Strongest Villain System

Chapter 193: Jiangnan Province

For Su Xin to wipe out Zhujiazhuang's full door, because the announcement of the list of people on the rivers and lakes is full of excitement.

Most of the Taoists of the Taoist School scoffed at what Su Xin had done, thinking that his heart was ferocious and extreme. Although he has not fallen into the magic path, he already has this risk.

It is true that Master Shao Yan of Shaolin Temple wanted to bring him back to Shaolin Temple to suppress and wash away his suffocation.

But although some people say so, most of them are just talking. No one wants to get rid of Su Xin to get rid of the demon guard as soon as his mind is hot.

Anyway, the destroyed Zhujiazhuang has nothing to do with their half a dime. At this time, standing up and provoking Su Xin was purely full.

Moreover, after this incident, everyone also roughly saw the personality of Su Xin.

He came from a casual training, and his character will be reported. It is definitely the kind of person who hit me with a punch.

Such a character can provoke less and provoke less, once it provokes, it must be completely killed, and then it will endlessly.

These things are unknown to Su Xin, but even if they knew, Su Xin would be very happy.

Because someone was afraid of him, this proved that his demonstration was a success. As for the reputation on the rivers and lakes, Su Xin did not care about it.

Killing Fang Dongting and getting on the black list is next. He is now a six-door pursuit hunter, a real court hawk.

This identity can not be concealed for a lifetime. After being known, his reputation on the rivers and lakes is even worse.

Along the way, Su Xin initially prepared to travel to Jiangnan Road by land, but the land was a bit long and it was not convenient to practice immediately, so Su Xin chose to go by water. It took only one month to reach Jiangnan. Road of Jiangnan Province.

Jiangnan Water Village has beautiful scenery since ancient times, and it is even more so as the core state capital of Gangnam Province.

The entire Jiangnan House is haunted by the elegance of a small bridge and flowing water. The canopy boat can be seen everywhere, and the ranger wearing a sword on the street, the handsome family hero, and the handsome young warrior are everywhere. The gentle and elegant Jiangnan water village has been dyed with a magnificent taste.

Su Xin got off the boat and looked around casually. This Jiangnan Mansion is indeed the most prosperous place in the whole Central Plains. It can be said that he travels the day after tomorrow.

Su Xin's connotation of the peak of congenial spirits can be regarded as a master whether in South Hunan Road or Hannan Road, but in Jiangnan Prefecture, it is commonplace.

At least Su Xin had just seen a few martial arts soldiers walking by, all of whom had innate realms.

You Longjian was found an ordinary sharkskin scabbard by Su Xin and hung at his waist.

A black boat at the lake stopped at the shore, waiting for people to rent it, and there are still a lot of flower boats farther away, which can also be rented, but at this price, it is not these black boats The boat is comparable.

Su Xin walked to the front of a black-covered boat at will. The owner was an over sixty-year-old but good-spirited old man. There was also a fifteen- and six-year-old tender boat lady. The graceful temperament of Jiangnan Water Village is also generous and hearty.

"Boss, I want to take a look around Jiangnan House. How much do you want?"

The old man grinned and said, "This boy just looks at it. Old man, I also take advantage of this while I am fishing, and earn more subsidies to subsidize my family."

Su Xin smiled and jumped into the boat and threw out a piece of silver. The boat lady picked it up and looked at it. It was twelve, and she narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Su confidence laughed that the people in Jiangnan Mansion really calculated, and dare to play such a small means against such martial arts, which is really rare in other places.

The old man just said that letting him price freely was simply sending his army.

At first glance, he was the kind of martial arts person. The old man took his granddaughter to work on a fishing and chartering boat to make up for his family, so that you could look at it and give it some money. What kind of money did you throw at the search?

Of course, this little trick Su Xin did not care, and threw a dozen silver directly as a pastime.

The old man propped up his oars, and the awning was slowly moving forward on the lake, while the boat lady asked softly: "What can this boy want to eat? The slave's family has fresh fish that they just called up this morning. , And home-made rice wine, do you want to try? "

The boat lady gave a soft whisper of Wu Nong, which was very pleasant and pleasant. Su Xin said, "Okay, just look at it."

Su Xin watched the boat lady move the stove, tableware and other things out of the stern. He couldn't help shaking his head and grinning.

If you really did a lot of research and tossed out dozens of articles, it is estimated that this treatment will not be.

Although the boat lady is small, she lives on the boat all the year round, but her hands and feet are very good.

A fresh fish that was salvaged in the morning was put in a fish basket and hung on the stern. The fish basket was immersed in water. This fresh fish was still alive.

