Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1330: Flee uphill

For the assassination of Huang Bingcheng by Wu Ming, the only survivor of the Wu family, in a few days, it has also attracted discussions from countless people in the rivers and lakes. A small character can cause such a great shock, which is also unexpected to many .

So from the beginning, some people were only mocking Su Xin, but later they began to praise Wu Ming.

The opponent is just a warrior from a small family, watching his entire family be destroyed. This tragic thing is easy to go crazy if it is placed on some unsturdy warriors.

Even if most of the warriors are not going crazy, they can only face despair incognito and survive the rest of their lives in the face of Su Xin's enemies, because it is simply a powerful existence that prevents them from raising their revenge. .

But now on Wu Ming, he made a choice that was unexpected to everyone.

Wu Ming did not choose to stay alive, but took out a Tangmen hidden weapon passed on by their Wu family ancestors, and kept it secretly until he had the opportunity to launch the assassination when Huang Bingcheng inspected Xiangnan Road. Alas, showing his forbearance, determination, and boldness.

At that time, many warriors secretly said that if this Wu family had no trouble, this Wu Ming would definitely be a character in the future. Of course, some people said that if there were no drastic changes in this Wu family, it is estimated that this Wu Ming would not become what he is now. After all, the Wu family was only a small family, and this Wu Ming is also very low-key. Everyone says that he is introverted and doesn't like to communicate with people. It must be because of the drastic changes in the Wu family. It is common on rivers and lakes.

Anyway, no matter what it is, everyone feels a bit unfortunate. If it is not Su Xin that he provokes, then other martial arts forces must see such a good seed that has grown up in their hearts and minds and must solicit.

But unfortunately, Wu Ming has now provoked Su Xin. He even seriously injured Su Xin's henchmen. If there is no account of this kind of thing, will Su Xin give up?

So in this arena, few people really dare to keep this Wu Ming and go to Su Xin's tiger beard.

And after such a thing, some news came from the Northwest Road, saying that Su Xin was angry and downgraded the Dark Guard leader of the South Hunan Road to the lowest position. He scolded him for his ineffective work and even cut the roots. Little things can't be done, and let the dark guards use a lot of power to hunt down Wu Ming.

Of course, the actual situation is that the dark leader of Shonan Road was only temporarily hidden by Su Xin. After the incident is over, he can not only restore the official position, but even get a lot of rewards.

Moreover, those dark defenders sent to chase Wu Ming are not weak, but they are not too strong. In the name of Su Xin, this matter was handed over to Li Bad, but Li Bad deliberately made a disdain. The appearance of doing such a trivial matter, so the task was pushed down again, creating a feeling that although Su Xin's men are working hard, but the intensity is not too strong.

As a result, some martial arts forces on the rivers and lakes who were not familiar with Su Xin's actions even dared to secretly help Wu Ming, let them escape the dark guard's eyeline smoothly, and gradually approached Shaolin Temple.

They didn't want to be against Su Xin, they just wanted to disgusted Su Xin. In their opinion, Su Xin's men were a little slack this time and didn't put a small congenital warrior in their eyes. It would be interesting if Wu Ming really escaped with their help.

One month later, all the high-level warriors of Shaolin Temple and Brahma Realm gathered on Shaoshan Mountain, selecting warriors who went up the mountain.

Xuanming has seen this kind of scene before, and used it when Shaolin Temple recruited a large number of lay disciples under the leadership of Xuan Zang.

It is also ridiculous. At first, most people in Shaolin Temple opposed Xuanzang's approach, but now they still have to use the old way of Xuanzang. As a result, they also forced Xuanzang to go away. This has to be said as irony.

Of course, this approach is indeed very effective. These newly-disciplined disciples are taught by Shaolin Temple and Brahma Temple together. In a few days, these people in Shaolin Temple can see the talents and qualities of these people, and then select them. Shaolin Temple Select the disciples who meet their requirements, and leave the rest to Brahma.

Although the requirements of the Shaolin Temple are relatively strict, there are now hundreds of outside warriors going up the mountain every day. How can such a large number of Shaolin Temple select a few people every day, which is enough for the Shaolin Temple.

At this time, Xuan Ming subconsciously looked to the side where he was talking with several warriors of Shaolin Temple to Vygadoro. Xuan Ming's heart could not help but raise a strange feeling.

At first, Xuanming was very impressed by the domain master Vygadolo of Brahma.

The other party has the strength of the Shenqiao Realm, but when it comes to doing things, it never uses its strength to oppress you. Instead, it will always reason with you, and it feels like a spring breeze to treat people.

