Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1328: acting

PS: This chapter is for the reward of the Wechat user 11 * 536.

Not only did Su Xin's words startle Su Zichen, but Huang Bing, Chengdu, who did not know what Su Xin was planning to do, was in shock.

No wonder Su Xin said that the mission is a thousand deaths, which is no different from direct suicide.

Su Xin looked at Su Zichen and said indifferently, "You have also been with me for so many years. You should also know how Su Xin is a person. I don't force you on this matter. If you want to, then I will tell you the details. I can really escape from Shaolin Temple. You are the next generation of Su family. You are responsible for helping me to control Su family. I will give you what you want.

Of course, if you do not want to, then I will not force you, after all, the success rate of this task is very low, and even if it is successful, you are less likely to escape from Shaolin Temple.

One in ten thousand vitality, how dare you gamble? "

Su Zichen only hesitated for three breaths before he nodded directly: "I do!"

For such a long time, Su Zichen saw everything through early. When he was in the past, he was the hope of the future of the Su family. The disciples of the Su family were kind to him, and some even complimented him.

As a result, when he lost, and lost the face of Su Xin and the Su family, those people thought that he would never rise again in his life, and mocked them vigorously. The ones who mocked him the hardest now are those who used to mock him. The most compliments.

For Su Zichen now, he chose to perform such an almost ten dead task. He didn't want to get anything. He just wanted to show those people. He Su Zichen was not a waste that he couldn't help!

There was a smile on the corner of Su Xin's mouth: "Yes, very good, if you do not have a mentality of death, I will not rest assured that this task."

Lu Potian looked at Su Xin in amazement, he now admitted, Su Xin is indeed much stronger than him in terms of looking at people.

In fact, it is easy to find someone who is not afraid of death. His Majesty Su Xin also has a lot of brain-washed dead men. Unfortunately, these people are only dead men. When they ca n’t die, it ’s okay for them to assassinate them. There are many complicated and secretly executed The task of change is not what they can do.

Lu Potian coughed and said, "Master, you are quite accurate in seeing people, but how are you going to let him mix in Shaolin Temple and get a high position in a short time?"

Besides, do you think the people in Shaolin Temple are blind? This kid had appeared before so many people in the rivers and lakes, and the people in Shaolin Temple also saw it. Although he was just an unknown little character at the time, someone will definitely remember his appearance. You let him mix in Shaolin Temple. By what? What about the human skin mask? "

Su Xin said indifferently: "Human skin mask? I haven't got an idiot to go to Shaolin Temple with such low-end things to shame people.

Changing a person's appearance is actually very simple, that is, changing his face.

Sun Daomen ’s "Poison Hand Pill King" Sun does not harm the alchemy and can be called a master-level figure, but he also has a secret technique, which is to directly operate a knife on your face to assist various poisons and elixir , Will completely change you into another look, but don't worry, if you can come back alive, Sun can also help you change back. "

Su Zichen's complexion remained unchanged, but he only moved a few knives on his face. For someone like him who had already set aside life and death, it was already very easy.

Su Xin continued: "It's still difficult to change into Shaolin Temple by changing one's face, so I will arrange an identity for you, and revise your status to the innate level, so that you can use this identity to enter Shaolin Temple. Inside.

I want to help you think about this identity. There is a small family in the Shonan Road that is not weak or strong. The Wu family was directly destroyed because they offended a leader of the Dark Guard, leaving only one congenital realm. His sister-in-law is called Wu Ming, and you have been that Wu Ming ever since. "

Lu Potian wondered: "The Wu family are all true? Will they not be seen?"

Su Xin said indifferently: "The Wu family is only real, but it hasn't been destroyed yet, but it is fast. After the Wu family is destroyed, it is time for him to appear, but since he wants to be valued by Shaolin Temple, Then we have to cooperate with him to perform a play, so that when he just joined Shaolin Temple, he must enter the eyes of Xuan Ming and others, so that he can become a core disciple in a short time. "

Lu Potian didn't say too much that Su Xin wanted to destroy an innocent family just for one identity. This kind of thing often happens on rivers and lakes. In the past, there were a lot of innocent people who killed innocently Of course, most of them were done by his idiots.

However, Lu Potian was quite interested in the performance that Su Xin said. He asked, "How to act?"

Su Xin Shen said, "The relationship between Shaolin Temple and us is well known. The Dark Guard annihilated the Wu family. As a survivor, Wu Ming naturally has deep blood and resentment from Northwestern China. The warrior with the Dark Guard chased him all the way to Shaolin Temple. Then I was rescued by Shaolin Temple. Is this impression enough?

Of course, to do a full set of drama, if I exist in the real martial arts to hunt and kill him a small congenital warrior would be too fake, so there must be some drama interspersed. "

Then, Su Xin pointed to Huang Bingcheng and said, "The important role is you."

