Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1304: Royal Heaven

PS: Thanks to book friends and book friends

The place of the lower boundary of Huangtianyu is actually not Jiangnan Road, but Hannan Road.

It is just that this Hannan Road belongs to the last one among the forty-nine roads on the Big Thursday. Some people in Huangtianyu despise it, so they moved to Jiangnan Road.

Regarding geographical location, Jiangnan Road is far away from Beiyuan Road where Shengjing City is located. Huangtianyu doesn't want to have any conflict with Dazhou now, it is far away.

There is also the martial arts prevailing in Jiangnan Province, which is rich in products. It can definitely rank among the top five among the nineteen roads on Thursday. Only this kind of place is worthy of Huangtianyu.

Of course, the more important point is that the Emperor Tianyu of Jiangnan Province cannot find a force capable of threatening them.

Now the only strong ancestral gate in the entire Jiangnan Province is the Xiao family, one of the six great families. However, after the Xiao family's ancestors were killed by Su Xin and Meng Po and others, the Xiao family completely entered the dormant stage.

This time Huang Tianyu came to Jiangnan Road, the Xiao family didn't even have a real martial art. How could there be any objection? Therefore, the Xiao family can only keep dormant and give up most of the area of ​​Jiangnan Road to Huang Tianyu.

At this time, on a mountain that stretched for more than ten miles on Jiangnan Road, countless pavilions and pavilions were built on the mountain, most of them just had a frame, and there were countless low-level warriors carrying materials in the mountains to build these buildings.

Above this mountain, a huge floating palace rises and looks spectacular, this is the residence of Huangtianyu on Jiangnan Road.

Among the Twelve Immortal Realms, the number of Emperor Tianyu is the largest, and those buildings built in the mountains are also prepared for the warriors of the Emperor Tianyu.

Originally there were countless floating palaces in Huangtianyu, but because the people in Huangtianyu were too hurry, with their ability, they could barely move down to a floating palace, which was used as a facade.

At this time, Jiang Yuanyu, the domain owner of Huang Tianyu, was very busy. As the domain master of Huang Tianyu, he not only had to preside over the various affairs of Huang Tianyu in the lower bounds, but also collected various information and materials on the rivers and lakes. Draw up various arrangements and plans for the Emperor Tianyu in the lower world, so that they can reproduce the prestige of the queen of the old people.

At this moment, a warrior from Huang Tianyu knocked on the door respectfully and came in: "Master of the domain, Chang Kun, Feng Tianyu."

Jiang Yuanzhang frowned. "What is he doing?"

Jiang Yuanzhang has always been uncomfortable with Feng Tianyu. These guys who practice the knife path are just like living bandits. Everyone dares to offend, but the strength of Feng Tianyu has not been too weak. So even if Twelve Immortals almost offended each other, when Feng Tianyu didn't offend other forces, no one would compare with them, at least it just hated the other.

Although Huang Tianyu was a queen of the old people, Fengtian Yu's group of guys also offended the same. If they were in Xianyu, Jiang Yuanyu would not bother to see each other.

It's just now that they have reached the Nether, and Chang Kun is not the same as the guys who have no brains. Although this is more insidious, it is still a bit sensible. Jiang Yuanzhang thought about it and said, "Let him in. "

After Chang Kun came in, he said respectfully to Jiang Yuanzhang: "I have seen King Yang Wu."

Jiang Yuanyi raised an eyebrow and looked at Chang Kun in amazement.

The Jiang family is the queen of the people. In fact, the true bloodline of the lineage is to seal the king according to the genealogy. Because the human emperor did not establish any prince at the time of retreat, so as long as he is the descendant of the human emperor The throne and subsequent generations have inherited the throne of their former fathers.

However, with the resignation of the Emperor, there were some problems in the rule of the Jiang family, and even the entire fairyland began to split. This so-called feudal king naturally became a joke.

Therefore, Jiang Yuanzhang, the king of the Yangwu, is only sometimes called by the blood of the royal family of the Jiang family. Most of the time, people in other domains call him the domain owner, and the domain owner of the royal heaven domain, even in the royal heaven domain. Some people who are not from the Jiang family will also call him the domain owner, but now this Chang Kun is calling out the three words of Yangwu King, which is somewhat intriguing.

"Chang Kun, let's talk, what exactly do you want to do?" Jiang Yuanzhang directly opened his door and asked.

With his strength, what kind of conspiracy Chang Chang wants to play in front of him is almost like a joke, and even the other party dare not to count himself is unknown.

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhang ’s words, Chang Kun would n’t continue to cover up. He said directly: "Next time, I actually want to alliance with Huang Tianyu, and it is a kind of subordinate alliance. From now on, I will be the leader of Tianyu, but the leader of Tianyu is the leader! "

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yuanzhang did not immediately agree, but looked at Chang Kun with a doubtful look.

In this world, there is no good thing that the pie will fall from the sky. Now Chang Kun has taken the initiative to come to be the younger brother. If he says that there is not a bit of a mess in it, he will not believe Jiang Yuanyu.

