Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1342: See the poor figure

PS: Thanks for the reward of a bookmate who has 10,000 starting coins for wine.

The words of this disciple made all the people present with horror. What is called bombing?

Xuanming couldn't help but scold: "Calm down! What's going on?"

The disciple cried with a sad face: "Just before I was there, some brothers and disciples exploded all over during the cultivation process, and some didn't even have the whole body!"

Xuan Ming's body could not help but shake, he calmed down and said, "How many people are there?"

The disciple shook his head and said, "I don't know! Too much!"

Upon hearing this, Xuan Ming couldn't stand anymore, he rushed out and shouted: "Go and call everyone at Yaowangyuan! Bring everyone together!"

For a moment, the whole Shaolin Temple was in chaos, and there was a tense mood everywhere.

Xuan Ming didn't sort out the situation until an hour later. At this instant, Shaolin Temple died of 90% of the young disciples in the state of God!

At this moment, in the rain, Xuan Ming's complexion was even more terrible than that gloomy sky, and even he already had some crazy meaning in it.

Xuan Ming shouted at Yaowangyuan's first one: "What the **** is going on? Is anyone poisoning in the house?"

As soon as he knew this, Xuan Ming thought about the events of Yuan Kong and Yuan Hai before.

He also investigated the huddle room the first time. Yuan Hai did come to the huddle room, but he came almost every day. He had not touched the dishes, and some monks in the huddle room ate the same things as others. As a result, they were fine.

And even a disciple from the innate realm volunteered to eat the rest of the room's food, but it was good after eating.

Moreover, not all of the young disciples of the Shaolin Temple died suddenly, and 10% of them were okay. The rest of them also ate the food in the room during dinner. Therefore, the suspects in the room It's a lot less.

Now Xuanming was close to collapse, and he didn't want to let go of any clues.

The first seat of Yaowangyuan was sweating at the same time: "Abbot! It can't be found at all! The young disciples who died did not show any signs of poisoning, and I have never even heard of any poison that can make people Explosive. "

"Then how did they die?" Xuanming asked with red eyes.

The first king of Yaowangyuan hesitated, "They seem to explode because they inhale too much vitality from the heavens and the earth. This kind of thing often happens when they get into the magic and cannot control their bodies."

Xuan Ming glanced at him coldly and said, "You mean that my young disciple of Shaolin Temple has gone into the fire one after another in one hour? Would you believe that?"

The first seat of Yaowangyuan was about to cry at this time. He was helpless when it happened, but he couldn't find the real reason, at least in a short time.

Speaking of Shaolin Temple's Yaowangyuan, although its fame is great, its real accomplishment in pharmacology is not to mention that it is much worse than Yaowanggu, even if it's the "Poison Hand Yaowang" Sun does not harm such ghosts.

The reason is very simple. Whether it is Yaowanggu or Sun Buhui, they will develop the characteristics of the elixir for a long time. Like Sun Buhui, with the support of Su Xin, he is in the Northwest Road. A lot of weird things have been developed. Although most of them are useless, some of them have wonderful effects.

And what about the medicine king courtyard of Shaolin Temple? The resources of the Shaolin Temple are the most abundant, and the disciples of Yaowangyuan are also the most mature in alchemy, but the thing they do most is to make alchemy according to the Danfang passed down from the Shaolin Temple. All they do all day This kind of boring thing does not have the slightest initiative.

For example, Shaolin Temple's Dahuandan and Xiaohuandan have been used in Shaolin Temple for thousands of years, and now they have not improved at all.

Although the potency of these elixir is not strong enough, it will be caught up sooner or later.

In this environment, the alchemy master, even the first level of Yaowangyuan, is limited.

Just when everyone in the Shaolin Temple was extremely anxious, Su Xin had already hit the Shaolin Temple with a group of dark guards at this time.

At this time, the original drizzle of rain outside has completely turned into a pouring rain, and Su Xin and others were dressed in black, a powerful killing breath came, and suddenly the whole Shaolin Temple was shrouded in that sensational killing!

Looking at the gate of the Shaolin Temple, Su Xin smiled and cut it out with a sword. The world changed color, the fairy and the magic two points, and a loud noise burst out on the mountain gate.

The Shaoshan Mountain was trembling in an instant, and an amazing burst of brilliance erupted immediately above the gate of the Shaolin Temple, blocking the sword, but the brilliance above was dimmed a lot.

Before Shaolin Temple used those Buddha bone relics as defense to try to block Su Xin, but it was all destroyed in Su Xin's hands.

Now Shaolin Temple has rebuilt the formation, but this formation was established by Shi Daoxuan to help them. The power is also extraordinary.

