Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1341: Life and death depend on success or failure

Although Su Zichen's first operation failed, Sai Weng lost his horse and knew nothing about his blessing, and his status in Shaolin Temple was greatly improved.

Originally, Su Zichen was worried that Xuan Ming would not check each other because of this incident, but in fact Xuan Ming did not do so.

The reason is very simple. Xuan Ming was afraid that he would cause discomfort in doing so, and believed that Shaolin Temple still could not believe him.

Moreover, after experiencing this incident, Xuan Ming also had an abnormal trust in Jue Cheng. The other party even endured such a great grievance, let alone other things, so the mansion was bound to be under Jue Cheng's management. It will be extremely safe.

At this time, after Su Zichen had obtained the identity of a disciple of Wu Chuan, he could finally enter the Tibetan scripture hall with a big swing.

In fact, Su Zichen was okay before, but because of his limited status at that time, he could only get a very limited amount of things. Most of his advanced exercises can only look at a part, that is, the part of the divine spirit. The requirements are somewhat inconsistent.

But now that he has the identity of a disciple, Su Zichen can read any exercises, even the secrets of this level of Buddha's rhyme.

Of course, this kind of authority is not that the management of Shaolin Temple is lax, but that even the ancestors of Shaolin Temple have never imagined that the disciples of the abbot as the abbot would betray the Shaolin temple, so to what extent is the abbot of the Shaolin temple blind to accept one Dishonest traitor as a disciple?

Of course, Xuanming is not blind now, he is just blindfolded by a series of calculations by Su Xin.

Within a month, Su Zichen was soaked in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, reciting the exercises of Shaolin Temple.

Everyone else thought that Su Zichen was choosing the exercises. He didn't know that only he knew it. He simply memorized these exercises by rote.

After the second month, Su Zichen felt that he was almost ready, and he began to prepare to take the last step.

In the evening of this day, Su Zichen came to the room. At this time, he was preparing for dinner. The whole room was in full swing. Because of the previous events, Su Zichen's relationship with Jue Cheng was well known, so he knew this. He has come to say hello to Jue Cheng almost every day for a month, because now he is a disciple, and there are already special people who prepare meals for him.

Seeing Su Zichen's arrival here, some martial arts began to greet him one after another. Su Zichen just smiled and said, "Oh, today's food is good."

The monks in the house also knew that Brother Yuanhai was approachable and did not have the pride of his disciples, so they joked: "Could Yuanhai say this is not correct. When is the meal in our house?"

After saying hello to busy Ji Cheng, Su Zichen secretly bombarded a potion into the water tank.

Last time when he started, he was actually going to drop the elixir into the meal prepared by the house. Thanks to that unsuccessful time, Su Zichen felt that he had been in a hurry last time.

Because there are too many disciples in Shaolin Temple, Su Zichen just goes down to a dish. Certainly someone who does not like that kind of dish will avoid it. The elixir in his hand is also limited. It is impossible to put all the dishes in the elixir.

And it ’s useless even in the staple food, because some monks do n’t eat the staple food.

In this way, some monks will certainly survive in the end anyway, which will not maximize the effect.

But now the water tank that Su Zichen prescribed is prepared by the monks in the house. Whether it is cooking or cooking, the water in the tank is used. In this way, no one can avoid it!

Of course, this will give him a little more vitality. After all, the monks in so many houses were watching, and he had not touched any food.

Moreover, the properties of the elixir given to him by Su Xin could free him from some suspicions.

Because he was not poison, but a pill for cultivation, but the low-level warrior could not withstand this powerful medicinal power and would explode. This was not visible at all when he first attacked, at least The people in Yaowangyuan could not find out the reason why the disciples died suddenly in a short time.

And if they doubt the food, the monks in the house can confuse a lot of eyes, because everyone eats the same things, but these monks in the house are basically judged as monks who can't make the atmosphere in this life. They On weekdays, he does not practice at all, and naturally he will not worry about the onset of medicine.

After doing everything, Su Zichen returned to the zen room and took out the hidden dragon amulet he gave him.

There is a jade in this hidden dragon rune, which can record a lot of content. During this time, Su Zichen has integrated the exercises he had learned from the Tibetan scripture hall into the jade. The final task has been completed.

Su Zichen's eyes revealed a touch of fascination, and the hidden dragon rune was activated. The hidden dragon rune disappeared in an instant, and Su Zichen could not even feel a trace of fluctuation from it.