So Jiang Yuanzhang frowned and asked: "Chang Kun, what exactly do you want to do in Fengtianyu? Do you know the consequences of daring to calculate my Huangtianyu?"

Chang Kun heard a bitter smile and said suddenly: "Yangwu King, you are a powerful player in Shenqiao Realm. It is even easier for Huang Tianyu to destroy me. Tianyu is how to count you? This alliance, in fact, everyone is a win-win. , I want the protection of Emperor Tianyu, and presumably Emperor Tianyu also needs the help and loyalty of Feng Tianyu in exchange for powerful forces and might. "

Speaking, Chang Kun didn't conceal it, and directly and honestly told the story to Jiang Yuanzhang.

Anyway, for him, he really didn't think about planning for Emperor Tianyu. This kind of thing is just a transaction. He used asylum in exchange for allegiance. Not to mention that the dynasty was playing. Will play this set.

After listening to Chang Kun's words, Jiang Yuanzhang suddenly realized that the other party had originally turned out to be this idea.

However, Jiang Yuanzhang was not ready to reject Feng Tianyu's plan.

If Huang Tianyu wants to achieve something now, it is bound to require many warriors to shake their flags.

Someone came forward now, and of course Huang Tianyu would not refuse.

So Jiang Yuanzhang thought for a while and thought, "Since Chang Yu wants to join His Majesty the Emperor Tian Yu, of course the King will not refuse, but Chang Yu, you want to win the battlefield of Yi Jianmen, but pay attention to the scale .

That Su Xin's sister is a disciple of Yi Jianmen. If you mess up with Su Xin and become deadly enemies with him, then I will not manage it.

With more of your allies as Feng Tianyu, you are trying to provoke an enemy in the sacred bridge environment. How can this sale be considered uneconomical? "

When Huang Tianyu didn't have all the lower bounds, he actually let a small part of the lower bounds explore the movements on the rivers and lakes, and probably knew the power of the lower bounds. Some of the other parties can provoke, and some can't provoke them. Jiang Yuanzhang But it was clear.

The first one that could not be aroused was the old monk of Tao Xuanna. The horror Jiang Yuanzhang of the Lotus Zen Academy was also very clear.

This second one is the one who teaches ‘Yuanxu Sanren’ in Xuanchenzi.

The paranoid lunatics of Taishangdaomen never take the shot, and the shot is amazing. It is also clear that the inside story of Taishangdaomen was the royal family Jiang Yuanzhang. Do n’t look at that time when Xuanzhengzi was closed, it is still martial arts. Now he What kind of state has cultivation reached, and who knows?

As for this last one, it is Su Xin.

Although this person does not have the horrible heritage of Buddhism and Daomen, but is a descendant of the rivers and lakes who rose from the grass, but his own combat power is extremely amazing. He fought against Xuan Tianyu, the master of the heavens, at the Daomen Alliance conference. The power is startling.

The most important thing is that Su Xin's unscrupulous madness makes Jiang Yuanzhang extremely jealous. He doesn't want to go against this lunatic without sufficient interests.

Chang Kun quickly said: "Of course I know this point. When I started, I ordered it, before the soldiers, even if we really want to do it, we must ensure the safety of Sister Su Xin."

Jiang Yuanzhang nodded and said: "Since this is no problem, as long as you don't cause any major incidents, I can protect you.

Of course, if you have to go out to provoke wrongdoing, then don't blame me for being unreasonable. After all, what Emperor Tianyu needs is a reliable ally, not a trouble that causes trouble everywhere. "

Feng Tianyu's reputation in Xianyu is not very good, so Jiang Yuanzhang now puts ugliness in front.

Even if Feng Tianyu did not have a guy like Chang Kun who was a bit of a brain, even if they took the initiative, Jiang Yuanzhang would not agree.

Chang Kun immediately said: "Of course I know this point, please be assured that Wang Ye will immediately announce the alliance between Feng Tianyu and Huang Tianyu after returning to the future.

Jiang Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction, UU reading www. Changkun is also considered to be current affairs.

At this time outside of Yi Jianmen, a celestial warrior with a celestial body in front of the sky hangs a lancet around his waist. Seeing the beautiful scenery and strong vitality around him, his eyes can't help showing a slight disdain.

"These treasures are occupied by those swords. They are simply violent heavens! A pile of weak chicken waste is worthy of owning such mountain gates?"

Since ancient times, warriors who practiced Kendo were somewhat inconsistent with swordsmen who practiced Kendo, but the former has been suppressing the latter. Otherwise, there are not five swords, but five swords.

As a descendant of one of the nine swords, the warriors in Fengtian Realm did not have a good impression of any sects with swords, let alone Yi Jianmen's foot is actually a sword from one of the nine swords. Ministry, although this may not be clear to Yi Jianmen's disciples.

According to the martial artist's thinking, their strength in Fengtianyu has completely crushed Yi Jianmen, so why bother to waste such a great deal of strength before the soldiers? Just hit the door, but only with the domain owner's order, he did not dare to mess up.

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