Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1372: Something is wrong

Although Li Gang's current strength can be used to initially shake Zhenwu with the power of Yang, it is clear that there are also strong and weak in the realm of Wushu. In front of him, this horse is regarded as the second place in the Brahma realm after Vigadoro. , But its strength is stronger than Xuan Ming who first entered Zhenwu by chance.

It ’s just that for Li Bad, what if the other party is as strong as possible? He still dares to sword against it!

The Tao of Taoism is to suppress his desire, make himself too embarrassed, and approach the heaven without limit.

And Li bad doesn't need to suppress his own desires, he doesn't have much desires, even some useless emotions are suppressed by him, which turns into a kind of obsession with martial arts and ... crazy!

Yes, above martial arts, what Li bad shows is a kind of madness, no matter how strong your strength is, no matter what your status and status, as long as it is an enemy, Li bad dares to sword against it. This kind of madness Have covered his fear.

The same is true in practice. Su Xin has warned Li Li numerous times that the power of death will affect him, but Li Bad never listens.

Li Gang has his own martial arts. This road is different from others and different from Su Xin, who has been teaching him. It is a crisis-ridden road full of death and murder. However, he can only die on the road.

Rushing forward, it will be another world and the world to meet him!

At this point Li's bad eyes, which had been suppressed to an extreme by Kumaroshi, had become dark.

It was black without any emotion, full of deadly blackness. As the long sword stabbed in his hand, the evil black stained the long sword, cutting the void, stagnating time, the horrible power. Even Kumaroshi's face changed slightly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared.

Kumaroshi's hands were printed with his hands, and the golden light of the Buddha was blooming in his hands. The seal was like a stupa. He covered the sword of Li Gang in the center, making it impossible to pierce forward, but it was amazing that None of the strength of Kumorosh can completely extinguish the death force on Li Sword.

At this moment, a black strand of vitality behind Li Gang was scattered, because the vitality was too weak, and the vitality above the sword in Li Gang's hands was too strong, so these vitality did not attract anyone's attention. But it was weird condensing behind Kumorosh to form a black weird figure, and a black death sword was also condensed in his hand, stabbing towards Kumorosh!

At this moment, Kumorosh exploded with sweat, and he chanted the Buddha's name, and behind him a King Kongming King emerged, one on both sides, one yin and one yang, one evil, one good, and one crying and smiling.

The King Kong Ming King Fa Xiang had his hands imprinted, and a huge force fell suddenly, which blocked the sword, but the Fa Xiang also completely disappeared.

Kumaroshi pulled back and said with a slightly shocked voice: "True martial arts! You broke through to martial arts!"

The evil ghost that condenses the power of death is nothing but Li Bad. It is the true martial art of Li Bad.

The crowd at the scene was also uproarous, watching Li Gang's momentum rising continuously, and climbing to the true martial arts realm like Kumorosh, everyone believed that Li bad actually broke through to the true martial arts in the battle!

The breakthrough in the battle is not without, but very few, because even if someone feels that they can break through in the battle, the opponent will not break through, you must find a safer place to retreat.

The reason is simple. Although you can break through in battle, your safety is uncertain.

Sometimes breaking through is not a good thing. Sudden promotion to a great realm, and your own strength must also follow the surge, but you suddenly promoted, and even your own power is not completely controlled, plus confrontation with others It ’s always a step-by-step step, and there ’s a danger of getting into the magic, so few people will choose to advance and break through the battle. It ’s better to fight in the current state, and then find a secret place. Retreat and stabilize the realm, so that it can truly be said that it has stepped into the real martial realm.

Now Li ’s bad behavior is just like lunatics to them, and he chose to make a breakthrough on this occasion. One of the problems is that he will go into the magic himself or be killed by Kumorosh.

After Li's breath became peaceful again, he turned directly and said to Qi Long and Su Zichen: "Let's go."

Not only were the warriors present, but even the dark guards such as Qi Long and Su Zichen were stunned.

Only then did Li Bad and Yang Shen fight against Zhenwu, but he didn't bother at all. He fought fiercely, but now he has been promoted to Zhenwu, but suddenly he retreats. What is this routine? The people present were somewhat unclear.

At this time, Su Zichen also asked, "Uncle Li, why didn't you just continue to fight with that fat monk? You have already been promoted to Zhenwu, so it should be stronger than before."

