Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1337: Undercover

Su Zichen, who was dead, was already dead-hearted when he chose to perform this task, but with the completion of the task step by step, a little vitality emerged in Su Zichen's heart.

He has passed all the previous levels. Now he is regarded as the core disciple of the Shaolin Temple, and the astute figure among his peers is only one step away from the final task.

Therefore, Su Zichen really fantasized about accomplishing his tasks and giving credit to his master, and was finally accused of being the heir of the next generation of Su family. Those who had mocked him before were panic.

Of course, Su Zichen will not be dazzled by this kind of scene. The more so, the stronger his desire to survive, the more careful he is, and the more he walks on thin ice.

After all, he was able to do this when he was dead, but now that he wants to continue living, he must do better.

Putting up the exercises, Su Zichen got up directly and was going to go to the Luohan Hall to make a lap. Now it is noon. The Luohan Hall has already started to eat. After lunch, Xuan Shen will come to the Luohan Hall to explain martial arts for them. At that time, Su Zichen was also present.

The moment he pushed the door open, a young monk in a gray monk robe appeared suddenly in front of him.

At the moment of seeing the young monk, Su Zichen's eyes suddenly showed a panic, and there was also a hint of slaughter. After all, in this kind of place, Su Zichen was always ready to be killed after being discovered. ready.

However, when Su Zichen saw the appearance of the monk, he immediately put away these strange emotions, but pretended to be scared, and smiled: "It was Brother Yuankong, why did n’t the brother stand at my door? What about it? It almost scared me.

Is the brother ready to eat? That's right, our brothers and sisters traveled together. "

The young monk in a gray robe in front of him looked very ordinary and seemed to be a little dumb. Only his eyes were so scary that he could see everything clearly.

This young monk is Yuan Kong, the most legendary disciple of this generation of Shaolin Temple. He enlightened himself from a shazai Xiaoya to become the most outstanding disciple of the young generation of Shaolin Temple. His Buddhist dharma skills are not even comparable to some older warriors in Shaolin Temple. .

As for Yuan Kong, Su Zichen was jealous.

During this year, no one in the Shaolin Temple could detect his fault. Only Yuan Yuan in front of him seemed to have found anything, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, making Su Zichen feel a little shuddering.

At this point, Yuan Kong shook his head. He just looked at Su Zichen and said slowly in a stiff, unemotional tone: "Only then did I feel the presence of a very subtle magical spirit, so I just Come and see, Brother Konghai, why do you panic after seeing me? Why is there murder in your eyes? Do you want to kill me? "

Su Zichen's heart was tense, but he still laughed: "This is Shaolin Temple, where is the magic? Where is the magic with all the people in the black prison and the town's magic tower?

And Brother Yuankong, are you afraid that you have taken a look at the Buddhist scriptures? You and I are brothers and sisters. We were just taken aback by you. How could there be confusion? It is even less likely to be murderous.

Alright brother, I'll go to eat first, you are free. "

Speaking, Su Zichen quickly walked away, he always felt that this empty space was a bit weird. The other party ’s eyes seemed to really see him through. Only then did Su Zichen reveal his subconsciousness, and even hidden in his At the bottom of my heart, I never thought it would be seen through this empty space.

Yuan Kong in the back looked at Su Zichen's back, and a little inexplicable color appeared in his eyes. He murmured, "Look at the flower eyes? I hope so."

At this time, in the dining hall of Luo Hantang, Su Zichen came in and smiled to say hello to the other disciples.

"Brother Yuanhai is here!"

"Brother, I heard that you have successfully practiced the Big Stone Tablet recently, even Master said that your Big Stone Tablet has already 80% of his charm."

"Brother Yuanhai, when will you tell us something outside, then the dark guard under Su Xin is really so cruel?"

Su Zichen came all the way, with a kind smile on his face, and answered one by one without any impatient expression.

In this year, Su Zichen was quite good among these disciples in Shaolin Temple. He is a warrior with dark background. He has previously performed many tasks in secret as a means of joining from childhood. In Shaolin Temple, there have never been a few monks who are too strong in the rivers and lakes. He just used some insignificant means and has already won the respect of these young warriors of Shaolin Temple, and completely mingled with them.

Even compared with some mules and unfriendly Yuan Kong, Su Zichen's welcome is much higher than him.

At this time, a large monk with a group of small Sami brought a pile of meals, including rice buns, vegetables and fruits, but more chicken, duck, fish and other things.

