperor of the people, but the emperor of the gods.

It was just that the former Emperor's power was too strong, so that at the moment when he did not see the Emperor's body, absolutely no one dared to truly determine whether the Emperor was dead or not. Therefore, when he was in Xianyu, even Xuantianyu also had to Give the royal family a face.

If the people in Huangtianyu did n’t care about where the Emperor ’s retreat was, they went directly to the lower boundary, would n’t it be equivalent to talking to other people in Xianyu, even they thought that the Emperor was dead, so he would Abandon the palace of the Emperor.

Therefore, since this period of time, the people in Huang Tianyu have been studying in secret how to bring the retreat palace where the emperor is located to the lower bound.

At this time, the roof of a large hall at the center of Huangtianyu, UU reading, an impressive, middle-aged man wearing a seven-claw golden dragon robe stood there, frowning at the scary void in the heavens of Xianyu. , Silently.

He is now the strongest of the Jiang family, the existence of Shenqiao Realm, and the landlord Jiang Yuanzhang of Huang Tianyu.

At this time, a true martial arts warrior wearing a python robe fell from mid-air and walked behind Jiang Yuanzhang, Shen said, "The domain master, the situation of Xianyu has been counted."

This Zhenwu is not a warrior from the Jiang family, but a warrior with a surname.

In the entire Emperor Tianyu, only Jiang's veins are royal orthodox, and can wear golden dragon robes. The other high-ranking foreigners can only wear unicorn robes or python robes.

Jiang Yuanzhang asked, "How is it?"

The warrior looked a bit ugly: "It's very serious. The four areas near the edge of the cold sky domain, the skyscraper sky, the flame sky domain, and the quiet sky domain have all been affected, and the least places are also completely broken in half. The most serious is Cold weather, the entire cold weather is now less than one-tenth the size of the previous one. Fortunately, Shangguanyu was clever before, taking all the warriors in the cold weather, and taking some of the civilians in the cold weather and evacuating to some of the other domains. Otherwise, now I am afraid that the cold weather will become a ghost. "

Jiang Yuan looked at the horizon, with a strong incomprehensible tone in his tone: "Why did it come so fast? Isn't this immortal real end?"

After a long while, Jiang Yuanzhang said, "Tian, ​​let's go down, and my emperor Tianyu is also preparing for the lower bound."

Natasaki was suddenly surprised: "But the domain owner, what about Her Majesty's closed palace?"

Jiang Yuanzhang sighed: "Now I can't take care of everything else, Xianyu will be gone. Are we going to leave, are we going to bury this fairy?"

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