Huang Bingcheng stunned: "Is there anything else in it?"

Su Xin ignored Huang Bingcheng's surprise and continued: "The Wu family was destroyed, Wu Ming was vengeful, but suffering from his own strength was not enough, and he hid in secret. At this time, Huang Bingcheng, a Northwestern protagonist, inspected southern Hunan affairs, and Wu Ming took it. Take out the hidden weapon of their Wu family, which can seriously wound the warrior of the Divine Realm to assassinate Huang Bingcheng.

Lao Huang knows your strength. Everyone on the rivers and lakes knows that Wu Ming assassinates you with a hidden weapon and seriously hurts you. Although unsuccessful, he shows his forbearance, decisiveness, and boldness. For such a person of heart, presumably Shaolin Temple Want it? At this time, I sent a large number of warriors to the Northwest to hunt them down. Was it reasonable? "

Huang Bingcheng heard a bitter smile. He was the only one who could do this, for a simple reason. He was the weakest in the whole Northwestern Road, and he couldn't even beat the ordinary metamorphosis. His status is also the highest, enough to cause the entire Northwest Road to shake.

If it was replaced by Li Bad, then the assassination would be a joke, even Xiner would not be able to do so. Xiner Anyhow is also a warrior from Yi Jianmen, and Tang Men ’s hidden weapon simply does not want her.

Su Xin continued: "Nevertheless, let ’s also cooperate with the dark guards here to show Wu Ming's heart and potential when he flees. When he escapes to Shaoshan Mountain and wants to find shelter in Shaolin Temple, Then let a large number of dark guard martial arts stand out and ask for people.

When Shaolin Temple finds his information, Shaolin Temple will never give it up, and they will even fight to protect Wu Ming.

A young disciple who has blood feuds with me on the Northwestern Road and is talented, determined and determined, can be hunted down by the Dark Guardian for thousands of miles and fled to Shaolin Temple. How can Shaolin Temple give up?

Shaolin Temple refused to pay, and I went to the door to ask someone to raise the matter to the level of both sides. Shaolin Temple will certainly pay more attention to this Wu Ming. "

Su Xin looked at Su Zichen and said, "So when you enter Shaolin Temple, although you only have the strength of the innate realm, you will definitely get the attention of Shaolin Temple. Your starting point is already much higher than the ordinary Shaolin temple warriors. As for the rest It ’s up to you to rely on yourself. In Shaolin Temple, neither the Wei nor me can give you any help. "

Su Zichen nodded his head. All of this was just acting before. Master Su will help him arrange everything. He didn't have to worry about it until he entered the Shaolin Temple. That was the time to test him. "

Su Xin Shen chanted: "To cultivate you as a waste to innate spirit, you will definitely have to study hard when you enter Shaolin Temple. If you follow the normal time, you may even have years or even ten years to be promoted to Huahua. God, this time is too long, and it is not enough. You must show the amazing speed of surpassing ordinary martial arts, in order to gain the status of Shaolin Temple, and the proper powers of the disciples who obtained through UU reading "

At this time, Su Xin turned his eyes to Lu Potian and said, "Brother, let me use the magical power that Datianzun gave you."

When Lu Potian heard the words suddenly, Su Xin turned out to be the idea. He was not stingy and threw the exercises directly to Su Xin.

Su Xin handed the exercises to Su Zichen and said, "This magic skill can plunder the evil spirits between heaven and earth to quickly recover from cultivation. You already have the power to transform into the realm, as long as you stabilize the realm to the realm. Don't use this technique anymore, it will not make any difference to you.

It ’s just that this practice is still magic, in the end, you have to be careful and careful when you practice, do n’t be discovered, and try to recover to the transformation of the gods as fast as possible without being discovered. "

On the one hand, Lv Po Tianyi admired that Su Xin's calculations were going on, but it was estimated that Shaolin Temple was going to be unhappy, and picking up a talented and tenacious disciple, it was considered a pie in the sky.

At this time, Su Xin continued: "Only in the realm of cultivation is not enough to make great progress. After a while, I will hand over some of the 72 skills of Shaolin Temple to you. You will practice Shaolin Temple after you are proficient. Twelve stunts will do more with less, which will make Shaolin Temple more of an illusion that you should be a Shaolin monk by nature and pay more attention to you. "

Lu Potian wondered: "You still have seventy-two stunts in Shaolin Temple?"

Su Channel: "It just works. The seventy-two stunts at Shaolin Temple must be matched with a specific Buddhist practice to be considered orthodoxy. I don't know how to practice, but only martial arts.

Now I let him get familiar with martial arts, and then wait to learn the exercises, and finally it shows that the progress is fast. "

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