Take these warriors on the mountain as an example. The requirements of Shaolin Temple are strict. Although the Brahma domain will be looser, but they will not refuse to come. There must be some unbearable people, neither Shaolin Temple or Brahma domain. .

If these people want Xuan Ming to deal with it, Xuan Ming must let them go straight down the mountain.

But Picadolo is different. Every eliminated warrior Picadolo will personally or let the warriors in Brahma to point out their deficiencies in martial arts, and will give them a low-level elixir, saying When it was trouble they ran away for nothing.

This practice of Picardoro touched a lot of people at that time, and some warriors on the rivers and lakes were even so excited that they wept.

Most of the warriors who can come to Shaolin Temple are from the bottom of the rivers and lakes. They are usually oppressed by the big factions and have already suffered from grievances. They also know the cruelty of all classes on the rivers and lakes.

As a result, there is such a sacred bridge that stands on the top of Picadoro. The characters of the land fairy level have explained to them one by one the kindness and sent them an elixir to apologize. These actions seem to these low-level warriors. It's simply unthinkable.

Since then, these people have kneelly called the Master on the spot. Even if they have not been selected by Shaolin Temple and Brahma, these people have no resentment towards Brahma, but instead came to the rivers and lakes to praise them.

A month ago, Brahma domain was basically unknown on the rivers and lakes. Only some top powers knew about such a power from Xianyu.

But now, a month later, there are many warriors on the rivers and lakes who know the existence of Brahma in the Immortal Realm, and the `` Holy Master '', Vigadoro.

The most surprising thing is that no one in the whole river and lake has said bad things about him, and he praised them all. Compared with the shaolin temple that aroused the entire river and lake, Brahma domain is not like a Buddhist tradition.

After knowing these things, Xuan Ming also felt a little unknowing in his heart. Of course, it was more admiration. Such a simple method, but Vigadoro was sincere, and replaced them with a few people from Shaolin Temple. ? Xuan Ming didn't know this, so he only had admiration for Picardolo.

But some things later made Xuan Ming feel a little uncomfortable.

While Vigadoro explained martial arts to those warriors, some of the young disciples in Shaolin Temple went boldly and asked a few words.

None of these young disciples have been trained in God. In the past, they also practiced with their masters in Shaolin Temple. They had little chance to explain martial arts to powerful men like Xuan Ming, let alone a **** like Vigadoro. The existence of the bridge environment is explained to you one-on-one.

As a result, after asking them, Picadolo really patiently answered them, which immediately made them feel a sense of indifference.

In this way, a large number of Shaolin Temple warriors come to ask various questions of Vigadoro every day, not only in martial arts, but also in Buddhism. Vigadoro also answered one by one, showing that This is his amazing and powerful accomplishment on martial arts and Dharma.

Xuan Ming couldn't say what it was like to this kind of thing, but he was a little uncomfortable, and he still had trouble.

The reason is very simple. UU read the book and asked the disciples of Shaolin Temple, and it was not Picardor who rushed to tell them. At this time, he went to Pigador and said about it. Wouldn't it be that they did not make sense in Shaolin Temple?

Even Xuan Ming could n’t even teach his own disciples. After all, it ’s time for Shaolin Temple and Brahma to join forces. If Xuan Ming had taught his disciples because of this, would n’t there be misunderstanding in Brahma? Even Xuanming himself thought that it would be a bit excessive.

Moreover, Vigadoro is also very disciplined. He never commented on the martial arts at the core of Shaolin Temple. He just explained the basics of martial arts to those disciples.

And when explaining the Dharma, he would not take out the Tantric content to tell the disciples of Shaolin Temple, Vigatoro ’s double meditation, and his accomplishments in the Zen Buddhism would not be lost to the Buddhist monks in the reliquary. Deeper than his understanding, even Xuan Ming listened a little, so from the beginning Vigadoro did nothing wrong.

After such a month, the warriors in Shaolin Temple, especially those in the middle and lower levels, had a straight-lined appreciation for Vigadoro. Some people also called him a sacred master, even more than his own master. Respectful.

There is no way for Xuanming to do this kind of thing. Anyway, after a period of time, after Shaolin Temple and Brahma domain have recruited their disciples, they will be separated, and the matter is over.

But at this moment, there was some commotion among the group of people who went up the mountain, because several warriors dressed as casual guards guarded a whole body of bloodstains. The young man who looked very miserable ascended the mountain of Shaomu with anxious expression, as if What monsters are behind them to chase them.

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