Strongest Villain System

Chapter 214: "Broken Jade Hand" Yue Qingping

Inside Renyi Village in Jiangnan, Jiang Heliu walked into his room and pushed open a secret room. There was no space in it, it turned out to be a small house.

The house was brightly lit, as if it were daylight, and it was large enough to accommodate dozens of people living here.

At this time there was only one person in the house, and it was a young man.

His face was slightly ordinary, but no matter who he saw him at first glance, he would not be attracted by his looks, instead he would see his hands at first glance.

It was a pair of hands with unusually thick joints. The big ones looked like humans but were as clear as jade. They looked weird and full of beauty.

Such a clear sign that Jianghu people can almost see at a glance, this person is the ninth strongest person on the list, ‘broken jade hand’ Yue Qingping.

Yue Qingping had said before that he would not participate in this Jiangnan meeting, but now he has appeared in the secret room of Renyizhuang, and his identity can be imagined.

"My brother is dead." Yue Qingping said lightly.

His tone was bland, as if the dead person was not his brother, just a cat and a dog.

"Su Xin killed it." Yue Qingping continued.

The tone was still flat, as if he was just telling a fact.

Seeing this picture of Yue Qingping, Jiang Heliu could not help but slap his head with a headache.

Outside, Yue Qingping is a magnificent look, but in fact Jiang Heliu knows that now Yue Qingping is the real Yue Qingping, not to be humiliated, but calm and chilling, and equally stubborn.

"Your Highness, listen to me, your brother may not have been killed by Su Xin. He only made trouble in Renyizhuang during the day and killed Yue Fang with the Blood River Excalibur at night. This is what an idiot would do.

Moreover, at this time, even if Yue Fang really kills Su Xin, you can't act rashly. Our current plan is almost the last step to be completed. If something goes wrong in the middle, it will be a shortfall. "

Yue Qingping's hands were closed, and a sound of gold and iron groaning was issued under the light friction: "The bloodline of the royal family of Wu Kingdom is now left with me and my brother. He is dead, whether it is It wasn't Su Xin's killing. I had to ask him for an explanation.

Success or failure is one thing, and going or not is another. Otherwise, I cannot explain to my ancestors under Jiuquan. "

Having said that, Yue Qingping raised his expressionless face and looked at Jiang Heliu: "Are you right? Uncle Huang."

Jiang He rubbed his head in anxiety. It was simply a mistake to give Yue Qingping to those old immortals to teach. Did these people really teach him as a prince?

What ancestors and ancestors of Wu State, and the tombs of Wu Guo's ancestors have been dug up, and they have to tell a fart!

"The big picture is important! Anyway, I won't let you go out." Jiang Heli toughened.

Yue Qingping said expressionlessly: "Uncle Huang, have you forgotten your true identity? Or have you joined Bailianism for so many years and have been completely assimilated by them?

I can't control the overall situation of the Bailian religion. I want to control only the overall situation of our country Wu. "

Jiang Heliu snorted coldly: "Nonsense! How can the national hatred be forgotten? When I joined the White Lotus, I just wanted to use their power to restore the country.

After being hunted as a mouse for decades, how many people in our royal family are still there? I am afraid that in a few years, everyone in this world will forget our country Wu! "

Yue Qingping said: "I understand your hard work of the uncle Huang, but I also hope that you can understand me. You can rest assured that I will not do too much. As long as things change, I will return immediately, and it will definitely not cause any problems to the plan What a hassle. "

Hearing Yue Qingping said so, Jiang Heliu knew he couldn't stop him, so he had to wave his hand to agree.

In the early morning of the second day, Su Xin's killing of Yue Fang yesterday became popular.

Although no one saw it was Su Xin's hands, but in combination with the daytime incident, and the **** swordman when Yue Fang was killed, people felt that Su Xin had done it in any way.

Of course, some people do n’t believe it. According to Su Xin ’s past behavior, this person may be fierce, but he is not the kind of person who has no brains. Instead, he is very deliberate. He will do the kind of conflict during the day and kill him at night. Stupid thing? And I still use my most conspicuous exercises.

Su Xin's twenty-four solar terms are shocking, and the **** on the rivers and lakes is endless. Su Xin's imitating one is better than directly using the Blood River Excalibur, so this matter is likely to Not by Su Xin.

However, most rivers and lakes do not care about these. They like to watch these gossips of rivers and lakes.

At the southern gate of Jiangnan Prefecture, Yue Fang walked into Jiangnan Prefecture wearing a slightly plain coarse cloth.

His hands were too conspicuous. At first glance, everyone knew that he was the ninth "broken jade hand" Yue Qingping.

The soldier who saw it suddenly took a sigh of coolness. Yue Fang entered the city just after yesterday's death. It seems that the visitor was not good.

However, some people were puzzled. Didn't Yue Qingping say that he was not going to participate in this Jiangnan meeting? Why did Yue Fang get the news as soon as he died yesterday, hasn't he been successful outside Jiangnan House?