The outside world thinks that the monks in Shaolin Temple are vegetarian. In fact, only some warriors above the deified realm will be vegetarian, and only part of it. The remaining innate and acquired warriors must eat meat.

Practicing martial arts itself is energy-consuming, especially innate and acquired are basically a process of refining and refining gas. You ca n’t even eat enough food. What martial arts do you practice? I'm afraid I can't even pick up the sword.

What's more, Buddhism's so-called abstinence is not meat, but onions, garlic, chives, and other pungent things, but the Zen Buddhism was separated in the later Buddhism, and a lot of ascetic monks began to quit even meat. When I fell, I only ate green cabbage and rice, and cultivated the advanced ones, and even started to break the valley.

Passed down from generation to generation, it is really not much for the warriors above Shaolin Temple to eat meat. If so, it is just a personal hobby.

"Rabbits! It's dinner time!"

The strong monk shouted, and the other disciples of the Shaolin Temple immediately hurried around.

This magnificent monk is a housekeeper, he is a generation older than the Yuanzi disciples present, but his talent is not good. He had not broken into the **** of destiny for more than ten years at the peak of the congenital peak. It was his master who asked for a big return, and helped him clear the meridians by himself, which brought him to the state of transformation.

It ’s just that his martial arts talents are not good. Even when he is in Hua Shen, he is only the weakest in Hua Shen. But Jie Cheng always likes to cook, so he invited himself to the house to take charge of the meals of these warriors in Shaolin Temple. Although he was a bit vicious and irritable, he was really good to these young disciples, and he changed his tricks every day to make them delicious.

Seeing Su Zichen coming over, Jue Cheng pulled him aside and laughed, "Boy Yuanhai, you are blessed. This morning, my kid in the house cut wood for Houshan and caught two rabbits, very fat.

Knowing this hello, come to my room in the afternoon, one braised and one grilled. Remember, don't let other bunnies see it. "

Su Zichen laughed and said, "Thank you, Master Jue Cheng."

Because Su Xin had said that the medicine would be delivered to the food of lower-level disciples, Su Zichen approached the sense of charge in charge of the house from the beginning, and by his means, he soon established a relationship with the uncle.

Due to his own strength, some of his peers or the younger generation of warriors who have already stepped into the realm of God are not worthy of him. Although the courtesy of Shaolin Temple is strict, after all, it is also the martial arts gate.

Only Yuan Hainai is one of the most outstanding disciples of the younger generation, and also the existence of the divine realm, but he shows no disrespect to him. Cheng is very useful and naturally looks at him differently.

Generally, Shaolin Temple ’s mansion is not allowed to enter after dinner time, and even they have to leave, but Jue Cheng is the steward of the mansion. He is an exception, and in this three-mu land of the mansion, Who can control him? The warriors of the Xuanzi generation in Shaolin Temple would never go to a place like a house.

Su Zichen's eyes showed a touch of brilliance, the last task, but he has already taken this step.

At this moment, Yuan Kong also entered the canteen, but the noisy canteen was quiet immediately when Yuan Kong came in.

Among the younger generation of disciples, Yuan Kong's popularity is not good. After all, he was only a small Sami, not a monk, and has nothing to do with the many disciples present. He also did not have the long-sleeve method of suzichen. So it's normal that no one likes it.

However, he is rigid in his life. If he sees a disciple in the same discipline, he will definitely tell the elders of Shimen. This kind of behavior that does not remember the feelings of his brothers and brothers will inevitably be hated. The reason is naturally jealous, but Yuan Kong is not jealous of others, but others are jealous of him.

These three thoughts of greed and infatuation cannot be banned even by those senior monks in Shaolin Temple, let alone those young disciples who have just entered Shaolin Temple and the Dharma is still ignorant.

Yuan Kong jumped from a small Sami to a warrior who transformed the gods. Xuanming Abbot ’s self-disciplined disciples. Among these people, there are definitely jealous people. When they amplify this emotion, they are connected to other things about Yuan Kong. Things naturally formed the situation where he is now excluded by almost all young disciples.

On the contrary, Su Zichen will not have this situation, one is related to his means, and the other is his experience.

After all, now the entire Shaolin Temple knows that he was chased and killed by the dark guards under Su Xin's hands, and it has not been easy to come to Shaolin Temple after countless lives and deaths, so these people subconsciously also have a sense of sympathy for Su Zichen He thinks that he has this cultivation potential now, which is inseparable from his past suffering. This kind of thing cannot be copied, and naturally no one will be jealous. 898)

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