Strongest Villain System

Chapter 228: Everyone here is garbage

ps: This chapter is for the bookmate Yechuan Long's 10,000 starting coin reward and addition

Su Xin was holding his neck, and Lei Yuan's eyes flashed with endless horror.

He was desperately struggling, but the vitality in his body was suppressed by Su Xin's death, leaving him no room for resistance.

"Su Xin! I am the deputy chief of Gangnam-do. Even if you are the chief detainer of Gangnam-do, you have no right to kill me! Even if I made a mistake, only the headquarters ordered it to be eligible to kill me!" Lei Yuan Difficult to squeeze out this sentence.

The other chief arresters standing on the side of Lei Yuan also responded one after another, for fear that Su Xin didn't know this rule, he would kill Lei Yuan with anger.

In fact, this rule is also a limitation imposed by the Six Doors Headquarters because it is afraid that the local chief catcher is the only one. Even if you want to rule out aliens, you cannot easily kill people.

Su Xin knew this rule, but he didn't mean to let go of Lei Yuan at all.

Seeing this picture of Su Xin, Lei Yuan remembered this, but this man was famous for his boldness, who dare not kill him along the way? Can the ban on six doors really stop him?

Thinking of Lei Yuan, he regretted it a bit, and he was too anxious.

He Lei Yuan has been here for decades in Jiangnan Province. The relationship between him and her is intertwined. If he wants to elevate Su Xin, there are countless ways he can slowly figure it out, but he chooses the most adventurous method. Get off the horse and force the palace directly.

Of course, it would be okay to say that when he was dismissed, Su Xinyan lost all his face in front of the many heads of Jiangnan Road. It is estimated that few people will listen to him in the future.

But if it doesn't work, just like now, Su Xin is completely angered, maybe he will kill him on the spot!

"Lei Yuan, do you really think the rules of the six doors will keep you?"

There was a taunt of teasing in Su Xin's eyes: "I did kill you in violation of the rules of the six doors. Even the position of the head of the Gangnam-do will be lost, but other than that, I will not suffer A little punishment, because I am leaning against the Tiejia, the six-door Tiejia!

I lost the position of head of Gangnam-do, but you lost your life. Who do you think is the biggest loss for us? Besides, based on your behavior, I killed you first, and then I reported to you that you violated the law and colluded with Wu Guoyu. I would n’t even punish you. "

Lei Yuan immediately shouted: "I did not collude with Wu Guoyu!"

"Now I'm the head of Gangnam-do. I said you colluded and you colluded. Do you want to try?" Su Xin sneered.

Many of the head-catchers present dared not speak up.

Even though Su Xin is not a warrior in Yuanshen Realm, but as he said, Su Xin is leaning on the Iron Family.

They clamored with Su Xin's wrists here. If Su Xin was really anxious, they would kill them directly and put on a hat that colluded with Wu Guo's sins. Maybe there is really nothing.

Loosing Lei Yuan, Su Xin threw him aside, sitting on the main seat and whispering coldly: "Send me above to take over the head of Gangnam-do. I know many of you are not convinced, but it ’s useless. Even if you do n’t send me above, do n’t you guys want to be superior! ”

As soon as this word came out, many of the chief executives present were suddenly angry, and their eyes were full of anger.

Even Zhao Yiming and successive generals who did not want to mix Su Xin with Lei Yuan and others struggled with anger at Su Xin.

No one wants to be scolded as waste.

Su Xin pointed to the people below: "What? You are not happy to say that you are waste?

Wu Guoyu has been operating in Jiangnan Province for more than ten years, and even six doors have been penetrated by them. Nearly half of the catchers and heads are controlled by those of Wu Guoyu. Then you, the rest of you, what are you doing? Are you all watching a show?

Don't tell me that you haven't noticed the changes of Wu Guo's sins for so long. If so, then you are simply not as good as waste!

One of the six doors that allowed Wu Guoyu to develop safely in Jiangnan Province for more than ten years, and even dared to help them. Even if the rest of you did not collude with those of Wu Guoyu, you think that the six doors headquarters Will he give you the position of the head catcher? "

All the people at the scene stopped talking, because Su Xin was indeed right. If they said that they did not notice the movements of Wu Guoyin, they would be too wasteful for the six doors of Jiangnan Road, but Even when they noticed it, no one went to mention it.

One is of course because Jin Wulin is controlled by the White Lotus, and the other is because they don't want to cause such a big mess at all.

People are inert. The six doors of Gangnam-do have been too cozy.

In terms of strength, the six gates of Jiangnan Road can be said to be one of the most powerful of all six gates of Da Zhou, and various cultivation resources will never be missing them.

