Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1357: Demon

Su Xin's plan really scared Lu Potian, because normal human warriors would not have such an idea, this is simply a self-defeated human race.

Even the crazy people like Lu Potian were frightened after hearing Su Xin's plan, let alone others.

Therefore, Lu Potian was sure that if Su Xin did this, then he would not say that everyone shouted, and it would be possible to have a stink for thousands of years.

But then Lu Potian felt that Su Xin was actually quite reasonable.

After all, things have reached this point now. The four sacred bridges are strangling together. Even if now he shouts the reincarnated Datianzun, he is probably unstoppable, let alone Su Xin.

So now the only reinforcements that Su Xin can find are the demons.

Even if it is stink for thousands of years, at least Su Xin can still live, if he does not go to find, then it is really not far from death.

But at this moment, Lu Potian seemed to think of something. He couldn't help asking: "I said, brother, what you think is good, but you are so sure that the monster can help you?"

Su Xin said indifferently: "The demons are not helping me, but they are helping themselves. Brother, go with me to see those demons. I am sure they will do it."

With that said, Su Xin directly led Lu Potian to leave the Northwest Road, and went straight to Dongshan's deep mountain old forest. Now the people of the Yao clan are moving here.

Before Su Xin didn't understand the demons, he was naturally not convinced to convince the demons to take action.

However, after learning about the characters of the five demon kings of the demon clan from Su Li, Su Xin's grasp was perfect. Others dare not say, at least the personality and thoughts of the Silver-winged Wolf King, Su Xin could clearly understand of.

At this time in the mountains of Dongyi, the King of the Wind-Breaking Tiger was lying on a boulder basking in the sun, but his face was impatient.

He said to the Silver-winged Wolf King who practiced with his eyes closed: "I said that the wolf king, how long have we all been in this mountain? What do you mean?

Are you saying that you are going to fight with the human race, but now it ’s better. In the past few years, our grandma has been watching the liveliness, and he has made such a hand, but he still ca n’t beat it. The rest of the time is Staying in this old forest in Dongyi's forest, I knew this already, Tiger Tiger I might as well sleep in Yunmengze! "

At this time, the Silver Wing King did not care about the fact that the Wind Tiger King shouted at him. After all, he still relies on these demon kings to help them complete the next plan.

Faced with the character of the King of the Wind Tiger, the Silver Wolf King can only helplessly said, "A little patience is impossible? The situation on the rivers and lakes is already chaotic. Maybe the human race caused by the king of Luoshuiao is really serious. Almost there.

Last time you saw the shots of those human races, you also saw that there are still strong people in the human race, at least we can't beat each other now.

So even if we are going to take a shot, we have to wait until the terrible calamity of the human race comes, and then take another shot together. That is the safest way. "

The King of the Wind Spit Tiger spit and said, "Oh! To put it bluntly, you are pretending to be seduced, and it really is the existence of the lower demons. Even if you have a drop of essence blood from the former moon swallow saint, there is no such thing as the scream moon Courage! "

The Silverwing Wolf King was trembling with the words of the Wind Tiger King. There are several large inverse scales in his life that he is most reluctant to hear from others. One is that he is called the Horny Wolf King, and the other is that someone says his origin. thing. "

Among the demons, the ranks are very strict and very serious. Everyone knows that the Silver Wing King is of low birth. Even when he got a drop of blood from the former Moon Swallow Saint, the Silver Wing King said it was an opportunity. In fact, he was By kneeling and licking the young demon tribe of the Xiaoyue Sirius family, and the status increased along the way, kneeling and licking in front of the moon swallowing saint, using that humbling posture, in exchange for a drop of blood and blood of the moon swallowing saint, cultivation In the realm of the demon king, otherwise it would be difficult to cultivate into a demon with the bloodline talent of the silver wing wolf king.

Later, the Great Moon Saint was beheaded and killed by the Emperor, and the entire Xiaoyue Sirius family was also slaughtered by the former Emperor. Instead, the Silverwing Wolf King, the only demon king in the body with the meager blood of the Xiaoyue Sirius family, became the demon king. Xiaoyue Sirius.

Therefore, in the midst of Yunmeng Daze, it seems that the Silver Wing King really thinks that he is the blood of the Howling Sirius, and he is often proud of it, but the King of the Wind Tiger always likes to use this to combat He, because the King of the Wind-Breaking Tiger once saw the humiliating appearance of the Silver-winged Wolf King in front of the Moon Swallow Great Saint and the entire Xiaoyue Sirius family.

The origin of the cracking tiger king is not low. When the silver wing wolf king was still a slave to the Xiaoyue Sirius, he was a demon king. The well-known warrior of the demon tribe was also a white tiger. Among the Seven Sages of the Demon Race, the White Tiger Sage is his uncle.

