Strongest Villain System

Chapter 205: Zhuge Qingtian

The positioning of the first-class martial arts forces is much clearer than that of the second-class. At least five warriors who transform into the **** realm, or a warrior who integrates the **** realm, can be regarded as first-class forces, such as the Longxi Li family This is the first-class force, and it is still the stronger one.

Let Su Xin destroy the five second-class forces, which means that he even has to fight against the martial arts warrior.

And the kind of martial arts sect with more than ten innate shrine realms is also difficult to deal with. Unless Su Xinken uses the villain value and exchanges four-star martial arts skills, he can defeat more than ten warriors in shrine realms.

But even if Su Xin exchanged consumable martial arts, but a second-rate sect gate does not only have more than ten Jinggu Jingwu, and his internal force is not unlimited. After killing more than ten Jinggu Jingwu, It is equally invincible to other innate martial arts inside that sect.

With such a calculation, Su Xin felt that the task was not likely to be completed in a short time. Fortunately, the time limit for the task was long enough, and two years was enough for him to prepare.

Early the next morning, Su Xin went to Wang Shifeng's residence with Tie Yaohua.

But as soon as he came out of the inn, Su Xin felt that there were so many eyes on him.

There are weird people, there are despise people, and some hateful eyes, Su Xin does not know where he offends them.

Although there was only one night, the exposure of Su Xin ’s true identity still caused the whole Jiangnan government to shake.

The identity of the imperial court hawk is unpleasant, many people muttered secretly, and finally a strong man emerged from the repairs. As a result, they turned to six gates for the sake of wealth and became the imperial hawk.

No wonder it was so fierce that they had shot those martial arts practitioners before. It turned out that they didn't consider themselves to be the same as them.

But all these words were thought about in their hearts, but no one dared to speak out.

Last night, some people heard that Su Xin killed a bad-selling warrior on the spot, and he was totally unafraid. In the end, even Xiao Xiao, the old man, could only walk away with anger. They dare not say these things in front of Su Xin. .

As a disciple of Wang Shi of Xie County, Wang Shifeng certainly cannot live in an inn. The Wang family naturally has a house and residence in Jiangnan.

When Su Xin and Tie Yaohua came to see him, the disciples of the Wang family who were keeping the gate were still reluctant to let them in.

However, he is still not an idiot. Although their relationship with the Six Doors is not known to these low-level disciples, they know that the Wang family now says that most of the people in the court of the Zhou Dynasty are also officials. Wise.

So he had to give Su Xin and Tieyao Huadu politely to the hall, and then went to invite Wang Shifeng himself.

After a while, Wang Shifeng walked into the hall with a smile on his face and said, "Brother Su, I didn't expect us to meet again. The words you said last time are very thought-provoking. I went back and thought about it for a long time. Today, we sit down and talk to see who is right. "

Su Xin patted his head with a little headache. He was not here to play a debate contest with Wang Shifeng.

"Brother, I still have something to ask for your help today, and talk about something, just wait until later."

Speaking, Su Xin pointed at Tieyao Hua said: "This disciple of the six-door Tiejia family wanted to spy on Tie Yaohua Tie girl."

When he heard that Tie Yaohua was from the six doors, Wang Shifeng arched his hand and said, "It was Iron Girl, it was really disrespectful. I don't know why the two came to me today?"

As a disciple of Xie Jun's Wang family, Wang Shifeng certainly knew about the past six doors and the Iron Family.

The disciples of the Tie family came to Su Xin, the six-door chase, to find him, something must have happened inside.

Su Xin took out the fragment and said to Wang Shifeng: "We want to borrow the intelligence resources of the Wang family to check, what exactly is this fragment?"

Wang Shifeng took the shard and observed it carefully, and half a quarter of an hour later he said in a deep voice: "This thing should be a token or a corner of a waistband. It is not made of jade, but ivory or rhino horn It ’s made of such things, the price is much more expensive than jade, and there is a thick paste on it, it looks like it has been for some years. "

After saying these words, Wang Shifeng frowned: "I really feel familiar with the pattern on the token, but I can't remember it. In this way, I will let you check it."

Wang Shifeng turned around and shouted, "Uncle Zhong, come in!"

A 50-year-old servant came in, respectfully, "What did the young master command?"

Wang Shifeng said: "Go and invite the nine uncles who are guarding Wenyuan Pavilion. He is very knowledgeable. The information and materials that Wang controls in Jiangnan Province are in his hands."

The old servant uncle Zhong smiled bitterly: "Master, I'm afraid this is not possible. Mr. Jiu returned to the family three days ago to send information, not here."

Wang Shifeng muttered, "What information needs Uncle Jiu to **** himself?"

He turned around and thought about Tie Yaohua and Su Channel: "It doesn't matter if Jishu is not here. I will take you to find another friend of mine. He is really knowledgeable and he definitely knows this thing."

