Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1314: Shot

Throughout the rivers and lakes, if other people came to Su Xin and Jiang Yuanzhang to say something about Ge Ge, I'm afraid they didn't even know how to die, but Shi Daoxuan had this qualification and strength.

It's a pity that no matter whether they are Su Xin or Jiang Yuanzhang, their personalities are extremely strong, and no one else is here to persuade him.

Jiang Yuanzhang directly said: "This is a matter between my emperor Tianyu and Su Xin. I also hope that Master Dao Xuan will not intervene."

Su Xin also said indifferently: "Master Shi Dao Xuan, it is not a good habit to study Shaolin Temple to do nosy, and what you call Zhi Ge is useless to me and so on.

How to write "wu"? Stop fighting for military purposes. If you want to stop fighting, you can only do so by force. If you do n’t fight, how can you know who is strong and who is weak? "

Shi Daoxuan sighed. Although he knew that Su Xin's words were purely arrogant, but unfortunately he could not find any excuse to refute.

In fact, this time Shi Daoxuan was released for the purpose of attacking Yi Jianmen by Feng Tianyu.

After leaving Shaolin Temple, Shi Daoxuan has been searching for successors on the rivers and lakes who can inherit his mantle, but he has never found him.

At this time, he heard rumors that center Tianyu was preparing to attack Yijian Gate, so Shi Daoxuan went to Jiannandao with all his strength to prepare for Fengtianyu's operation.

As a result, before he arrived at Jiannandao, he heard that Su Xin had settled the matter. Although he was dead, fortunately he did not die too much.

In this way, Shi Daoxuan turned back again. Who knew that just two days later, he heard the news that Huang Tianyu was about to make a shot, and Shi Daoxuan hurried to Jiannan Road again.

Last time, at least the situation of Fengtianyu was still under control, but this time, the collision between Huangtianyu and Su Xin, the two strong men, failed. It would cause a tidal wave.

Su Xin looked at Shi Daoxuan. Compared to the paranoid monks in Shaolin Temple, the teachings of the Lotus Zen Academy were less overbearing and radical. Unfortunately, even if Daoxuan could be persuaded, he could use his own strength to stop Ge, but However, they could not let the tough-hearted warriors such as Su Xin and Jiang Yuanzhang give up their original plans.

Seeing that Su Xin and Jiang Yuanzhang didn't bother to make concessions, Shi Daoxuan had to sigh and his helpless face appeared.

Since he could not persuade him, he could only look at it aside, hoping that the two would restrain himself, and do n’t make a real fire, otherwise it would be a catastrophe. Whether it is Su Xin or Jiang Yuanzhang, they both Once you let go of all your forces, you can easily destroy a city.

At this time, a voice came suddenly: "Master Shi Daoxuan, you want to persuade them that they are thinking too much, neither of these two can easily listen to people."

A figure wearing a purple robe fell, and the whole body drifted away, seemingly ethereal.

Appearing here is the domain owner Zhao Jiuling of the Xuantian Realm.

Su Xin's brow frowned. The last time he damaged Zhao Jiuling's Yuanshen, he was physically injured.

For more than a month, Su Xin could guarantee that his injuries were recovered, but if Zhao Jiuling wanted to recover his injuries on the Yuanshen, it was obviously impossible.

In fact, Zhao Jiuling did not completely recover the injuries on Yuanshen.

Compared to the physical body, it is more difficult to completely recover the injuries on Yuanshen. Zhao Jiuling used their secret method and secret medicine of Xuantianyu to cure the injuries on Yuanshen. As for the remaining 10%, this will have to be brought back slowly by the water mill.

Right now, Zhao Jiuling was not targeted by Su Xin or Jiang Yuanzhang. He just wasn't sure how big the two would be. He came here to see if there was an opportunity for them to step in.

However, Zhao Jiuling didn't expect to kill a Taoist mystery first. With this old monk, even if he couldn't stop Su Xin and Jiang Yuanzhang from fighting, he could prevent the two from expanding the battlefield.

Jiang Yuanzhang looked at Shi Dao and Xuan Dandan said, "Is Xuan Tianyu also prepared to intervene in this matter?"

The relationship between Huang Tianyu and Xuan Tianyu is definitely not good, and it can even be called revenge.

It should be known that Xuantianyu was the first to choose to split from Huangtianyu. This led to the independence of the parties in the entire fairyland, and finally formed the situation of the twelve fairyland.

Therefore, even in Xianyu, these two forces are not insignificant, but because the strengths of the two sides are similar, even if Emperor Tianyu is so strong, but they do not want each other, so the battle between the two sides in the later period is less a lot of.

Zhao Jiuling said lightly: "The owner of Jiang Yu is too sensitive. Not everyone always remembers the past mountains and rivers, and now he is not Jiang."

Talking about it, Zhao Jiuling took a few steps back. Although Jiang Yuanzhang was stabbed in his mouth, he showed his intention in the action.

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Yuanzhang was also relieved secretly. He whispered directly to Su Xin: "Last one more question, Feng Tianyu, do you pay or not?"