"This buddy, do you know where Su Xin is now?" Yue Qingping asked a warrior on the street mildly, judging by his expressionless face when he was in Renyizhuang yesterday. If two people.

When I heard that the ninth Yue Qingping in the list of people asked himself personally, that only the post-mortem world warrior suddenly felt flattered, and quickly said: "Listen to the people that Su Xin is on the flower boat of Zhuge Qingtian."

Yue Qingping nodded: "Thank you for telling me."

After Yue Qingping left, everyone responded, and quickly followed him to get ready to watch the excitement.

Zhuge Qingtian's flower boat is in the middle of the lake, and Yue Qingping didn't call the boat, but went straight to the water and walked over the water in a few steps to board the flower boat.

The congenital warrior who opened his eyes looked carefully and crossed the water. Yue Qingping even had a drop of water on his shoes, showing his powerful and invigorating control.

On the flower boat, Su Xin and others are waiting for Yue Qingping's arrival.

Yesterday Yin Xixue killed Yue Fang and they knew that this time it would definitely attract a person, and this person was mostly Yue Qingping.


There was a loud noise from the flower boat. The whole flower boat trembled. When Su Xin and others came out, they saw Yue Qingping standing at the bow of the boat and looked at them expressionlessly.

Zhuge Qingtian couldn't help but laugh: "Brother Yue, I can't help you to toss in this little flower boat, let's start lightly."

Yue Qingping said calmly: "Brother Zhuge, I'm not here for you this time, I hope you don't step in."

After the words fell, Yue Qingping turned his attention to Su Xin again: "Su Xin, you killed my brother. You always have to give me an account."

"Oh? What do you want to explain?" Su Xin raised an eyebrow.

Yue Qingping said: "I said I want your life, would you give it?"

Su Xin shook his head and said, "What do you say? I ca n’t take my life, and you ca n’t."

"Well, if you don't give it, I'll pick it up myself!"

Yue Qingping has already shot as soon as he is in shape.

Last night, Su Xin and others had already guessed that Yue Qingping must have something to do with Bai Lianjiao, and even this person might have been secretly cultivated by Bai Lianjiao.

Now that Yue Qingping is here, Su Xin had expected it, but according to the discussions last night, Zhuge Qingtian and Yin Xixue should have shot at this time, but neither of them now has any intention to do anything.

Su Xin sneered twice in his heart, and he knew that the two were not so kind to help him directly resist Yue Qingping, but Su Xin himself had a hole card in his body, and did not need to die with Yue Qingping here.

Of course, immortality does not mean that Su Xin will flee. He still wants to play two moves with Yue Qingping.

Although he had already played against Yin Xixue yesterday, the magic magic path was too annoying, and various secret illusions emerged endlessly, which made Su Xin, who was good at frontal fighting, very aggrieved.

Facing Yue Qingping now, Su Xin was able to know how much he differed from the existence of the top ten of them.

Yue Qingping's broken jade hand and Shangshancheng Nie Fang's iron-making hand are basically two types of martial arts. Yue Qingping's broken jade hand is a set of palms with internal power. Because of its characteristics, it can only happen to his hands. The root of change is much stronger than Nie Fang's superficial palm work.

Photographed by that palm, Su Xin saw the white jade-like hands around him, and the strong indulgence condensed a huge palm shadow full of several feet in size.

One palm fell, the power covered the sky, and the powerful pressure was crushing towards Su Xin, as if to press him directly into a pool of meat.

"Heaven and man are one, and he is one again!"

Su Xin could see at a glance that this Yue Qingping also reached the unity of heaven and man, and realized the realm of the power of heaven and earth.

Yin Xixue set foot in this realm ~ ~ Yue Qingping is also, it is estimated that Zhuge Qingtian is also, the existence of the top ten in the list, almost all have entered this realm.

Su Xin's sword came out of the sheath, and the **** sword of the Blood River Excalibur evolved. The blood-colored sword mang collided with the breaking palms of the broken jade hand, and suddenly a huge force broke out, turning the entire flower boat. Head smashed!

Suddenly, Zhuge Qingtian watched the battle, and suddenly felt that he didn't take the shot. Instead, he chose to watch the show first, which was a very wrong decision.

Yin Xixue on the side was beautiful and slightly wrinkled, looking at Yue Qingping a little puzzled.

They have been hostile to Bailianism for hundreds of years. It is an endless situation. She is more familiar with the materials of Bailianism than she is.

The practice of Bailianism was born out of the magic demon road, and also integrated with the true meaning of martial arts of the three demon and Taoism. Its spiritual attacks and various strange martial arts have emerged endlessly, but there must be no such strong and overbearing power cultivated by Yue Qingping Gongfa.

Yin Xixue could not help wondering if he had guessed wrong, and Yue Fang had no direct connection with Bai Lianjiao. (To be continued.)

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