Tie Yaohua curiously said: "Who can be more knowledgeable than you?"

Wang Shifeng laughed: "Tenth in the list, Zhuge Qingtian of the Langge Zhuge family."

Su Xin naturally heard of the Langya Zhuge family, one of the six great families. Zhuge family gave Su Xin a much simpler feeling than Xie Jun Wang's family. This is just a clever family that follows the current.

The rise of the Langya Zhuge family relies not on martial arts, but on their ingenuity and talents, so each generation of the Central Plains dynasty reuses the people of the Zhuge family.

Moreover, the Zhuge family also made it very clear that their own family is a family of mercenary nature. Your dynasty is stable, so I will lean on your Majesty and do my best for you.

On the contrary, if your dynasty is going to fall like a building, then I am sorry, my people of Zhuge will not be as loyal to you as possible.

And Zhuge ’s semi-public attitude not only did not anger those Central Plains dynasties, but it made them more assured of Zhuge ’s. At least their reason was simple, much simpler than that of Xie Jun Wang ’s.

Wang Shifeng took Su Xin and others all the way to Zhuge Qingtian. The tenth strongest person on the list would enjoy life very much. He lived directly on a huge flower boat decorated with luxury.

Except for the boatman on the entire flower boat, all of them were flirtatious maids, with a breath of indulgence of flowers.

It wasn't just a day or two that Wang Shifeng and Zhuge Qingtian met. As soon as he came, Zhuge Qingtian's maid Jiner immediately welcomed them to the flower boat.

Zhuge Qingtian was sitting in front of the bow and drinking tea in white clothes. He was handsome and handsome, and even Su Xin had to admit that the other party's appearance was indeed very good.

"Nothing will go to the Three Treasure Hall, brother, why are you free to come to me today?" Zhuge Qingtian smiled slightly.

Wang Shifeng didn't answer him. He first pointed out Su Xin and Tie Yaohua and gave Zhuge Qingtian an introduction: "This is the 22nd" Blood Sword God Finger "Su Xin Su, this girl is six fans. Tie Yaohua of the Mentie Family. "

"The two are polite, please come over here." Zhuge Qingtian waved and made a pleased gesture.

In front of him was a small stove with tea in it.

After Su Xin and others sat down, Zhuge Qing genius said, "Brother Su, you may not know. In fact, we are not the first time to meet. In fact, I saw it when you met Li Chenfeng, but you did n’t See me only.

Li Chenfeng is an archway launched by the Da Zhou Dynasty. His strength is indeed very good, and it is not worthy of the 23rd place in the ranking, but I feel that Brother Su is not in the right ranking. "

Wang Shifeng on the one side was suddenly stunned, and he and Zhuge Qingtian could be regarded as intersecting. Although this guy has a few problems, he usually talks about half and hides, and prefers to play the machine, but he never offends his brain. Others, why are you saying this suddenly?

Su Xinhan asked with a smile: "Where is my ranking wrong?"

Zhuge Qingtian solemnly said, "Six doors absolutely underestimate your ranking."

Wang Shifeng was relieved. This guy was touting Su Xin, but why did he tout Su Xin? I'm afraid that even if Lin Changhe, who is the first "Dao Chi" on the list, would not be rushing to tout him.

"Oh? What do you think I should be in?"

The tea on the stove has been boiled, and a strong tea fragrance has drifted out. Zhuge Qingtian poured a cup of tea and handed it to Su Xin. When Su Xin just wanted to take it, he felt a huge force coming from the hands of Zhuge Qingtian. Come, let him almost hold the tea cup.

Su Xin raised his eyebrows, and the dragon-like Prajna Gong exerted his strength, and the force on his hands became extremely horrible, as if Mount Tai was on top, and it struck directly at Zhuge Qingtian.

Zhuge Qingtian's face was weird ~ ~ Ji Bairuyu's hands continued to shake, but they couldn't help Su Xin. What surprised him most was Su Xin's control of power.

With such a struggle of strength, there was no damage to the tea cup, and no drop of tea splashed out.

Zhuge Qingtian smiled slightly, withdrew the power in his hand, and said, "Brother Su, your strength, let alone the 22nd place, even the 12th place, I think it's almost the same."

Su Xin took a sip of the tea and said, "Brother Zhuge is ridiculous. Besides, the ranking of the leaderboard is determined by six doors. I dare not question my top boss."

Su Xin said it was interesting, and Zhuge Qingtian laughed suddenly, but even if he laughed, he never showed such a slightly exaggerated laugh, but always has the kind of light-hearted smile.

Wang Shifeng interjected: "Brother Zhuge, we are here to help you, this time, take a look at this thing, where does it come from?"

Said, Wang Shifeng took the fragment from Tie Yaohua and handed it to Zhuge Qingtian. (To be continued.)

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