Strongest Villain System

Chapter 246: The power of hatred

Wen Qinghe's eyes were flushed with Su Xin's words. He clenched his fists and wanted to say something, but in the end, he was frustrated.

Su Xin was right, he was indeed cowardly.

Their Wen family is close to the Fengfeng Sword School, so someone has compared him to Wu Qingyun since childhood, but he has always been inferior to each other, including now.

Especially in today's battle, his confidence was basically broken by Wu Qingyun's sword, which led him to no longer dare to raise his mind to fight Wu Qingyun, only to come here to vent his anger.

Seeing this picture of him, Su Xin smiled lightly: "Did I say that? Do you admit that you are weak? If this is the case, don't use your fist to hit the stone wall instead, and replace it with your head."

Wen Qinghe glared at Su Xin, but then he was unwilling to say: "I also want to beat Wu Qingyun, but the internal strength of my Wen family is better than that of the Fengfeng Sect. I am not afraid of the same level. Martial arts can take advantage.

But the later, the gap between me and Wu Qingyun will become larger. When there is a small realm between us, I can't defeat him even if I practice the big entanglement to Dacheng. "

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Who says that martial arts can't make up the gap brought by the realm? Are there few examples of fighting shrines with spirits on the list, or even fighting shrines with qi and sea?"

Wen Qinghe was dismayed: "But where do I find this martial art?"

Su Xin looked at him and said, "If you want to learn, I can teach you."

With this remark, Wen Qinghe immediately watched Su Xin with vigilance.

We must know that martial arts is the same as internal skill, but it is the secret of the martial arts. Even masters and apprentices will keep their hands.

Now he even encountered a warrior in Yuanshen Realm who would casually teach him a powerful martial art. Even if Wen Qinghe was simple, he had some doubts in his heart, for he was afraid that there was something wrong with him.

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Don't be so nervous. I just watch you look like me when I was young, so I'm going to help you. And I only teach you two martial arts, and I won't let you worship, let alone To return to Wen's house with you, you don't have to worry about what I will do to your Wen's house. "

Upon hearing what Su Xin said, Wen Qinghe smiled embarrassedly.

After all, worshipping a teacher is not a trivial matter. Being a teacher for a lifetime is the father. There are a lot of implication in this. If you are not careful, you will be counted.

"Senior you were insulted like me when I was young?" Wen Qinghe asked curiously.

There was a weird look on Su Xin's face, and then he nodded solemnly: "Almost, I was born in the ancestral side branch when I was young, but because my parents died early, I didn't even have the qualification to learn martial arts, and I was bullied.

In the end, fortunately, a stranger taught martial arts, so that he can fly into the sky and practice to the present level.

Now that I've escaped from the family's pastime, I was on the ring, and I also saw that Wu Qingyun's shot was too fierce, so I saved you once. "

Wen Qinghe nodded unknowingly. It seemed that the senior was even worse than himself when he was young. At least he is very good to himself now.

Su Xin coughed and said, "The two martial arts I am about to pass on are also related to your current situation.

I ask you, Wu Qingyun humiliates you in public and robs your favorite woman. Do you hate him, do you want to kill him? "

Wen Qinghe said with red eyes: "Of course I want to!"

"Very well, if you have hatred in your heart, you must use the power of hatred to turn it into your own strength, and use the hatred and hatred in your heart to defeat Wu Qingyun."

Su Xin explained to Wen Qinghe, an unpredictable look.

Wen Qinghe wondered: "How can hatred become its own strength? Even if I hate Wu Qingyun again and fight hard to practice, I can't break through to the spiritual realm and defeat him all at once."

Su Xin smiled and said, "You feel my own power now, and I'll show you how much the power of hatred is."

Su Xin's momentum changed, and he turned his breath down to zero, so that others could not perceive himself, but now Su Xin is controlling his strength at the beginning of the spiritual state. He just opened his eyes. It looks the same as Wen Qinghe.

"Come on, this is the power of hatred!"

The words fell, and Su Xin threw a punch at Shibi.

hate! hate! hate! Hateful!

Hate the sky is unjust, hate the world without eyes!

Hate Ji Quan!

Under the hate boxing, the huge mountain wall with a height of more than ten feet was directly bombarded by Su Xin with a huge pot of one foot wide and five feet deep. The wide crack instantly covered the entire mountain wall. , Making the earth shake twice, as if the ground was cracking.

Wen Qinghe was stunned and looked at all this. Is this really the destructive power that can be caused by the strength of the innate spirit?

But it's not over yet, Su Xin turned around and slammed out, his palms were violent, and his palms were full of hatred! The hatred is deep like the sea!


A violent explosion came, and a large piece of gravel fell, and the entire mountain wall was directly smashed in half under Su Xin's hate fist and hate palm!

