Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1369: Hunt

Suddenly someone heard about the Shaolin Temple, but Vigatoro seemed to suddenly think of something at this moment, and his eyes suddenly showed a bright touch.

He looked for the backhand left by the Buddha in the past, but he hasn't found it for so long. He hasn't responded until now. This backhand may be an item, so why can't it be a person?

The existence of the ancient heaven heavenly realm is beyond the imagination of today's Picadolo, no matter what arrangements the other party makes to this, it is possible for him to see.

So Vigadoro said directly to the disciple: "Bring me back all the people at Shaolin Temple. Remember, what you need is alive!"

After the disciple left, a glimmer of coldness flashed into Vigadoro's eyes. No matter what the backhand left by the Buddha, he would find it and completely crush it!

He was just Vygado, the holy master of Brahma, not for the bodies of those who died in ancient times and reappeared!

At this time in the Northwest Road, Qi Long was embarrassingly reporting something to Li Badou.

"Sir, that Yuankong is a little bit amazing. When he left Shaolin Temple, he only had this deified state. He did not expect that he had reached the pinnacle of the deified state. There were many warriors planted in him in the dark guard. Hand. "

Yuan Kong of Shaolin Temple had fled with a group of disciples before. Su Xin had already said it, so don't worry about it.

It is just that although Lord Su ordered them not to be in charge, their gangs could not really leave it out.

Therefore, during the retreat of Su Xin, they had been tracking the whereabouts of the remaining evils of Shaolin Temple such as Yuan Kong, but it was difficult to find someone, but Qi Long ate in Yuan Kong's hands.

Li Gang frowned: "How did you do that? Even Yuan Kong, a warrior who melted in the realm of God, couldn't figure it out? Wouldn't he go to the Blood God Church and the Northwest Army's enshrine to ask someone?"

Most of the warriors in the Dark Guard are used to perform various confidential tasks, so there are not many warriors in the Yangshen Realm. On the contrary, most of the warriors in the Yangshen Realm are in the Blood Gods and the Northwest Army's Consecration Hall.

In general, the warriors who dispatched the Yang Shen Realm were not performing confidential tasks, but were preparing to directly violently kill the slaughtermen.

Qi Long said bitterly: "Please, I know that Yuan Kong is an outstanding disciple of the young generation of Shaolin Temple. It must have been extremely difficult. The last time I let him escape at Shaolin Temple, I knew that the boy was extraordinary, so this In order to be safe, I also specially invited a Yang Shenjing warrior from the blood **** religion, but it was killed by the other party. "

Li Bad's eyes revealed a touch of fineness: "Slash the sun **** with Rongshen? Interesting!"

Historically, warriors on the rivers and lakes were able to kill a lot of people when they were at a lower level, but the more they reached the higher level, the fewer such cases.

Even at the level of Yang Shenjing, those who can kill people beyond the ranks are undoubtedly those who are amazing.

This kind of thing has been done by Su Xin before, and also by Li Bad, but now Yuankong is obviously this kind of person.

Although the warriors of the blood **** religion have unstable foundations because of practicing Dashen for blood transfer, they are fast-moving warriors.

But even if it is not stable, that is the existence of Yang Shen Realm. Yuan Kong can kill them, which can tell everything.

There was a gleam of coldness in Li Bad's eyes: "Since that is the case, I'll take a trip myself. The grown-ups are now retreating. Those of us who are in charge can't help the grown-ups in big things. If we can't even handle this little thing , What good does that adult still support us? "


At this time, more than a dozen monks exuding a cold scent in the Xiangshu government of Runan Road walked into a restaurant and ordered a lot of amaranth, which caused some guests and military men in the restaurant to vote for it. Curious look.

After all, in most people ’s impressions, monks should be vegetarians. Now, suddenly, a bunch of meat-eating monks are popping up. Are they all wine and meat monks?

Some knowledgeable rivers and lakes whispered in secret: "You don't have to mess with these monks, you can't mess with them."

"What is the identity of these monks? Is it the Brahman of the Twelve Immortals?"

The mysterious insider said mysteriously: "It is not Brahma, but the people of Shaolin Temple!"

"Shaolin Temple!"

The person who knew the inside hastily covered the other person's mouth and whispered, "What are you talking about? Don't bother yourself!

At that time, Shaolin Temple was destroyed by Su Xin, the Lord of the Northwest, but it was not even one person killed. Among them, Yuan Kong, abbot Xuan Ming's self-discipline disciple, took a group of disciples to flee.

I heard that since the beginning of the war, the undercover men under Su Xin have never given up chasing them, but have never been successful.

