Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1323: Change of Mindset and Hot Plans

When Datian Mozun left for a while, Su Xin and Lu Potian were still standing still, digesting Datian Mozun's message.

Da Tian Mo Zun is not dead, Daozu and Buddha may not be dead, and even think of it in horror, if the emperor who has been closed for 10,000 years has died?

These things are now unknown, but the only thing that Su Xin and Lu Potian are sure of now is that the people in Huangtianyu are going to be unlucky.

Obviously, the way in which the demon demon behaves is obviously not a good kind, and it is still very vengeful.

The emperor beheaded him at the time, but now he has finally found such a good opportunity. How can Datian Mozun not collect some interest?

It's just that Datianzun hasn't recovered his strength. He still runs on the street with Yang Shenjing's body. He can't even match Su Xin, let alone the trouble of finding Jiang Yuanzhang.

Therefore, according to Su Xin's thought, the opponent should now restore their strength, and then they can integrate the power of the entire magic road, and then attack the Emperor Tianyu.

Lu Potian looked at Su Xin and sighed, "Why is my grandma a little bit incomprehensible? Not only the demons, but even the ancient strongmen have jumped out. If in my time, these strong Those who jumped out just one can rule the whole river and lake, but now they are jumping out one after another. According to this, I might as well carry it in the black prison, at least it can be safer. "

Lu Potian complained here. For him, how many days did he escape from the black prison in Shaolin Temple, and as a result he hurt himself to look like this. Previously, he could still repair the bridge The rivers and lakes have been chased and killed by even the powerful who attracted the entire rivers and lakes, but now? Not to mention that he is a cheap teacher. Now the rivers and lakes just jump out and one is stronger than when he was at its peak. This also makes Lu Potian feel a bit frustrated.

Su Xin shook his head and said, "This has always been the case in troubled rivers and lakes, but this time the troubled rivers and lakes are a little more chaotic."

The troubled world at the end of the Jin Dynasty was chaotic enough, but it was nothing compared with the current one. At least there weren't many strange characters popping out like now.

Lu Potian suddenly asked at this time: "By the way, what are you going to do next?"

Su Xin Shen said, "In fact, I was going to retreat for a while, but because of the matter of Feng Tianyu, I went out early."

Prior to this, Su Xin had obtained three magical powers, such as Red Fire Magic, Flameless Phase, and Tian Yao Tu Shen. Although Su Xin did not like retreat, how could he practice these three skills to Xiaocheng.

As a result, Su Xin just happened one month after the retreat, which led to his three exercises only reaching the point where he just started.

Lu Potian said: "Are you going to go back to retreat?"

Su Xin's eyes showed a hint of coldness: "I had planned this before, but this time the thing of Da Tian Mo Zun has taught me a lesson. During this time, I seem to be a bit too relaxed. Most of them Although my enemies do not want me, you can't stop those enemies hidden in the dark.

Just as the celestial **** Tianzun said, Daozu and Buddha are the strongest and most calculating ones among the ancient heavens. Even when the heavenly gods are desperate, they choose to leave themselves alive. How could it be doing nothing?

Even now, they might be staring at me in the dark, ready to jump out at any time to give me the most fatal blow. By that time, I was mostly unstoppable. "

Su Xin's advantages are not many. His biggest advantage is self-knowledge, knowing when he should be arrogant and overbearing, and when he should be cautious and dormant.

After Su Xin broke through the Shaolin Temple and stepped on Shenqiao, some changes in Su Xin's mentality did occur, because Shenqiao is already the highest point standing on the rivers and lakes, but the strong man who can dominate the entire rivers and lakes.

In addition, the Shaolin Temple and the Taoist Daomen were enemies for thousands of years. The Shaolin Temple that the Daoist Daomen could not break through was defeated by Su Xin.

At that time, Su Xin could be said to be truly at its peak. After that, he was an enemy of Zhao Jiuling, destroying the plan of the Daomen Alliance, and fought against Jiang Yuanzhang, the Lord of the Emperor's Heaven. He was undefeated. After a series of fierce battles, Su Xin's strength was fully capable Standing at the top and looking up, at least even if Li Boyang was standing here, Su Xin had the courage to compete with him for the first place of the day.

This series of changes will inevitably give Su Xin the illusion that he is already on the top and can be proud of all things. Under this illusion, it is easy for him to gradually lose his vigilance.

Although Su Xin has not yet found a trend in this area, it is clear that this situation is inevitable over time.

Fortunately, this time Su Xin met Datian Mozun, and he knew so many ancient secrets, which also made him feel a little pressure.