A two-foot-long fish was picked up by the boat mother, and she was able to cut her belly and cut it into sections. It was still slowly boiled with seasonings in boiling water, and a pot of rice wine was warming next to it. Come on.

After the fish was brought up, Su Xin tasted the chopsticks. It was delicious and delicious. The rice wine was also meticulous and moist, which was completely different from other spirits.

The boat lady looked at Su Xin without blinking, until Su Xin said ‘Yes’, her big eyes narrowed.

There are many martial arts people in Jiangnan Prefecture, but ordinary people like Boatgirls, although they have seen these martial arts people, have rarely contacted them closely, as if they are people from two worlds.

In order to save face, most of the real people in the rivers and lakes will call friends and friends, and spend a lot of money to rent those big flower boats to visit Jiangnan Province, and to rent such small small awning boats.

While Su Xin was tasting the wine and dishes, he looked at the scene around Jiangnan Prefecture.

The martial arts in Jiangnan Prefecture was so popular that it was not a good thing for the Zhou Dynasty.

There are so many warriors in Jiangnan Prefecture, but not many belong to the court of the Da Zhou Dynasty, all belong to that ‘uncontrollable’ existence.

Tracing back to the source, Jiangnan House has become what it is now, and the root cause is Jiangnan Xiao's.

The establishment of successive Central Plains dynasties has included the shadows of various martial arts.

There are even many dynasties who are backed by Wulin Zongmen.

However, most of the endings were after the dynasty was completely solid, and then he began to cross the river to dismantle the bridge, leaving the martial arts gate behind him to one side or even killing directly.

For example, the former Wulong Emperor and Du Yuansheng's Sanxiang Wulin Alliance are like this.

The only special case was the girders that Jiang Xiao once built.

Daliang was originally a dynasty established by a martial arts force. Later, when he was dominating the world, besides the disciples of the Xiao family, there were also heroes from various rivers and lakes. The composition was very complicated.

Unfortunately, the hegemony of the dynasty was not an assault between the sects of the rivers and lakes. The Xiao family could maintain their status as the six great families, but they could not maintain a dynasty.

Afterwards, the Xiao family was able to smoothly evolve from a declining dynasty into a family of rivers and lakes again because of this characteristic of the Xiao family.

Anyway, in Su Xin's opinion, this Xiao family still has a few thieves. Otherwise, they would not hold a Jiangnan meeting every year to gather a large number of casual martial arts.

The Xiao family was already one of the six great families. He recruited so many visitors again, which seemed very taboo in the court.

However, Jiangnan Road is the base of the Xiao family. Other martial arts forces also have opposite spokespersons in Jiangnan Road. The court was also a rattler, and he did not dare to move here for a while.

Su confidence was thinking about these things, and was a little distracted. He heard the old man and the boat lady exclaiming, and the small Wupon boat began to turn quickly.

Su Xin lifted his eyes and saw that there was a huge flower boat going straight ahead, and he was about to crash into their boat.

In fact, the rivers in Jiangnan Prefecture are not narrow, especially since they are about to enter the big lake now. In this river, even two large flower boats with a width of five feet can run side by side.

However, the flower boat directly opposite did not know whether it was intentional or not. They did not move forward, but in the middle of the river, and saw that they were about to smash their small awning boat.

Although the river is not deep, it will not die even if it falls into the water.

But for the old man and the shipwife, this little black awning boat is just like their home.

So the old man hurriedly slid the paddle and wanted to park the awning aside, but the speed of the flower boat was too fast, almost instantaneously, he was about to hit the awning.

At this time, everyone could even hear the laughter of the men and women on the ship, as if it was an interesting thing to crash other people's ships.

As the awning turned violently and violently, the yellow wine at Su Xin's table was spilled, which suddenly caused his brows to wrinkle.

It's not quiet to see the scenery with peace of mind ~ ~ Some people really hate it.

Su Xin's body suddenly moved, like a strong wind, and instantly disappeared in the bow.

The boat lady just wanted to remind Su Xin to jump the boat, but Su Xin was gone in a blink of an eye. When she looked up again, she couldn't help but exclaimed. At this time, Su Xin even appeared in front of the flower boat. There was a fierce squall on the leg, and one kick came out!


With a violent blast, the speed of the flower boat stopped immediately.

However, Su Xin's movement did not stop. He kicked his feet constantly. This was the third type of "Fengshenyu" of Fengshen's legs.

Every time Su Xin kicked out, his own figure would move forward, as if he was stepping on the flower boat in the sky to rise.

And the speed of the flower boat was not only lowered by Su Xin's Fengshen's leg kicking, but finally kicked back by Su Xin's kick. (To be continued.)

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