Su Xin pulled Wen Qinghe back and pulled away to avoid being hit by the rubble.

Looking at Wen Qinghe who was still stunned at this time, Su Xin asked with a smile: "Do you still think that hatred is not strong?"

Wen Qinghe was completely shocked. He never imagined that a punch and a palm made with the power of hatred could exert such great power.

If he can use this hate fist and hatred in the ring, Wu Qingyun can't even stop him with a punch!

After being shocked, Wen Qinghe showed ecstasy. He pulled Su Xin's sleeve and asked, "Senior, are you preparing these two tricks for me?"

Su Xin nodded, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Yes, these are the two types of martial arts that I am going to give to you. They can release the power of hatred in your heart to the maximum. Similarly, these two tricks Only to those who have hatred in their hearts. "

Since then, in the afternoon, Wen Qinghe has been learning these two tricks with Su Xin from Ji Xinquan and Qiu Ji Palm.

When the sunset came to the west, Su channel: "Okay, you can go back. Tomorrow tomorrow, you can continue to come and learn with me."

Wen Qinghe hesitated, "Senior, can I tell my father about the two types of martial arts with you?"

Su Xin didn't answer, but asked instead: "Are you going to seek revenge from Wu Qingyun immediately after you finish your studies?"

Wen Qinghe said: "Of course I want to!"

Su Channel: "Then you think you told your father all this, will he allow you to do it with Wu Qingyun yourself?"

Wen Qinghe thought for a while, and was suddenly discouraged.

His father usually doted him, but this doting was limited. He would not let Wen Qinghe mess up and affect the interests of the Wen family.

The Wen family and the Fengfeng Sword faction only had some small friction. If Wen Qinghe shot, no matter whether Wen Qinghe was injured or Wu Qingyun was injured, the two forces would be forced to do it again, and the gain would outweigh the gains.

The most important thing is that if the Wen family is strong, it isn't themselves who lose out anyway.

But the problem is that the Wen family is weak. The strength of the Fengfeng Sect is better than the Wen family.

This is why Wu Qingyun dared to attack Wen Qinghe fiercely, because even if they fight, they are not afraid of the Jianfeng Sect.

Thinking of this, Wen Qinghe decided not to tell his father about this.

Before leaving, Wen Qinghe seemed to remember something, and asked Su Xin: "Yes, I haven't asked your name yet."

Su Xin shook his head and said, "The names are all foreign objects. You and I are together to have a fate. When I give these two tricks to you, I will leave. Why bother with a title? You still just call my senior."

Wen Qinghe suddenly respected him. He had previously suspected that his predecessor had misbehaved towards him, but now he is a little embarrassed to think about it.

After bidding farewell to Su Xin, Wen Qinghe left directly, and Su Xin also turned to leave, with a smile on his face.

After Wen Qinghe returned to the Wen family, Wen Mingyu, the head of the Wen family, immediately rushed over when he heard the news.

He had previously heard news that Wen Qinghe had left alone after the test, and he was a little worried.

However, this is Jiangnan Mansion, the hinterland of the Central Plains, Wen Qinghe also has a spiritual practice, he did not send anyone to look for it, only hope that Wen Qinghe took a walk to vent his breath and feel better.

Wen Qinghe's mother died early, but Wen Mingyu never married.

And for his son, Wen Mingyu is training with all his heart and soul, but unfortunately, Wen Qinghe ’s city is still too shallow, which led to the ridicule of Wu Qingyun and he was stimulated to lose his reason.

After Wen Mingyu saw that Wen Qinghe was okay, he was relieved and comforted: "Qing He, don't worry, you lose when you lose your spiritual eyes. When there was no spiritual eyes before, did my Wen family practice the same?

As for women, don't worry, I've specifically searched for a few good women for you, including the daughter of the owner of the Valley of the Wind, the age of 18 ~ ~. The daughters of the Chen family who are not in the family are much better. "

Wen Qinghe's complexion suddenly changed, and Leng hummed: "No, I only like Chen Qing'er in my life. Father, you don't need to worry about it, I will use my own strength to take back Qing'er!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Qinghe shook his hands and closed the door, and returned to his house.

Seeing Wen Qinghe's attitude, Wen Mingyu patted him with a headache.

He protected his son so well that Wen Qinghe's mentality and his strength were severely mismatched, so he would definitely suffer in the future.

What's more, Wen Qinghe's infatuated temperament has also inherited him, but now it has become a trouble.

If other women are okay to say, but now the daughter of the Chen family has been sent out by the Fengfeng Sword. Even if he wants to come forward to make peace, the Fengfeng Sword will not agree. The reason is also related to the face of the Jianfeng Sect.

Wen Mingyu sighed, turned and left, and took a step. (To be continued.)

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