Recently, this Yuankong shot and killed one of the Sun God warriors under Su Xin's command. The power will not be lost for a while. If Shaolin Temple is present, this is definitely the heir of the next abbot. "

Some people shook their heads and sighed: "Well, this Su Xin's method is also a bit too harsh. The Shaolin Temple is gone, but it is necessary to follow up with the family to cut off the roots. No trace of inheritance will be left to others. Now he It is even more collusion with the demon tribe. Such behavior is almost even more demon than the demon! "

The previous man whispered: "Snoring! Don't say it! Don't say anything! The subordinates under Su Xin are all-pervasive. They listened to them. Do you want to survive?

Besides, it seems quite normal for Su Xin to cut the roots in my opinion, so that it is in line with his grandeur, or else I have to leave some guilt to cause trouble for myself. "

While some martial artists in the restaurant were whispering, a disciple of Shaolin Temple couldn't help but said, "Brother Yuan Kong, where else should we escape?"

At this time, Yuan Kong was eating, and she said in a deep voice: "It's not where we want to escape, but to see where Su Xin will chase us.

Shaolin Temple is gone, but as long as we are still there, the inheritance of Shaolin Temple is here, so what we can do now is to live, not to live for ourselves, but also to live for the future of Shaolin Temple! "

Several other disciples of Shaolin Temple looked at Yuan Kong, all showing their trust and admiration.

Yuan Kong was actually not pleasing in Shaolin Temple before. Many brothers and sisters said that he was proud and unfriendly.

But in the process of fleeing, they learned that people like Yuankong are really reliable.

Everything on this way was properly arranged by Yuan Kong. When the chasing and killing came, 100% of Yuan Kong remained after the end of the break.

Moreover, the strength revealed by Yuan Kong on this way is obvious to all. He was able to cultivate to the present state. He was so valued by Xuan Ming in the past. It was not luck, but his own talent and strength.

So now these fugitive disciples of Shaolin Temple have no one to dare to talk about Yuan Kong's gossip, but they respect them very much.

At this moment, a sneer suddenly came from outside the restaurant: "Monks of Shaolin Temple, you are eating delicious, but it is not bad, it is a decapitated meal!"

The words fell, and I saw a crowd of dark defenders in black pouring into the restaurant, and a sudden horrific murderousness filled the restaurant, causing everyone in the audience to take a nap.

Especially the warrior who had slandered Su Xin before, at this time he could not wait to put his head under the table.

Previously, the three strongest intelligence forces on the rivers and lakes should be the six guards, Tianjigu, and the secret guard of Su Xin.

But after such a long time of development, Su Xin ’s dark guard has surpassed Tianjigu and can truly stand up to the six doors.

Among the three major forces, the most feared is the undercover of Su Xin.

The six gates have limited manpower because they have to monitor the entirety of the ninety-four lanes of the big week. Most of the six gates are fast in their pursuit of arrests. The ones who really engage in secret activities are chasing winds and arresting secret agents.

However, even if these two are shot against the martial arts forces, it is quite a rule, and coupled with the fact that there is no **** bridge in Dazhou, the six doors are also very quiet.

Tianjigu is also very low-key recently. Last time, Tianjigu was breached by Su Xin because it sheltered Chen Xuanzong who had resentment with Suxin. So now Tianjigu is in a state of weakness. The information system is shrinking. The intelligence system only involves intelligence and does not involve any armed forces.

Of the three, only Su Xin ’s Dark Guard is a complete combination of intelligence and force, and now Su Xin ’s Northwest Road is immensely powerful, and there is no need to spread all the power to four like six doors. Among the nineteen, the dark guards are now acting arrogantly. It is the massacre of the sectarians, and even the destruction of some of the small ones does not even require Li to notify. Some of the people below can solve it.

For those who act fiercely and do not talk about the rules at all, anyone who sees it will be trembling. Those who are present at the scene and ordinary diners will hide behind the moment when they see the Dark Warrior coming in. UU reads the book. is afraid of being killed by accident.

Yuan Kong silently swallowed a piece of roast meat, and then he looked at the Dark Guard's crowd, and said coldly, "The Yang Shen Jing Wu that you sent before has been beheaded by me, now you dare to come?"

The leader of the dark side is Qi Long. Although he let Yuan Kong run last time, this time he will not let Yuan Kong continue to escape.

As soon as Qi Long waved his hand, more than ten soldiers in the dark guard behind him immediately took out a hidden weapon of Tangmen's organ and aimed at Yuan Kong and others. The cold mang flashed on it and there was a faint cold.

Qi Long said slowly: "This is a fine hidden weapon produced by the Tang Gate in the middle of Sichuan. Each one can hurt the warriors who melt the **** realm and the Yang **** realm. Even if I destroyed the Tang gate in the northwest, there are not many such hidden weapons. Few enjoyed this treatment.

Also, this time I invited an acquaintance. I think you must want to see him. "

Said, Qi Long gave way, a young man with a handsome face came in from the outside and smiled at Yuan Kong: "Brother Yuan Kong, I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss it."

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