"Life and death depend on fate, and success depends on the sky. Whether you can leave Shaolin Temple alive depends on the good fortune." Su Zichen looked at the distance and mumbled to himself in the heart, but the heart was full of nagging.

It was an unexpected joy for Su Zichen to be able to carry out the task to such a degree. Even he himself did not expect that he could successfully deceive so many people and live to this day.

It can be said that if he was able to return to the Northwest Road successfully this time, he would be the in-house owner of the Su family. With the power of the Lord Su, even the elders of the Su family would be useless.

And such a difficult task was completed by him. Su Zichen's position in the Northwestern Road will greatly increase. At that time, he will even be cited by Su Xin as his confidant, surpassing the Su family and becoming a higher-level existence!

At that time, whether it is the Dark Guard or the Blood Gods or the Northwest Army, there must be a place for him at the top of these places.

The final battle was decided for Su Zichen. Although this battle was not on the front, he was extremely dangerous.

The future is in sight. As long as he can leave Shaolin Temple alive, all these are at his fingertips. On the contrary, if he can't go, then he won't have to mention everything, and he won't have the opportunity to mention it again.

At the moment when the hidden dragon flies flew away, Xuanming and Xuanzhen did not notice any abnormality. Only Yuan Kong, who had thought about the wall behind the Shaolin Temple, frowned, feeling a little, but unfortunately he now But it is impossible to leave here. Besides, there is a feeling that no one will believe it.

At this time in Henan Province, a large number of Dark Guardian soldiers ambushed here. In the eyes of others, these people were sent by Su Xin to compete with Shaolin Temple. When Wu Ming left Shaolin Temple, he beheaded him.

But as a year passed, Wu Ming had no plans to leave Shaolin Temple at all, and seeing what Shaolin Temple looks like now, apparently they never thought that Wu Ming would come out now to break through the rivers and lakes. People are afraid to wait in vain.

So I saw that these dark guards in Henan Province have been waiting here for a year and haven't retreated. The other rivers and lakes are taunting Su Xin's face in secret. Wu Ming couldn't be killed, but he still had so many dark defenders in Henan Province, almost one-third of the strength of the entire dark defender, and he was not too wasteful.

At this time, at the border of Henan Road, Qi Long held the hidden dragon charm, and a hint of fineness appeared in his eyes.

After waiting for more than a year, they finally waited for this opportunity, and Su Zichen has succeeded!

As the person in charge of Henan Province, Qi Long also immediately used their dark guard to notify Su Xin immediately. The distance of the hidden dragon charm was far less than that of the original dragon, but it was concealed, so Qilong had to transfer. Just the news.

In the Northwestern Road, Su Xin was awakened by Huang Bingcheng from the retreat and saw the news from Qi Long. Su Xin's mouth could not help but smile.

He really did not mistake this Su Zichen, he actually succeeded.

According to Su Xin's estimation, the time that Su Zichen can succeed should be between one and three years. I did not expect that he was really so good. It only took a little more than a year to complete the task.

Without any delay, Su Xin called Lu Potian directly to Shaolin Temple.

Su Xin, the power of the Northwest Road, did not bring it. At the speed of the true martial powers, they might take a few days to arrive. At that time, I am afraid that the Shaolin Temple will suppress its own crisis, and the Brahma and the Shi Daoxuan gave a shout to help, not only would Su Xin's raid be meaningless at that time, Su Zichen would certainly not be able to leave Shaolin Temple.

Everyone in the world thinks that the dark guards deployed by Henan Province in Henan Province are acts of gambling ~ ~ I don't know that they are the main force of this Soviet assault on Shaolin Temple!

Just when Su Xin was about to start, and the dark guards of Henan Province gathered under Qi Long's co-ordination, the entire Shaolin Temple was filled with a slightly dignified atmosphere.

Although it is daytime at this time, the weather on Henan Road has become extremely gloomy. Overcast clouds are in the midst of the sky, and the drizzle is falling.

This kind of weather is a bit depressing, and even some people's mood is a bit depressing. Xuan Ming and Xuan Zhen are preaching to other Yang Shen Jing Wu at this time. I do n’t know why, but suddenly he has a feeling of tightness, as if there is something It's about to happen.

The perception of Zhenwu Realm is sometimes quite accurate. Xuan Ming always feels that something is going to happen.

Just when he wanted to tell his disciples to go outside and ask if anything happened, at this time a disciple of Shaolin Temple suddenly opened the door with impoliteness, and said with a horror on his face: "Sir! Uncles and aunts, not good! Brothers and younger brothers, they are all blown up! They are all blown up! "8)

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