Feeling the movement outside, the appearance of the people at the Shaolin Temple suddenly changed, and Xuanming and Xuanzhen flew into the air, just to see Su Xin attacking the gate of the Shaolin Temple.

Xuan Ming sang even loudly: "Go to Brahma Realm and Master Dao Xuan for help!"

Xuan Ming turned and yelled at Su Xinli: "Su Xin! What on earth do you want !?"

Su Xin smiled at Xuan Ming senranly and said, "Why? Master Xuan Ming, after you became the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, you have worked hard, are you tired of your eyes? Today, I came to destroy you Shaolin Temple! Yes Are you satisfied with the gift I gave before? "

Xuanming's binocular red road: "Did you kill a disciple of Shaolin Temple?"

"What do you think?" Su Xin said lightly.

Xuan Ming at this time had fully understood that the disciples of Shaolin Temple suddenly exploded and Su Xin suddenly attacked Shaolin Temple with people at this time. All this was planned by him. Even if Su Xin could not be destroyed today Shaolin Temple, now that so many young warriors have died in Shaolin Temple, all the foundations accumulated over the years will be destroyed!

At this time, Su Xin did not give Shaolin Temple the opportunity to hesitate. He cut it out with one sword. The Shaolin Temple ’s formation method could not last long. After all, the formation method was just a formation method, not a person. The formation of such a formation in Shaolin Temple is just for their defense, but under the level of offensive of Su Xin, the so-called defense is simply a joke!

Now Xuan Ming can only hope that Vygadolo in the Brahma realm can come sooner. Shi Daoxuan doesn't know where it is now, and Vygadoro has already moved the Brahma domain to Henan Province. He can do it as soon as possible. Rushed here.

So neither Xuanming nor Xuanzhen shot, but just watched Su Xin attacking the formation, and saw that the light of the formation was getting weaker, but Xuanming and Xuanzhen didn't even see the shadow of Vigadolo. Here!

You should know that Brahma is not far from them. Even if Shaolin Temple didn't take the initiative to send a message, Vigadoro should be able to feel the momentum emanating from Su Xin as a strong man in the Shenqiao Realm.

Xuan Ming thought of the distant uncomfortable feelings of those who were in the past and their minds in Shaolin Temple, a speculation came to his mind, which suddenly revealed a hint of despair in Xuan Ming's face!

At this time, in another section of Henan Province, Buddhist temples spread all over the place, this is the new residence of Brahma.

Since Brahma Realty is in alliance with Shaolin Temple, the place should naturally be changed.

At the beginning, the Daohua Daomen and Xuan Tianyu joined forces. The Daohua Daomen gave Xuan Tianyu a good area on Qingzhou Road. Naturally, they could not be too stingy.

Although the Brahma domain came to Henan Province, it did not conflict with Shaolin Temple. Brahma domain has always been very disciplined under the restraint of Vegadoro. Moreover, the criteria for recruiting children in Brahma domain and Shaolin Temple are not the same, so The two sides did not have any contradictions in this regard.

At this time, in the Brahma domain, a disciple came to the closed house of Vigadoro and said to the two gatekeeper monks: "The news came from Shaolin Temple that Su Xin raided Shaolin, and now Shaolin was in critical condition. Lord Luo will help. "

The two monks did not pass the word, but simply said: "Master Vigadoro is retreating, and it is still a very important retreat, and no one should be disturbed."

The disciple who sent the letter hesitated, "But Shaolin Temple is now being attacked by Su Xin, and it is in danger."

The two gatekeeper monks still looked indifferent, saying lightly: "Shaolin Temple is Shaolin Temple, Brahma Realm is Brahma Realm, forcibly interrupting the Lord Picadolo to go out of customs, affecting the adult's practice, who will make up for this fault? Shaolin Temple? "

The disciple who seemed to understand seemed to understand something ~ ~ He turned and left.

He is also a person from Brahma, but he is only responsible for delivering the letter. Now that the letter has been delivered, naturally nothing will happen to him.

The two gatekeepers were right. Shaolin Temple is Shaolin Temple and Brahma is Brahma. There is something in it that can not be figured out by him.

At this time, in the place where Vigadoro was closed, he was not practicing, but opened his eyes and stared into the void.

The words that those outside had spoken to his ears, but at this time, Vigadoro did not seem to hear it, with a chilling indifference on his face, like the holy teacher he had created outside. The appearance of it is just like judging two people.

Moreover, the dim green and blue eyes in his eyes were blooming with hazy light. At this moment, Vigadoro not only did not feel the slightest holiness, but also had a feeling of evil in it.

Vigadoro took out a sacred bead, which is exactly the same as that of the Shaolin Temple. The sacred bead used by the Buddha looked at the sacred bead, and a scornful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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