Su Xin stepped out directly, the powerful momentum rose to the sky, the golden brilliance of the whole body shone, countless kinds of mysterious breath condensed into one, and blasted directly toward Jiang Yuanzhang!

Su Xin didn't answer, his action was the best answer. If he beats me, he will return you, but he won't, but get out!

And Lu Potian on the side also sneered at the two Zhenwu of the Emperor Tianyu: "Your domain master is one-on-one with my younger brother. Lao Tzu doesn't picky eaters, you two go together!"

The eyes of Zhenwu of the two Emperor Tianyu suddenly showed a little anger, when they were going to shoot.

They also all exist in Zhenwu Realm. Of course, Lu Potian's provocation cannot be endured.

Just before they did, Shi Dao Xuan stood among them and folded his hands together: "Amitabha, it is enough for Master Su and Jiang Yu to fight this battle. A few people can rest assured that they will win. . "

Lu Potian snorted and stood back, cursing a curse at the old monk.

It ’s just that he scolded and shouted, but he really did n’t dare to arrogantly in front of Shi Daoxuan. Only he knew how strong this Daoxuan was. Even in his heyday, he did n’t face the old monk at all. Winning odds, let alone now.

It's a pity that Zhao Jiuling was aside. He couldn't wait for Su Xin to fight with Huang Tianyu. You can only benefit from Xuan Tianyu, but unfortunately there is an old monk who is a nosy person, Shi Daoxuan. Other people are sure. Can't fight it.

At this time, Su Xin's mighty fist had gathered all his martial arts in it. It seemed a simple fist, but it was tolerant and versatile, with ever-changing power.

Jiang Yuanzhang frowned. He was the first time to deal with Su Xin, but not the first time to deal with Zhao Jiuling.

In Yuan Dynasty, Jiang Yuanzhang fought with Zhao Jiuling more than once, so he still knew about Zhao Jiuling, and knew that Su Xin had fought with Zhao Jiuling at the Yuan Wuliang Mountain Road Conference that day. Since then, Jiang Yuan He knew Su Xin's difficulty and was ready.

But now seeing the power of Su Xin ’s fist, Jiang Yuanzhang felt that he still looked down on this Su Xin, and the opponent's strength was definitely better than he thought.

At this time Zhao Jiuling was also surprised, and he also noticed that Su Xin's progress was stronger than when he was above Tianyuan Wuliang Mountain.

At the time, Su Xin used his secret method to fight his life and pulled him to be seriously injured. Now, if Su Xin fights with him again, I am afraid that this extreme means will not be used.

This situation made Zhao Jiuling feel terrifying. He is also a **** bridge, but he knows how difficult it is for them to want to go further.

As a result, Su Xin only closed her retreat once, and most of the time she had made so much progress in healing. This kind of thing was a bit too shocking, but the fact was in front of her.

At this time in the air, although Jiang Yuanzhang was shocked by the strength revealed by Su Xin, his mood was not fluctuated in the slightest.

Although Su Xin's progress is great, he is not a weak man as a queen of Jiang Yuanzhang!

In the face of Su Xin's punch, Jiang Yuanzhang still punched out. When this punch fell, Jiang Yuanzhang's nine golden dragons on the Kowloon robe seemed to be alive, roaring around his body. As his fist fell, the dragon groaned and whistled, and the boundless imperialism and hegemony condensed in it, which seemed extremely terrifying.

When it comes to the application of the Dragon Qigong method, the former family of Jiang, who was the queen of the past, is countless times more powerful than Da Zhou.

The two fists collided, whether it was the one that Jiang Yuanzhang condensed the dominance into one body, or the one that Su Xinna incorporated thousands of martial arts into it, and the two fists collided, and suddenly a burst of destruction broke out. Worldly power comes!

This aftermath bursts. UU reading books like Lu Potian and other true martial arts can naturally ignore these aftermaths, but other ordinary people can't hold it.

At this time, Shi Daoxuan chanted the scriptures directly, and the Buddhist scriptures formed in an instant were scattered in the air, condensing into a golden mask field, leaving Yi Jianmen in it, and also the ancient ones. The warriors in the royal sky also shrouded in it.

The two supreme strongmen in the Shenqiao Realm have a fight. The mighty power has been extremely powerful, but on the surface, the strength of the two sides is still in the middle of the middle, and this strike has not made any difference.

At the moment when this violent vitality started to burst, the so-called Taoist sword in Su Xin's hands had been scabbard, one sword and two points, one sword into the cloud, a flying fairy outside, a sword cracking to the ground, and death was coming!

These two swords blocked all the retreats of Jiang Yuanzhang's whole body, allowing him to unavoidably, can only resist!

There was a smile on the corner of Jiang Yuanzhang's mouth: "It's interesting!"

The words fell, and an ancient bronze sword looking at the ordinary appeared in Jiang Yuanzhang's hands, and Lv Potian below exclaimed suddenly: "The Emperor Sword!"

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