Li Bad shook his head and said, "It was because I was promoted to Zhenwu that I was not prepared to fight him. The monk's strength is very strong, even in the realm of Zhenwu.

Before I entered Zhenwu, I couldn't figure out his power, but after I entered Zhenwu, I found out that even if I tried my best, I could not beat the fat monk. In that case, what else was there to fight? "

Li Gang is not afraid to take action with Kumorosh, but the problem is that there is some meaning in doing so. Even if he takes a forcible shot, it is nothing more than entanglement. It has no meaning at all.

Su Zichen slightly reconciled, "Is this the case?"

A bit of cold man flashed in Li Bad's eyes: "Of course it can't be so. After the adult is out of the customs, this matter must be reported to the adult, Brahma is a bit wrong!

If they want to save these remnants of Shaolin Temple, why didn't they do it before? Suddenly, a strong man like Kumaroshi is sent out. If there is no hidden feelings, the ghost will not believe it.

Qi Long, after returning, I put all my attention on Brahma, I wanted to see what the other person wanted to do! "

At this time, in the restaurant, Kumoro Shi pushed Li bad back, and he smiled at Yuan Kong and others, saying, "Don't be afraid, although the dark guard under Su Xin is mad, but he can't beat me. Brahma, you can just follow me safely. "

The disciples at the Shaolin Temple all nodded and thanked Qiu Morosi with his hands folded: "Thank you Master for your help!"

They don't know the abacus of Brahma. In their view, Brahma is still their ally.

Only Yuan Kong felt slightly wrong, but at this time he didn't know why, and his heart even felt a desire for Brahma.

As a confidant of Picadolo, Kumorosh didn't know exactly what the purpose of Picadolo was to ask these disciples of Shaolin Temple.

However, since it was the domain owner's order, he would just do it.

After Kumorosh brought all the disciples of the Shaolin Temple to Brahma, Vygadoro called directly and asked Kumorosh to bring Yuan Kong and walked directly into the closet with Yuan Kong alone.

When everyone was gone, Yuan Kong slightly shouted to Vigadoro: "See the Master."

Piccadolo nodded. He didn't speak, but looked at Yuankong, but his eyes seemed to look like goods, but there was some hair in Yuankong.

However, when Yuan Kong wanted to say something, Vigadoro suddenly moved. He reached out his hand and caught Yuan Yuan. The strong and powerful Buddha light directly covered Yuan Kong, making him unable to move.

Yuan Kong's complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted, "What do you mean, Master? What are you trying to do?"

Vigadolo looked silently, he just said lightly: "Sorry, in fact, you and me are the same poor people, and they almost became the fate of being used as a tool.

It's just a pity that your tool doesn't seem to be as important to me as he has given me so many treasures and secrets. It doesn't seem to give you anything? "

The intense Buddha light penetrated into Yuan Kong's mind, causing him to make a loud scream, but Vigadoro waved his hand directly, and the powerful true spirit turned into a realm, and no sound could be transmitted.

In the mind of Yuan Kong, Vigadoro was constantly searching, regardless of Yuan Kong's life destroying his Yuan God, just after Yuan Kong was dying, and became like a mysterious man who could never wake up, he Then he finally found what he wanted.

It was a golden relic with the size of nails, covered with golden runes, but this relic did not seem to have fully grown up, it was not only small, but even the runes above were abnormally dim ~ www. ~ even a bit fuzzy.

"Got you!"

There was a cold smile on the corner of Piccadolo's mouth. This was the real relic left by the Buddha! This is also the chance of this ancient power to appear!

If nothing else, he will find himself and seize his body after the Yuankong has completely cultivated the Buddha's relics.

When Picardo was young, he was just a poor little Sami who was raised by a monk in the room. If he did not accidentally get the various inheritances from the Buddha's beads, he would not have become Brahma so soon. The Lord of the Land, a blessing for everyone.

It is just that the more you understand the true meaning of that bead, the more daunting Vijadolo becomes.

In this world, there is no good thing that the pie will fall from the sky. The Buddha's beads gave him so many opportunities, but in the future, it will be doubled back!

But now the Buddha has no chance. His real backhand was found by himself when he was not fully mature. As long as he crushed it completely, there would be no worries about being devoured by Vigadolo.

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