At that time, the King of the Wind Tiger was invited to the feast by the Xiaolang Sirius family, but he looked at the humiliating virtues of the Silverwing Wolf King, so the King of the Wind Tiger has always been disdainful to him. Vice ashamed of this kind of human appearance.

At this moment, when the Silver Wing King was trembling with anger, the King of the Wind Tiger sneered, "You don't let us go out to do with those warriors of the human race, then, okay, today I ’m going to play tricks with you little wolf cub, It just happens to be loose! "

At this time, a tall, red-haired, bearded man with a huge iron rod suddenly fell and smashed a large pit on the ground. Haha laughed: "Do you want to get started? Come on Come on, add me. Monkey Master, I'm also idle. "

Seeing that the Gibbon King was also here, the Silverwing Wolf King suddenly felt a headache.

This heart-beating, the most restless, he will make a lot of things when he is fine.

On the side of the cracked tiger tiger smiled and cursed: "You are called the ape king, but you call yourself a monkey. How about changing your title to monkey king?"

The gibbons king drew his ears and said, "It doesn't matter what you call them, but the rules passed down by the ancestors. The demon kings of my tribe all call themselves kings of the apes. If there is no such rule, I would like to be called a tiger Where is the king? "

Just when the King of the Wind Tiger and the King of the Tongibong agitated, two powerful breaths suddenly came without any concealment. One was the bridge of the human race, and the other was between the bridge of God and Tongtian.

The Wind Tiger King was surprised and said, "It's Su Xin."

Before the Demon Clan just appeared, the King of the Split Wind Tiger had dealt with Su Xin, so he can be familiar with the atmosphere of Su Xin. After all, Su Xin was the first battle he left after leaving Yunmengze. Terran warrior, the other side's strength also impressed him, not inferior to those of His Majesty the Emperor.

But now the other party is here with only one Zhenwu? Trouble them? No, that's simply death.

At this time, the King of Three Eyes and King Jinpeng who had been practicing also felt the movement and immediately rushed, but the two of them were arrogant and the other did not like to talk, so they just stood there and didn't say much.

Because the other party had only two people, the King of the Wind Tiger and others didn't care. When Su Xin appeared in front of them, the Silverwing Wolf King snorted coldly: "We haven't started any action on your Terrans. You are now proactively coming to our troubles, and this is really a life and death. "

Su Xin raised his eyebrows and said, "Will I only bring one person when I am in trouble? This is not to find trouble, but to die, Silverwing Wolf King. You have been in Yunmengze for too long, your mind Are you stiff? "

In the eyes of the Silver Wing Wolf King, a cold look suddenly appeared: "You are looking for death!"

He really did not want to go to the trouble of the human race so quickly now, but now he is proactively coming here to provoke, then it is no wonder that he is.

Just as the Wing King of Silver Wings was about to make a furious shot, Su Xin said lightly, "Isn't the imperial Seventy-two Road Demon Kings so impatient in the past? Can't you wait for me to finish? I'm not here to trouble you. I came to join you. "

As soon as this remark was made, the five demon kings present were all here for a moment, joining forces with them? A human bridge warrior of the gods bridge, UU reading www. suddenly came over and said to join them, what a joke?

The Silverwing Wolf King even sneered directly: "Su Xin, do you really think we stay in this Dongyi Mountain all day and know nothing?

Two years ago, you used your undercover to sneak into Shaolin Temple, and destroyed Shaolin Temple in one fell swoop. It is really a good way. Although my demon clan does not have so many flowers, we are not idiots!

You still want to play the same trick twice, this time it is upgraded, do you want to sneak into the interior of our demon to be undercover? Do you think we will believe it? "

Su Xinlue shook his head somewhat helplessly: "Silverwing Wolf King, sometimes thinking too much is not a good thing, don't play up to yourself.

You can go outside and inquire about it yourself. The abbot of Shaolin Temple returned bitterly to gather the power of the four great **** bridges to try to kill me. But I am really going to come to the demons to join you.

It didn't take long for this news to spread, but it has already shaken the rivers and lakes, and you can easily inquire. "

The Wing King of the Silver Wing stunned. If this is the case, then it makes sense why this Su Xin came.

But Silverwing Wolf King still has some inconsistencies: "You are the bridge of human race, but now you are coming to my demon alliance, do you know the consequences of this matter? How do I think there is a ghost in it!"

Su Xin shook his head and said, "You have to worry about the Silver Wolf King. What's the difference between the human race and the demon race apart from the old grudges?

I was promoted to Shenqiao before I was a hundred years old, and there are still hundreds of years to live, but now they are trying to make me die. I do n’t fight back, would I choose to wait for the sake of justice?

Others don't know. Anyway, I believe Su Xinning would stray for a long time to live, and I didn't want to die! "

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