Moreover, under the deliberate envelopment and indulgence of Jin Wulin, the atmosphere of the six doors of the entire Jiangnan Road can be described as very bad. Those who focus on investigating the investigations have not been rewarded, and those who usually cooperate with those martial arts gates Yes, it has become Jin Wulin's confidant.

In this way, almost no one focused on investigating the entire six doors. It was even more laissez-faire for those martial arts gates, which made the entire six doors of Jiangnan Road seemingly empty.

Su Xin knocked on the table and said, "Now the head of the six gates of Jiangnan Road is me, and of course I have to change this rule.

From now on, the practice resources received by the headhunters of the major prefectures will be distributed according to the credit they receive. I have the person here who is responsible for coordinating credit and verifying the records. It is him, Huang Bingcheng. "

Su Xin pointed at Huang Bingcheng behind him, which made a lot of unhappiness in the hearts of many arresters.

It was easy to get those cultivation resources, but now they have to be distributed according to merits. They are exhausted every day. They do n’t know how much they can get to complete a task. How can they be happy?

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the general heads below, Su Xin sneered in his heart. It seems that the six doors of Jiangnan Road are almost rotten.

It is quite normal to discuss the rewards of resources in the other six doors, but when you put it in Jiangnan Province, you start to play cake sharing. After you restore the normal system, you are still unwilling.

If he had seen this scene in the Iron War, it is estimated that he would be anxious to change the entire six gates of Jiangnan Road.

Su Xin knocked on the table: "Anyway, things have been settled for the time being. Of course, you can choose not to accept it. You can go to the headquarters of the Six Doors of Shengjing City and react upwards.

Do n’t think that it is a grievance to become a court eagle dog. You do n’t want to do it, but there are people waiting in line outside to join the six gates. There is nothing in Jiangnan Road, and the most important thing is the warrior. "

Su Xin's words were very harsh, and many of the chief executives present did not look good, but no one proposed to leave.

Although entering the six gates has become a court hawk, the resource treatment is even better than some major gates. They can now have such strengths as a casual repair and rely on the resources of the six gates.

So even though Lei Yuan was showing resentment towards Su Xin, he couldn't wait to go to six doors to sue Su Xin black, but he still didn't mean to take off the official robe.

"Since no one wants to leave, I will give you a task first, and report all the difficult matters in the prefectures under your jurisdiction in five days, especially regarding those martial arts gates. I would rather See what you have done in Gangnam Province these years.

Of course, do n’t even think about concealing. The Six Doors Headquarters has re-sent secret agents to Gangnam-do. I will go check with those agents to verify the problems you have reported. If you really find out that someone dare to lie, do n’t blame me No more romance. "

Said Su Xin also gave Lei Yuan a glance: "After all, not everyone has the status of deputy chief executive."

The other chief executives are all cold. Just as Su Xin said, he may be a bit troublesome when he kills Lei Yuan, but if he kills these general state chief executives, he has no worries.

The last people left with a different mind, of course, Lei Yuan must have left with resentment.

Originally, he wanted to give Su Xin a dismount, but he let Su Xin give him a dismount, and he was still standing in public. It was simply a chicken and a tamarin, and he was the slain chicken.

After everyone left, Huang Bingcheng questioned: "Boss, why didn't you just kill that Lei Yuan directly?

If you take him in public and look at the look of this old boy, you must hate us in your heart. If I said that, I might as well put a big hat on him and kill him on the spot. "

Su Xin asked, "What about the killing? Killing the first day after taking office, the Tie family will help me carry it down, but there will definitely be someone at the six doors to use this as an excuse to attack me. After all, the six doors are not iron Family alone ~ ~ Doing this will only lower me to the level of the Tie family.

What's more, killing him can really deter general headhunters in other states. You can also see Wang Jingping and others, it is clear that he is standing with Lei Yuan. I killed Lei Yuan in case he scared him. He did n’t What should I do if I take a chance?

Six doors have the rules of six doors. This rule is bad once, but if it is bad a second time, it is difficult to say.

When the Flying Eagles helped, we had to find a sound excuse for killing the superiors, let alone in the six doors. If they could not find any excuse, they would have killed Wang Jingping. This is not easy to do. "

Huang Bingcheng scratched his head. It was too long for the Flying Eagle to dominate Changning House. Now he has changed from a gangster to a government official, and his identity has not been changed yet. He thinks the problem is too simple.

"Can the boss just let them go?" Huang Bingcheng asked a little unwillingly.

A flash of coldness flashed in Su Xin's eyes: "Of course we can't just let them go so easily. There is a saying that it's good that the outside world must first settle in, and we can't do anything without solving them first." To be continued.)

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