Even if those gangsters are born, after all, these gangsters are all on the bright side. Even if their strength is strong, Su Xin is not afraid.

But there is a hidden existence like Daozu Buddha, and even Su Xin couldn't figure out whether they died or not. What kind of second hand would be left if they didn't die is actually the most terrible thing.

At the moment of knowing these things, Su Xin had completely shattered his formerly so-called arrogance that had stood on the top of rivers and lakes.

With so many old monsters hidden in the dark, there is still a gap between him and the top.

It's just that Su Xin doesn't plan to change his way of doing things. He just changes his mindset. If he knows that so many old monsters may not die, Su Xin becomes timid. Such people are not Su Xin.

Acting bravely and aggressively, holding on to a thin heart. Such an attitude is what Su Xin should have now.

So Su Xin said directly to Lu Potian: "The retreat can be closed at any time. Let's talk about the two old rivals, Shaolin Temple and Daomen, first.

Does n’t Datian Demon also say that Daozu and Buddha are dead now? Then I destroyed the Shaolin Temple and the Tao of Fortune. I would like to see if they can't bear it! "

After Lu Baitian heard his tongue straight, he shook his head and said, "You are still a ruthless brother! Such tricks can be thought of."

Most people encounter this kind of thing. Even if he changed his position, Lu Potian's first reaction was not to take the initiative, but to be vigilant and prepared, and he should not act lightly. As a result, Su Xin was better, but he chose to first. It's strong to start with, and use the lives of two gates to intimidate the two powerful men in ancient times.

As martial arts, some people may not care about their children, but it is impossible not to care about their martial arts heritage.

Even Da Tian Mo Zun is concerned about his inheritance of the Dao Tao, let alone the line of Tao and Buddhism.

Right now, the door carrying Dingzong in the veins of Buddha and Daomen is Shaolin Temple and the Daomen. If Su Xin killed the two factions, Daozu and Buddha could not come out, either they were really dead, or they really had iron stones Heart to heart, this can bear it.

In fact, Su Xin did so because of having system tasks.

Now Su Xin is also in urgent need of strength. Where can I quickly improve the strength? Except for death fighting and penance, there is only system.

As long as the Shaolin Temple and the Daoist Gate can be destroyed, Su Xin will be able to obtain high-level mission rewards, which will allow Su Xin's strength to skyrocket.

How does Tongtianjing break through Su Xin temporarily? I do n’t know how so many ancient gods in the ancient times have n’t figured out a way. Now he ca n’t think of it for a while.

So now Su Xin can just go to the realm of the dead mother first, and then talk about reaching the extreme of Shenqiao.

Lu Potian shook his head and said, "Since this, then you should prepare to go first, brother, when you need me, just call me, I will go to the retreat to raise my injury and talk about it."

This time, Lu Potian not only broke his arm, but even his own foundation was damaged. This is definitely a serious injury for Lu Potian.

But before he left, Datianzun threw him a secret method. UU read a book www.uukanshu. From the simple refining blood to the natural evil spirit between refining the heavens and the earth, the power of this mysterious method is definitely far beyond the power of God.

In fact, in some places, this secret method is similar to the transfer of blood, but the transfer of blood is to absorb the power of other people's blood, and this unknown magic power draws the evil spirit between heaven and earth. One is to plunder people, and the other is to plunder the world, but the latter is much more dangerous than the former, just because human power can be controlled, and it will be gone if it is drained.

However, the evil power between heaven and earth is completely beyond the control of the warrior. If it is not properly handled, it will cause excessive inhalation of heaven and earth and cause the meridians to burst due to a large amount of inhalation.

So in the final analysis, this secret method is still the standard magic power, which benefits a lot, but the risks are also great.

Of course, these side effects are of little significance to Lu Potian now, because he was once the existence of Shenqiao Realm, and his power over his own power is far beyond his current realm.

As long as Lu Potian is decisive and controls the absorbed power at the pinnacle of the state of law, he closes in time when he can fully control this exercise, and this exercise will not have any impact on Lu Potian at all.

Therefore, if Lv Potian can play himself to the extent that the meridians explode, it is simply a sudden brain drain.

After Su Xin returned to Flying Dragon City, the things about the demon tribe also spread throughout the rivers and lakes at this time, but this matter was not spread naturally, but by Jiang Yuanyu of Huang Tianyu himself. It's almost the same as what happened at the beginning, but in the eyes of Su Xin and others who have personally experienced that scene, this is purely Jiang Yuanzhang putting gold on his face.

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